Sally C. Pipes
Thanks To ObamaCare, Many Will Lose Health Coverage
Wal-Mart just announced that it will not offer health insurance to new employees who work less than 30 hours a week. It’s reserved the right to do the same for existing workers. For these new policies, Wal-Mart’s employees can thank ObamaCare. The federal health reform law’s “employer mandate” requires companies ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 26, 2012
In 2013, Millions Of Americans Face Obamacare Tax Hikes
As part of the negotiations over the fiscal cliff, Congress and President Obama are battling over whether to raise marginal tax rates at the very top of the income ladder. Regardless of how these talks turn out, millions of Americans are already facing tax hikes thanks to Obamacare. Obamacares authors ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 25, 2012
Congress should put Medicare out of its misery now
As Republican leaders in Congress prepare to negotiate over the federal budget with their Democratic counterparts in the aftermath of the election, its time for everyone to face a hard truth we must end Medicare as we know it. The entitlement is bleeding to death. Without major changes, it ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 15, 2012
Obamacare vs. the Constitution: Part Deux
Is the Supreme Court ready to go a second round with Obamacare? Last week, the justices signaled that they just might be. That’s good news for opponents of the law — and bad news for those still struggling to defend it. And it’s a reminder of how much is at ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 15, 2012
Obamacare’s Cruel War On Patient-Centered Healthcare
In just a few weeks, when the calendar flips to 2013, millions of Americans will get their first taste of Obamacare a $2,500 cap on their flexible spending accounts. Thats down from the previous $5,000 cap and thus equivalent to a tax hike for any family that had ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 10, 2012
States looking to exchange Obamacare’s insurance exchanges
The next act in the Obamacare saga is about to begin — and it’s going to be tragic. December 14 marks the deadline for states to reveal their plans for constructing insurance exchanges in line with the healthcare law’s dictates. Many are opting out — leaving the federal government to ...
Sally C. Pipes
December 4, 2012
A free market will help fix health care
Neurologists are about to feel the sting of the Affordable Care Act. Beginning Jan. 1, Medicare will be paying them less for electrodiagnostic procedures used in identifying and treating a wide range of nerve and muscle disorders. Reimbursement rates for some tests will be slashed by more than 50 percent, ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 28, 2012
Obamacare’s Rationers Employ The “It’s Good For You” Defense
Obamacares backers have a plan to justify their attempts to ration medicine by saying that its good for you. Through 2019, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act otherwise known as Obamacare will allocate some $3.5 billion toward Comparative Effectiveness Research, or CER, which pits drug versus ...
Sally C. Pipes
November 26, 2012
To Cure Rare Diseases, Unleash Orphan Drug Innovations
Last month, the City of Pittsburgh hosted the 35th annual Great Race, a charity run that raises money for the Richard S. Caliguiri Amyloidosis Research Fund. Caliguiri, a former Pittsburgh mayor, died of this rare protein disorder, and a portion of the race proceeds are used to help find a ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 29, 2012
ObamaCare Drives More Americans To The Public Dole
The U.S. Census recently announced that the number of Americans without health insurance in 2011 fell for the first time in three years, to 48.6 million. That’s a decrease of 1.3 million from the 2010 figure. Sounds like good news. But a closer look at the data suggests that this ...
Sally C. Pipes
October 26, 2012
Thanks To ObamaCare, Many Will Lose Health Coverage
Wal-Mart just announced that it will not offer health insurance to new employees who work less than 30 hours a week. It’s reserved the right to do the same for existing workers. For these new policies, Wal-Mart’s employees can thank ObamaCare. The federal health reform law’s “employer mandate” requires companies ...
In 2013, Millions Of Americans Face Obamacare Tax Hikes
As part of the negotiations over the fiscal cliff, Congress and President Obama are battling over whether to raise marginal tax rates at the very top of the income ladder. Regardless of how these talks turn out, millions of Americans are already facing tax hikes thanks to Obamacare. Obamacares authors ...
Congress should put Medicare out of its misery now
As Republican leaders in Congress prepare to negotiate over the federal budget with their Democratic counterparts in the aftermath of the election, its time for everyone to face a hard truth we must end Medicare as we know it. The entitlement is bleeding to death. Without major changes, it ...
Obamacare vs. the Constitution: Part Deux
Is the Supreme Court ready to go a second round with Obamacare? Last week, the justices signaled that they just might be. That’s good news for opponents of the law — and bad news for those still struggling to defend it. And it’s a reminder of how much is at ...
Obamacare’s Cruel War On Patient-Centered Healthcare
In just a few weeks, when the calendar flips to 2013, millions of Americans will get their first taste of Obamacare a $2,500 cap on their flexible spending accounts. Thats down from the previous $5,000 cap and thus equivalent to a tax hike for any family that had ...
States looking to exchange Obamacare’s insurance exchanges
The next act in the Obamacare saga is about to begin — and it’s going to be tragic. December 14 marks the deadline for states to reveal their plans for constructing insurance exchanges in line with the healthcare law’s dictates. Many are opting out — leaving the federal government to ...
A free market will help fix health care
Neurologists are about to feel the sting of the Affordable Care Act. Beginning Jan. 1, Medicare will be paying them less for electrodiagnostic procedures used in identifying and treating a wide range of nerve and muscle disorders. Reimbursement rates for some tests will be slashed by more than 50 percent, ...
Obamacare’s Rationers Employ The “It’s Good For You” Defense
Obamacares backers have a plan to justify their attempts to ration medicine by saying that its good for you. Through 2019, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act otherwise known as Obamacare will allocate some $3.5 billion toward Comparative Effectiveness Research, or CER, which pits drug versus ...
To Cure Rare Diseases, Unleash Orphan Drug Innovations
Last month, the City of Pittsburgh hosted the 35th annual Great Race, a charity run that raises money for the Richard S. Caliguiri Amyloidosis Research Fund. Caliguiri, a former Pittsburgh mayor, died of this rare protein disorder, and a portion of the race proceeds are used to help find a ...
ObamaCare Drives More Americans To The Public Dole
The U.S. Census recently announced that the number of Americans without health insurance in 2011 fell for the first time in three years, to 48.6 million. That’s a decrease of 1.3 million from the 2010 figure. Sounds like good news. But a closer look at the data suggests that this ...