Sally C. Pipes


A President Harris Would Mean Good-Bye To Private Insurance

Since announcing her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president, Senator Kamala Harris hasn’t been able to make up her mind about whether she wants to eliminate private health insurance. At a CNN town hall in January, she voiced support for nixing private insurance, stating, “Let’s eliminate all of that. ...
Health Care

The Bob Zadek Show interviews Sally C. Pipes on KTRB 860 AM on single-payer healthcare plans

Sally C. Pipes, PRI’s President and CEO, discussed single-payer healthcare and Medicare For All plans offered by the 2020 Democratic candidates on the Bob Zadek Show on KTRB The Answer. Click below to listen to the segment.

‘Medicare-for-all’ would be hazardous to the health of seniors – Rationed care could be deadly

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., had a run-in with the Greatest Generation on Aug. 12. Roberta Jewell, a resident at the Bickford Senior Living Center in Muscatine, Iowa, told the Democratic presidential hopeful to “leave our health care alone.” Like many Americans, Jewell is reluctant to embrace the “Medicare-for-all” plans Harris ...

Union workers, be careful what you wish for – 2020 Dems might ruin your excellent health benefits

This month, 19 Democratic presidential candidates gathered in Las Vegas to court the union vote at a forum hosted by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the country’s largest public-sector union. Some candidates took this opportunity to plug their plans for a government takeover of the nation’s health care system, which ...

Louisiana Tries Hard, But Federal Obstacles Cause Hepatitis C Plan To Fall Short

A state and a biopharmaceutical company agreed recently on a new way to pay for treating patients with Hepatitis C, the most deadly infectious disease in America. At a time when politicians and drug companies are squabbling over drug prices, the deal between Louisiana and Asegua, a subsidiary of Gilead Sciences, ...

Foreign drugs import danger

The Trump administration just announced it is taking steps to introduce a “safe importation action” pilot program authorizing states, wholesalers, and pharmacists to import drugs from Canada under one scenario and from other countries under another scenario. There is no specific timeline for implementation of a plan yet. According to the Secretary of ...

Judge Delivers A Big Victory For Affordable Health Care

Just over two weeks ago, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon upheld a Trump administration rule that expands access to short-term, limited duration health plans. The ruling represents a major victory for those in need of affordable health coverage. But the plaintiffs are appealing the ruling. And many states have already ...

Sally Pipes Fox News Op-Ed: Socialized medicine for all is favored by Dem presidential hopefuls – Despite their denials

Health care took center stage when 20 Democratic presidential hopefuls debated in Detroit this week. Only a few candidates pledged to implement “Medicare-for-all.” The rest proposed a variety of plans aimed at achieving universal coverage, which they claimed are more “moderate” alternatives. Don’t believe it. Every Democratic candidate’s plan will ...
Health Care

Watch Sally C. Pipes on C-SPAN discuss Medicare For All

Watch Sally C. Pipes, PRI’s President and CEO, discusses Medicare For ALL at a Heritage Foundation event in Washington D.C. Ms. Pipes remarks begin at the 57 minute-mark. Watch here
Health Care

Watch Sally C. Pipes Discuss Medicare for All with the Heritage Foundation

Sally C. Pipes joins a panel at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. to discuss how the real life costs of Medicare for All will impact Americans.

A President Harris Would Mean Good-Bye To Private Insurance

Since announcing her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president, Senator Kamala Harris hasn’t been able to make up her mind about whether she wants to eliminate private health insurance. At a CNN town hall in January, she voiced support for nixing private insurance, stating, “Let’s eliminate all of that. ...
Health Care

The Bob Zadek Show interviews Sally C. Pipes on KTRB 860 AM on single-payer healthcare plans

Sally C. Pipes, PRI’s President and CEO, discussed single-payer healthcare and Medicare For All plans offered by the 2020 Democratic candidates on the Bob Zadek Show on KTRB The Answer. Click below to listen to the segment.

‘Medicare-for-all’ would be hazardous to the health of seniors – Rationed care could be deadly

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., had a run-in with the Greatest Generation on Aug. 12. Roberta Jewell, a resident at the Bickford Senior Living Center in Muscatine, Iowa, told the Democratic presidential hopeful to “leave our health care alone.” Like many Americans, Jewell is reluctant to embrace the “Medicare-for-all” plans Harris ...

Union workers, be careful what you wish for – 2020 Dems might ruin your excellent health benefits

This month, 19 Democratic presidential candidates gathered in Las Vegas to court the union vote at a forum hosted by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the country’s largest public-sector union. Some candidates took this opportunity to plug their plans for a government takeover of the nation’s health care system, which ...

Louisiana Tries Hard, But Federal Obstacles Cause Hepatitis C Plan To Fall Short

A state and a biopharmaceutical company agreed recently on a new way to pay for treating patients with Hepatitis C, the most deadly infectious disease in America. At a time when politicians and drug companies are squabbling over drug prices, the deal between Louisiana and Asegua, a subsidiary of Gilead Sciences, ...

Foreign drugs import danger

The Trump administration just announced it is taking steps to introduce a “safe importation action” pilot program authorizing states, wholesalers, and pharmacists to import drugs from Canada under one scenario and from other countries under another scenario. There is no specific timeline for implementation of a plan yet. According to the Secretary of ...

Judge Delivers A Big Victory For Affordable Health Care

Just over two weeks ago, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon upheld a Trump administration rule that expands access to short-term, limited duration health plans. The ruling represents a major victory for those in need of affordable health coverage. But the plaintiffs are appealing the ruling. And many states have already ...

Sally Pipes Fox News Op-Ed: Socialized medicine for all is favored by Dem presidential hopefuls – Despite their denials

Health care took center stage when 20 Democratic presidential hopefuls debated in Detroit this week. Only a few candidates pledged to implement “Medicare-for-all.” The rest proposed a variety of plans aimed at achieving universal coverage, which they claimed are more “moderate” alternatives. Don’t believe it. Every Democratic candidate’s plan will ...
Health Care

Watch Sally C. Pipes on C-SPAN discuss Medicare For All

Watch Sally C. Pipes, PRI’s President and CEO, discusses Medicare For ALL at a Heritage Foundation event in Washington D.C. Ms. Pipes remarks begin at the 57 minute-mark. Watch here
Health Care

Watch Sally C. Pipes Discuss Medicare for All with the Heritage Foundation

Sally C. Pipes joins a panel at the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C. to discuss how the real life costs of Medicare for All will impact Americans.
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