Sally C. Pipes


Follow the State’s Lead to Better Medicaid

By any objective measure, Medicaid is a failure. It provides substandard care at an ever increasing cost to taxpayers. When a Republican Congress and a Democrat president worked together to end another failing program – welfare as we knew it — we achieved something rare in public policy: success. We ...
Business & Economics

Small-Business Health Care Tax Credits Are having a Miniscule Impact

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council recently surveyed 304 small business owners about how satisfied they were with the new healthcare reform law’s tax credits. Nearly 90% had not applied for the credits. Some had no idea they existed, others were deemed ineligible, and more than a fifth found that ...

Medicaid Mess-up

Last week, government officials discovered that up to 3 million middle-class Americans — with annual incomes as high as $64,000 — could qualify for Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor, thanks to Obamacare. Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard Foster, summed the situation up nicely: “[T]hat just doesn’t make ...

Price Caps Will Only Cap Availability of Insurance

Earlier this month, the California Assembly voted to give the state insurance commissioner the power to reject health insurance rate hikes that he deemed “excessive.” The state senate must now take up the measure, known as AB 52. A week later, AB 52 effectively went national. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) ...

Will Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Survive Obamacare?

Reports from consulting firms don’t normally make national news. Then again, most such reports don’t predict the downfall of the American health care system. Earlier this month, the consulting group McKinsey projected that tens of millions of Americans could find themselves without the health coverage they now get through their ...

Even Obamacare’s Supporters Don’t Support the Rationing Board

The House Energy and Commerce Committee just scheduled hearings for next month on one of the most controversial components of ObamaCare — the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). This 15-member, unelected Board will be charged with making recommendations for reducing Medicare spending if costs exceed a specified cap. Those recommendations ...

Single Payer Health Care Systems, Multiple Health Care Disasters

Democrats have recently seized on a novel way of reducing health care costs — threats. The Obama Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced that any insurance company that wants to increase premiums more than 10% will have to get approval from the government. Congress didn’t pass ...

Candid Romney Would Own Up To Mass. Fiasco

Massachusetts health reform is in the news — driven by reports of long waits for care and its architect’s presidential ambitions. Former Massachusetts governor and GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney delivered a widely panned speech the week before last on health care. The three-part speech attempted the impossible: It defended ...
Health Care

Are Hospitals Being Stiffed by the Uninsured?

“The whole issue is that people need to take control of their lives, people need to not think of health care as an entitlement, they need to get health insurance, and you know it is possible. When you break down that 50.7 million Americans who don’t have insurance at one ...

New Health Care Law Cripples State Budgets

America’s fiscal crisis is about to explode. In 2010 state budget deficits reached an all-time high of $191 billion. Former New York Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch has predicted that state deficits could reach a staggering $500 billion this year when the stimulus funds propping up state budgets run out in ...

Follow the State’s Lead to Better Medicaid

By any objective measure, Medicaid is a failure. It provides substandard care at an ever increasing cost to taxpayers. When a Republican Congress and a Democrat president worked together to end another failing program – welfare as we knew it — we achieved something rare in public policy: success. We ...
Business & Economics

Small-Business Health Care Tax Credits Are having a Miniscule Impact

The Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council recently surveyed 304 small business owners about how satisfied they were with the new healthcare reform law’s tax credits. Nearly 90% had not applied for the credits. Some had no idea they existed, others were deemed ineligible, and more than a fifth found that ...

Medicaid Mess-up

Last week, government officials discovered that up to 3 million middle-class Americans — with annual incomes as high as $64,000 — could qualify for Medicaid, the government health insurance program for the poor, thanks to Obamacare. Medicare’s chief actuary, Richard Foster, summed the situation up nicely: “[T]hat just doesn’t make ...

Price Caps Will Only Cap Availability of Insurance

Earlier this month, the California Assembly voted to give the state insurance commissioner the power to reject health insurance rate hikes that he deemed “excessive.” The state senate must now take up the measure, known as AB 52. A week later, AB 52 effectively went national. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) ...

Will Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Survive Obamacare?

Reports from consulting firms don’t normally make national news. Then again, most such reports don’t predict the downfall of the American health care system. Earlier this month, the consulting group McKinsey projected that tens of millions of Americans could find themselves without the health coverage they now get through their ...

Even Obamacare’s Supporters Don’t Support the Rationing Board

The House Energy and Commerce Committee just scheduled hearings for next month on one of the most controversial components of ObamaCare — the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). This 15-member, unelected Board will be charged with making recommendations for reducing Medicare spending if costs exceed a specified cap. Those recommendations ...

Single Payer Health Care Systems, Multiple Health Care Disasters

Democrats have recently seized on a novel way of reducing health care costs — threats. The Obama Administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced that any insurance company that wants to increase premiums more than 10% will have to get approval from the government. Congress didn’t pass ...

Candid Romney Would Own Up To Mass. Fiasco

Massachusetts health reform is in the news — driven by reports of long waits for care and its architect’s presidential ambitions. Former Massachusetts governor and GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney delivered a widely panned speech the week before last on health care. The three-part speech attempted the impossible: It defended ...
Health Care

Are Hospitals Being Stiffed by the Uninsured?

“The whole issue is that people need to take control of their lives, people need to not think of health care as an entitlement, they need to get health insurance, and you know it is possible. When you break down that 50.7 million Americans who don’t have insurance at one ...

New Health Care Law Cripples State Budgets

America’s fiscal crisis is about to explode. In 2010 state budget deficits reached an all-time high of $191 billion. Former New York Lt. Gov. Richard Ravitch has predicted that state deficits could reach a staggering $500 billion this year when the stimulus funds propping up state budgets run out in ...
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