Sally C. Pipes


President fudges facts on health care proposal

San Diego Union-Tribune, October 4, 2009 Real Clear Politics, October 4, 2009 President Barack Obama’s much-anticipated speech to Congress was intended to alleviate growing public concerns about his plan to overhaul American health care. Instead, the president sidestepped legitimate questions about his reform effort and offered up a litany of ...

‘Reform’ horrors: O’s Total Disconnect

The New York Post, September 30, 2009 The disconnect is just about perfect: President Obama’s utopian promises for what his health-care agenda would bring are the opposite of what the plans on the table would produce. In his Sept. 9 speech before Congress, he laid out three principles. “It will ...

Health-reform follies: Who’s more efficient?

New York Post, September 19, 2009 OF all the wishful thinking, denial of realities and blatantly false assertions that surround President Obama’s push for government-dominated health care, the biggest whopper is the claim that public administration will be more efficient than private health plans. Taxpayers won’t be subsidizing the public ...
Health Care

Senate Bill Would Tax Those Who Heal

Investor’s Business Daily, September 14, 2009 National Center for Policy Analysis, September 16, 2009 For several months now, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., has been drafting a health reform bill with a bipartisan group of three Republicans and three Democrats designed to garner support from both parties. Just ...

Killing insurance

Prez’s promises a death knell In his Wednesday speech, President Obama fired up the troops on the urgency of reducing the number of uninsured in this country and achieving universal coverage via insurance regulations and forcing all Americans to buy insurance. Under his plan, insurers would be faced with “guaranteed ...

Having It All

Last night, President Obama gave a passionate 48-minute address to Congress and the nation laying out his views on health-care reform. It was his 29th speech on the topic. He made the case for a government takeover of health care — even while promising that nothing will change for the ...
Business & Economics

Bean Counting Comes to Broadway

The theatre of the absurd enjoyed a run on Broadway this summer as the theatrical world reacted to the publication of a new study on gender bias. Opening the Curtain on Playwright Gender, by Princeton economics student Emily Glassberg Sands, features a three-part inquiry into the scarcity of female playwrights ...

An ounce of prevention is no cost-saving cure

In the debate over health care reform, preventive medicine has become almost everyone’s panacea. During recent campaign-style town hall meetings in New Hampshire, Colorado and Montana, President Barack Obama never missed an opportunity to claim that preventive care and wellness programs would save money and lives. Yet there are some ...

Obama plan is stealth for a single payer system

San Jose Mercury News, August 27, 2009 At a recent town hall meeting in New Hampshire, President Barack Obama promised that health care reform will not threaten private insurance coverage. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,” he said. “This is not about ...

O’s Rx: Break It

The New York Post, August 25, 2009 PRESIDENT Obama and his allies in Congress seem to have decided that the best way to fix the private health-insurance market is to break it completely. Polls have prompted them to shift from health-care reform to “health-insurance reform.” Combine this with a government-funded, ...

President fudges facts on health care proposal

San Diego Union-Tribune, October 4, 2009 Real Clear Politics, October 4, 2009 President Barack Obama’s much-anticipated speech to Congress was intended to alleviate growing public concerns about his plan to overhaul American health care. Instead, the president sidestepped legitimate questions about his reform effort and offered up a litany of ...

‘Reform’ horrors: O’s Total Disconnect

The New York Post, September 30, 2009 The disconnect is just about perfect: President Obama’s utopian promises for what his health-care agenda would bring are the opposite of what the plans on the table would produce. In his Sept. 9 speech before Congress, he laid out three principles. “It will ...

Health-reform follies: Who’s more efficient?

New York Post, September 19, 2009 OF all the wishful thinking, denial of realities and blatantly false assertions that surround President Obama’s push for government-dominated health care, the biggest whopper is the claim that public administration will be more efficient than private health plans. Taxpayers won’t be subsidizing the public ...
Health Care

Senate Bill Would Tax Those Who Heal

Investor’s Business Daily, September 14, 2009 National Center for Policy Analysis, September 16, 2009 For several months now, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., has been drafting a health reform bill with a bipartisan group of three Republicans and three Democrats designed to garner support from both parties. Just ...

Killing insurance

Prez’s promises a death knell In his Wednesday speech, President Obama fired up the troops on the urgency of reducing the number of uninsured in this country and achieving universal coverage via insurance regulations and forcing all Americans to buy insurance. Under his plan, insurers would be faced with “guaranteed ...

Having It All

Last night, President Obama gave a passionate 48-minute address to Congress and the nation laying out his views on health-care reform. It was his 29th speech on the topic. He made the case for a government takeover of health care — even while promising that nothing will change for the ...
Business & Economics

Bean Counting Comes to Broadway

The theatre of the absurd enjoyed a run on Broadway this summer as the theatrical world reacted to the publication of a new study on gender bias. Opening the Curtain on Playwright Gender, by Princeton economics student Emily Glassberg Sands, features a three-part inquiry into the scarcity of female playwrights ...

An ounce of prevention is no cost-saving cure

In the debate over health care reform, preventive medicine has become almost everyone’s panacea. During recent campaign-style town hall meetings in New Hampshire, Colorado and Montana, President Barack Obama never missed an opportunity to claim that preventive care and wellness programs would save money and lives. Yet there are some ...

Obama plan is stealth for a single payer system

San Jose Mercury News, August 27, 2009 At a recent town hall meeting in New Hampshire, President Barack Obama promised that health care reform will not threaten private insurance coverage. “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan,” he said. “This is not about ...

O’s Rx: Break It

The New York Post, August 25, 2009 PRESIDENT Obama and his allies in Congress seem to have decided that the best way to fix the private health-insurance market is to break it completely. Polls have prompted them to shift from health-care reform to “health-insurance reform.” Combine this with a government-funded, ...
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