Sally C. Pipes

Business & Economics

Health Reform Would Bury Small Business

Investor’s Business Daily, November 6, 2009 President Obama recently delivered a special address aimed at quelling small-business owners’ concerns about Democratic plans for health care reform. The legislation, he assured, would “benefit millions of small businesses” and was “being written with the interests of Americans like you and your employees ...

How best to lower health care costs?

San Diego Union-Tribune, November 4, 2009 In a recent column, David Broder proclaimed that “no one should be denied coverage options by virtue of where they live.” “Health care and states’ rights,” (Oct. 30). That’s exactly why Congress should allow consumers to purchase health insurance across state lines. Insurance regulations ...
Business & Economics

Why Feminists Make No Allowance for Women’s Choices

A recent story in the British Daily Telegraph confirms that feminists think they have found a new wage gap in children’s allowances. Echoing several recent studies in the United States and Australia, the UK’s Co-operative Investments Child Trust Fund finds that parents give their sons 10 percent more spending money ...

Understanding all the facts about the uninsured

President Obama is going for broke on health care. He and his Democratic allies call for controls on insurance companies, mandates and penalties on individuals and employers, new excise taxes on insurance, drug, and medical device companies, and the creation of a new government-run insurance plan. To support his sweeping ...

The Middle-Class Health Tax Heist Of 2009

Investor’s Business Daily, October 23, 2009 The Kansas Progess, October 26, 2009 Pouring over the details of the 1,501-page health care bill that came out of Sen. Max Baucus’ Finance Committee, it’s clear that the financing is so full of smoke and mirrors that one has to wear a respirator ...

Health-Care Reform: Where Do We Go From Here?

The Senate Finance Committee approved a health-care bill Tuesday in a 14-9 vote. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that Chairman Baucus’s plan would cost $829 billion over ten years and that it would reduce the federal deficit by $81 billion by 2019. The bill would be supported in part ...

Obama flip-flops on insurance mandate

San Francisco Chronicle, October 13, 2009 President Obama has promised that his health reform plan will lower costs and expand coverage. He and his Democratic allies are counting on an “individual mandate,” or a requirement that everyone purchase health insurance, to achieve these goals. But Obama hasn’t always been gung ...

Baucus’ Hefty Bill

The New York Post, October 9, 2009 So the Congressional Budget Office has produced the product that Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and President Obama needed: a contorted acknowledgement that — if taxes are hiked, Medicaid expanded and Medicare reimbursements slashed permanently by 25 percent—Baucus’ $829 billion bill will ...

Democrats’ Strategy: Fake Center, Go Left

During his recent media blitz to tout the Democratic health care plan, President Obama tried to frame the debate by asking: “What’s the right role of government? How do we balance freedom with our need to look after one another?” Good questions. A quick look at Sen. Max Baucus’ reform ...
Business & Economics

Is the Recession Harder on Women than Men?

“During the current economic crisis, high-flying women have been overlooked for promotion, according to a study out Tuesday,” read the August 19 CNN headline, above the subtitle, “At the upper level of management, business is still dominated by men.” The study in question was Opportunity or Setback? High Potential Women ...
Business & Economics

Health Reform Would Bury Small Business

Investor’s Business Daily, November 6, 2009 President Obama recently delivered a special address aimed at quelling small-business owners’ concerns about Democratic plans for health care reform. The legislation, he assured, would “benefit millions of small businesses” and was “being written with the interests of Americans like you and your employees ...

How best to lower health care costs?

San Diego Union-Tribune, November 4, 2009 In a recent column, David Broder proclaimed that “no one should be denied coverage options by virtue of where they live.” “Health care and states’ rights,” (Oct. 30). That’s exactly why Congress should allow consumers to purchase health insurance across state lines. Insurance regulations ...
Business & Economics

Why Feminists Make No Allowance for Women’s Choices

A recent story in the British Daily Telegraph confirms that feminists think they have found a new wage gap in children’s allowances. Echoing several recent studies in the United States and Australia, the UK’s Co-operative Investments Child Trust Fund finds that parents give their sons 10 percent more spending money ...

Understanding all the facts about the uninsured

President Obama is going for broke on health care. He and his Democratic allies call for controls on insurance companies, mandates and penalties on individuals and employers, new excise taxes on insurance, drug, and medical device companies, and the creation of a new government-run insurance plan. To support his sweeping ...

The Middle-Class Health Tax Heist Of 2009

Investor’s Business Daily, October 23, 2009 The Kansas Progess, October 26, 2009 Pouring over the details of the 1,501-page health care bill that came out of Sen. Max Baucus’ Finance Committee, it’s clear that the financing is so full of smoke and mirrors that one has to wear a respirator ...

Health-Care Reform: Where Do We Go From Here?

The Senate Finance Committee approved a health-care bill Tuesday in a 14-9 vote. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimated that Chairman Baucus’s plan would cost $829 billion over ten years and that it would reduce the federal deficit by $81 billion by 2019. The bill would be supported in part ...

Obama flip-flops on insurance mandate

San Francisco Chronicle, October 13, 2009 President Obama has promised that his health reform plan will lower costs and expand coverage. He and his Democratic allies are counting on an “individual mandate,” or a requirement that everyone purchase health insurance, to achieve these goals. But Obama hasn’t always been gung ...

Baucus’ Hefty Bill

The New York Post, October 9, 2009 So the Congressional Budget Office has produced the product that Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and President Obama needed: a contorted acknowledgement that — if taxes are hiked, Medicaid expanded and Medicare reimbursements slashed permanently by 25 percent—Baucus’ $829 billion bill will ...

Democrats’ Strategy: Fake Center, Go Left

During his recent media blitz to tout the Democratic health care plan, President Obama tried to frame the debate by asking: “What’s the right role of government? How do we balance freedom with our need to look after one another?” Good questions. A quick look at Sen. Max Baucus’ reform ...
Business & Economics

Is the Recession Harder on Women than Men?

“During the current economic crisis, high-flying women have been overlooked for promotion, according to a study out Tuesday,” read the August 19 CNN headline, above the subtitle, “At the upper level of management, business is still dominated by men.” The study in question was Opportunity or Setback? High Potential Women ...
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