Pacific Research Institute
Health Care
Wayne Winegarden – Surprise Medical Billing
If you’ve ever had a medical procedure and received a large bill from your hospital because, unknown to you, one of your doctors was not in your insurance network – that’s the subject of this podcast. PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden discusses his recently released study on “Surprise Medical Billing.” ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 7, 2020
What We’re Watching – Labor Day Weekend Edition
Kerry Jackson – Beware of the “Fact Checkers” So who is fact checking the fact checkers? Someone needs to because “all too often they fail to get even basic facts correct,” says Jim Agresti, president of Just Facts. Ben Smithwick – Charter School City Douglas Harris, a professor at Tulane ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 4, 2020
Health Care
PRI Medical Billing Study Featured in Northern California Record
Title: AB 72 brief analyzes impact of medical billing reform law that’s had bad consequences for patients and practitioners By Sarah Downey, Northern California Record A new policy brief about the impact of California AB 72 finds that the law – designed to alleviate surprise medical billing – while well-intentioned ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 3, 2020
Former Speechwriters Take on the Republican National Convention
PRI’s former speechwriters (Rowena Itchon, Lance Izumi and Tim Anaya) review the 2020 Republican National Convention. They discuss how the convention dealt with outside events taking over the headlines, analyze the party’s use of real people versus big names, and weigh in on whether the Democrats or Republicans had a ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 31, 2020
What We’re Watching – August 28
Ben Smithwick – Helping Citizens Understand a World without Fossil Fuels Ronald Stein, co-author of the new book Just GREEN Electricity – Helping Citizens Understand a World without Fossil Fuels, discusses the dangers of overreliance on renewable energy. Click here to watch the video Tim Anaya – Making Biosimilars and ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 28, 2020
Health Care
Watch Sally Pipes in Soho Forum Debate – Should the Government Provide Health Insurance to All Americans?
Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes debate the question, “Should the Government Provide Health Insurance to All Americans?” in a recent debate hosted by the Soho Forum. She debates Professor Gerald Friedman of the University of Massachusetts, whose study on ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 25, 2020
Health Care
Sally Pipes Discusses Problems with Biden-Harris Health Plan on Lars Larson Show
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the Biden-Harris health care plan and the problems with the Canadian health care system that their plan would move us toward on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. TheLarsLarsonShow · Sally Pipes – Canada’s health-care ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 25, 2020
Former Speechwriters Take on 2020 Democratic Convention
PRI’s former speechwriters (Rowena Itchon, Lance Izumi, and Tim Anaya) discuss the highs and lows of the first virtual convention in American history. We share our thoughts on the key highlights from the -2020 Democratic convention, including John Kasich, Bernie Sanders, Michele Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jill Biden, Barack Obama – ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 24, 2020
Read Revcycle Intelligence Story on Surprise Medical Billing Brief
Surprise Billing Price Controls Decreasing Care Quality in CA By: Jacqueline LaPointe, Reporter Researchers at the Pacific Research Institute are warning Congressmembers to steer clear from price controls as a solution for surprise billing after finding that the policy approach had unintended consequences in California. In a new brief, researchers found ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 24, 2020
What We’re Watching – August 21
Tim Anaya – A Convention Roll Call Unlike Any You’ve Seen There’s been a lot of chatter among pundits and on social media about this week’s “virtual” Democratic convention (and the “former speechwriters” will add to the chatter next week on a special convention edition of Next Round with PRI). ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 21, 2020
Wayne Winegarden – Surprise Medical Billing
If you’ve ever had a medical procedure and received a large bill from your hospital because, unknown to you, one of your doctors was not in your insurance network – that’s the subject of this podcast. PRI senior fellow Wayne Winegarden discusses his recently released study on “Surprise Medical Billing.” ...
What We’re Watching – Labor Day Weekend Edition
Kerry Jackson – Beware of the “Fact Checkers” So who is fact checking the fact checkers? Someone needs to because “all too often they fail to get even basic facts correct,” says Jim Agresti, president of Just Facts. Ben Smithwick – Charter School City Douglas Harris, a professor at Tulane ...
PRI Medical Billing Study Featured in Northern California Record
Title: AB 72 brief analyzes impact of medical billing reform law that’s had bad consequences for patients and practitioners By Sarah Downey, Northern California Record A new policy brief about the impact of California AB 72 finds that the law – designed to alleviate surprise medical billing – while well-intentioned ...
Former Speechwriters Take on the Republican National Convention
PRI’s former speechwriters (Rowena Itchon, Lance Izumi and Tim Anaya) review the 2020 Republican National Convention. They discuss how the convention dealt with outside events taking over the headlines, analyze the party’s use of real people versus big names, and weigh in on whether the Democrats or Republicans had a ...
What We’re Watching – August 28
Ben Smithwick – Helping Citizens Understand a World without Fossil Fuels Ronald Stein, co-author of the new book Just GREEN Electricity – Helping Citizens Understand a World without Fossil Fuels, discusses the dangers of overreliance on renewable energy. Click here to watch the video Tim Anaya – Making Biosimilars and ...
Watch Sally Pipes in Soho Forum Debate – Should the Government Provide Health Insurance to All Americans?
Watch PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes debate the question, “Should the Government Provide Health Insurance to All Americans?” in a recent debate hosted by the Soho Forum. She debates Professor Gerald Friedman of the University of Massachusetts, whose study on ...
Sally Pipes Discusses Problems with Biden-Harris Health Plan on Lars Larson Show
PRI President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy Sally C. Pipes discusses the Biden-Harris health care plan and the problems with the Canadian health care system that their plan would move us toward on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. TheLarsLarsonShow · Sally Pipes – Canada’s health-care ...
Former Speechwriters Take on 2020 Democratic Convention
PRI’s former speechwriters (Rowena Itchon, Lance Izumi, and Tim Anaya) discuss the highs and lows of the first virtual convention in American history. We share our thoughts on the key highlights from the -2020 Democratic convention, including John Kasich, Bernie Sanders, Michele Obama, Hillary Clinton, Jill Biden, Barack Obama – ...
Read Revcycle Intelligence Story on Surprise Medical Billing Brief
Surprise Billing Price Controls Decreasing Care Quality in CA By: Jacqueline LaPointe, Reporter Researchers at the Pacific Research Institute are warning Congressmembers to steer clear from price controls as a solution for surprise billing after finding that the policy approach had unintended consequences in California. In a new brief, researchers found ...
What We’re Watching – August 21
Tim Anaya – A Convention Roll Call Unlike Any You’ve Seen There’s been a lot of chatter among pundits and on social media about this week’s “virtual” Democratic convention (and the “former speechwriters” will add to the chatter next week on a special convention edition of Next Round with PRI). ...