Phil Britt

Business & Economics

Private Firm Solves U.S. DTV Coupon Woes

The transition to digital broadcast television has been delayed until June, causing confusion because some broadcasters already switched as scheduled on February 17. One company is helping consumers quickly adjust—proof that the private sector is doing a better job preparing the public for the switch than the federal government has. ...
Business & Economics

Comcast VoIP Actions Draw New FCC Scrutiny

Info Tech & Telecom News (Heartland Institute), April 1, 2009 The Federal Communications Commission, which has sanctioned Comcast for impeding peer-to-peer traffic on its servers, has sent a letter to the cable and Internet service company demanding an explanation why it appears to favor its own digital telephone services over ...
Business & Economics

Houston’s Wi-Fi, ‘Bubble’ Plan Both Fail

The city of Houston’s plan for municipal wi-fi began with the best of intentions: A grand plan to blanket the city with a wireless “cloud” providing cheap Internet access for the masses. When that project failed in 2007, as it has in many other places, the city turned to a ...
Business & Economics

‘Absurd’ Tech Tax Is Repealed in Maryland

Info Tech & Telecom News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 The Maryland legislature has passed legislation to remove the state’s so-called tech tax, a levy on computer services. Under the legislation, the tax will be replaced with a new income tax on residents earning more than $1 million annually, which ...
Business & Economics

Private Firm Solves U.S. DTV Coupon Woes

The transition to digital broadcast television has been delayed until June, causing confusion because some broadcasters already switched as scheduled on February 17. One company is helping consumers quickly adjust—proof that the private sector is doing a better job preparing the public for the switch than the federal government has. ...
Business & Economics

Comcast VoIP Actions Draw New FCC Scrutiny

Info Tech & Telecom News (Heartland Institute), April 1, 2009 The Federal Communications Commission, which has sanctioned Comcast for impeding peer-to-peer traffic on its servers, has sent a letter to the cable and Internet service company demanding an explanation why it appears to favor its own digital telephone services over ...
Business & Economics

Houston’s Wi-Fi, ‘Bubble’ Plan Both Fail

The city of Houston’s plan for municipal wi-fi began with the best of intentions: A grand plan to blanket the city with a wireless “cloud” providing cheap Internet access for the masses. When that project failed in 2007, as it has in many other places, the city turned to a ...
Business & Economics

‘Absurd’ Tech Tax Is Repealed in Maryland

Info Tech & Telecom News (Heartland Institute), June 1, 2008 The Maryland legislature has passed legislation to remove the state’s so-called tech tax, a levy on computer services. Under the legislation, the tax will be replaced with a new income tax on residents earning more than $1 million annually, which ...
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