Pacific Research Institute


Pacific Research Institute Responds to Janus Ruling

Scholars at the Pacific Research Institute, the California-based, free-market think-tank, responded to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Janus v. AFSCME case on worker freedom. Kerry Jackson, Fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform “Today’s landmark ruling restores a freedom that should have never been allowed to be ...

Special Guest George Gilder on Technologies in the Future

For PRI’s 50th episode, our special guest is George Gilder. We asked him about his views on Silicon Valley (“in the process of having a nervous breakdown”), the threats to innovation (“the world’s $253 trillion debt”) and his view of Basic Income (“preposterous”). And that’s not even the fun stuff. ...

Impact Magazine – Summer 2018

DOWNLOAD THE PDF   Letter from the President Dear Friends, I’ve been thinking a lot about principles recently. With the way things shift and change in politics and policy these days, one can easily lose sight of the why in the name of the what. The why is this: PRI ...

Remembering Dr. Charles Krauthammer

The Pacific Research Institute remembers the life and legacy of Dr. Charles Krauthammer, who passed away on Thursday, June 21. Dr. Krauthammer was a great friend to all of us at PRI, speaking at our annual galas in San Francisco in 2013 and 2016. He said that, “PRI has led the ...

What We’re Watching – June 22

Tim Anaya – When the Canadians – err British – Burned Down the White House This week, I was in Washington, DC visiting my brother. We took in all of the touristy things, including a nighttime bus tour around the White House and all the monuments. The recent war of ...

California May Mandate Solar Panels on All New Homes

California may soon become the first state to mandate solar panels be installed on all new homes, apartments, and condominiums. The California Energy Commission passed a building code regulation requiring all homes constructed in 2020 or later to have solar panels on their roofs, by a unanimous vote on May ...
Business & Economics

Todd Gaziano of Pacific Legal Foundation on Bureaucracies Making Laws

Our guest in this podcast is Todd Gaziano of the Pacific Legal Foundation.  As director of the newly created PLF Center for the Separation of Powers, Todd is working on a long-term project to roll back the power of unelected government administrators. Over many decades, Congress has handed more and ...

What We’re Watching – June 15

Tim Anaya – San Francisco’s Crazy Voting System This week, London Breed emerged as the winner of San Francisco’s mayor’s race. But she had to sweat out the results of San Francisco’s crazy voting system called “ranked choice voting” or “instant runoff voting.” It’s basically a scheme to rig the ...

Chuck DeVore – Catching Up With a Former California Lawmaker Now Living in Texas

Former California Assemblyman and now Texas Public Policy Institute VP Chuck DeVore joins to talk about his experiences relocating to the Lone Star State, the advantages that Texas has over California, how the states differ on economic and energy policy, and what he thinks from afar about politics and policy ...

What We’re Watching

Tim Anaya – It’s Not A Jungle Out There in California! This past Tuesday was California’s primary election. California has a unique primary system – the “top 2” system. Simply put, the top two voter getters from any party advance to the November election. As our friend John Myers from ...

Pacific Research Institute Responds to Janus Ruling

Scholars at the Pacific Research Institute, the California-based, free-market think-tank, responded to the landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling in the Janus v. AFSCME case on worker freedom. Kerry Jackson, Fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform “Today’s landmark ruling restores a freedom that should have never been allowed to be ...

Special Guest George Gilder on Technologies in the Future

For PRI’s 50th episode, our special guest is George Gilder. We asked him about his views on Silicon Valley (“in the process of having a nervous breakdown”), the threats to innovation (“the world’s $253 trillion debt”) and his view of Basic Income (“preposterous”). And that’s not even the fun stuff. ...

Impact Magazine – Summer 2018

DOWNLOAD THE PDF   Letter from the President Dear Friends, I’ve been thinking a lot about principles recently. With the way things shift and change in politics and policy these days, one can easily lose sight of the why in the name of the what. The why is this: PRI ...

Remembering Dr. Charles Krauthammer

The Pacific Research Institute remembers the life and legacy of Dr. Charles Krauthammer, who passed away on Thursday, June 21. Dr. Krauthammer was a great friend to all of us at PRI, speaking at our annual galas in San Francisco in 2013 and 2016. He said that, “PRI has led the ...

What We’re Watching – June 22

Tim Anaya – When the Canadians – err British – Burned Down the White House This week, I was in Washington, DC visiting my brother. We took in all of the touristy things, including a nighttime bus tour around the White House and all the monuments. The recent war of ...

California May Mandate Solar Panels on All New Homes

California may soon become the first state to mandate solar panels be installed on all new homes, apartments, and condominiums. The California Energy Commission passed a building code regulation requiring all homes constructed in 2020 or later to have solar panels on their roofs, by a unanimous vote on May ...
Business & Economics

Todd Gaziano of Pacific Legal Foundation on Bureaucracies Making Laws

Our guest in this podcast is Todd Gaziano of the Pacific Legal Foundation.  As director of the newly created PLF Center for the Separation of Powers, Todd is working on a long-term project to roll back the power of unelected government administrators. Over many decades, Congress has handed more and ...

What We’re Watching – June 15

Tim Anaya – San Francisco’s Crazy Voting System This week, London Breed emerged as the winner of San Francisco’s mayor’s race. But she had to sweat out the results of San Francisco’s crazy voting system called “ranked choice voting” or “instant runoff voting.” It’s basically a scheme to rig the ...

Chuck DeVore – Catching Up With a Former California Lawmaker Now Living in Texas

Former California Assemblyman and now Texas Public Policy Institute VP Chuck DeVore joins to talk about his experiences relocating to the Lone Star State, the advantages that Texas has over California, how the states differ on economic and energy policy, and what he thinks from afar about politics and policy ...

What We’re Watching

Tim Anaya – It’s Not A Jungle Out There in California! This past Tuesday was California’s primary election. California has a unique primary system – the “top 2” system. Simply put, the top two voter getters from any party advance to the November election. As our friend John Myers from ...
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