Pacific Research Institute
Business & Economics
PRI 2018 Electric Vehicle Study Mentioned in the Washington Times
‘Giveaway to the rich’: Dems reject means-test for electric vehicle tax credits By Haris Alic House Democrats blocked an attempt by Republicans to means-test the electric vehicle tax credits in President Biden’s $3.5 trillion social welfare and climate change package, drawing criticism that the subsidies will only benefit the wealthy. ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 14, 2021
Lance Izumi – The Homeschool Boom
Our guest this week on PRI’s Next Round podcast is Lance Izumi, senior director of education. Lance discusses his upcoming book The Homeschool Boom: Pandemic, Policies, and Possibilities. There’s been a homeschooling boom during the pandemic, as parents have sought ways to improve their children’s education during the school lockdowns. ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 13, 2021
Watch: PRI Expert Discusses Biden Prescription Drug Plan
Watch Dr. Wayne Winegarden, director of PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, discuss how the Biden plan to lower prescription drug costs is disappointing and would lead to less access and higher costs for patients with Scripps National News.
Pacific Research Institute
September 13, 2021
Dr. Henry Miller Weighs In on Biden COVID Vaccine Plan
Biden Plan May Require 2/3 of American Workforce to Either Get Vaccinated or Weekly COVID-19 Tests President Biden laid out a six-step plan to control the spread of the highly infectious coronavirus Delta variant and get more Americans vaccinated against COVID-19. “We have the tools to combat the virus,” he ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 10, 2021
Corey DeAngelis – School Choice and Covid-19
PRI’s podcast guest this week is Corey DeAngelis, executive director of the Educational Freedom Institute, director of research for the National Federation for Children, and a fellow at the Cato Institute and the Reason Foundation. He is interviewed by PRI’s director of the Young Leaders Circle, Evan Harris. They discuss ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 6, 2021
Fact-Checked: Gavin Newsom Shouldn’t Have Dared Us
By Kerry Jackson and Wayne Winegarden In an interview performance that has been described as “unhinged,” “odd,” “testy,” and “angry,” Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed Texas middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California.” “Look that up,” he said in a virtual meeting with editorial and opinion writers from ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 2, 2021
Business & Economics
Wayne Winegarden – Electricity, Environment, and the Economy
Next Round’s guest is economist Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in Business and Economics. Dr. Winegarden discusses some of the key issues being debated in Washington and Sacramento, from the infrastructure bill to the $3.5 trillion budget resolution package to California and the nation’s climate change policies. As director of ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 30, 2021
Pat Nolan – On California Crime
Next Round’s guest this week is Pat Nolan director of the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform. Nolan, an author of a chapter in PRI’s new book Saving California, discusses the state’s rising crime problem, “woke” prosecutors, and reforming California’s prison system through faith-based programs.
Pacific Research Institute
August 23, 2021
Adrian Moore – Saving California’s Infrastructure
This week’s podcast guest is Adrian Moore, vice president of the Reason Foundation. His areas of research are privatization, government and regulatory reform, transportation, urban growth, and utilities. Dr. Moore discusses his chapter on California’s infrastructure problems in PRI’s new book, Saving California. He also gives his perspective on Pres. ...
Pacific Research Institute
August 16, 2021
Watch Lance Izumi Discuss Push to Nix High School Graduation Standards on Newsy
Watch Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discusses the push by states like Oregon to suspend high school graduation standards in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic with host Chance Seales on Newsy TV.
Pacific Research Institute
August 11, 2021
PRI 2018 Electric Vehicle Study Mentioned in the Washington Times
‘Giveaway to the rich’: Dems reject means-test for electric vehicle tax credits By Haris Alic House Democrats blocked an attempt by Republicans to means-test the electric vehicle tax credits in President Biden’s $3.5 trillion social welfare and climate change package, drawing criticism that the subsidies will only benefit the wealthy. ...
Lance Izumi – The Homeschool Boom
Our guest this week on PRI’s Next Round podcast is Lance Izumi, senior director of education. Lance discusses his upcoming book The Homeschool Boom: Pandemic, Policies, and Possibilities. There’s been a homeschooling boom during the pandemic, as parents have sought ways to improve their children’s education during the school lockdowns. ...
Watch: PRI Expert Discusses Biden Prescription Drug Plan
Watch Dr. Wayne Winegarden, director of PRI’s Center for Medical Economics and Innovation, discuss how the Biden plan to lower prescription drug costs is disappointing and would lead to less access and higher costs for patients with Scripps National News.
Dr. Henry Miller Weighs In on Biden COVID Vaccine Plan
Biden Plan May Require 2/3 of American Workforce to Either Get Vaccinated or Weekly COVID-19 Tests President Biden laid out a six-step plan to control the spread of the highly infectious coronavirus Delta variant and get more Americans vaccinated against COVID-19. “We have the tools to combat the virus,” he ...
Corey DeAngelis – School Choice and Covid-19
PRI’s podcast guest this week is Corey DeAngelis, executive director of the Educational Freedom Institute, director of research for the National Federation for Children, and a fellow at the Cato Institute and the Reason Foundation. He is interviewed by PRI’s director of the Young Leaders Circle, Evan Harris. They discuss ...
Fact-Checked: Gavin Newsom Shouldn’t Have Dared Us
By Kerry Jackson and Wayne Winegarden In an interview performance that has been described as “unhinged,” “odd,” “testy,” and “angry,” Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed Texas middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California.” “Look that up,” he said in a virtual meeting with editorial and opinion writers from ...
Wayne Winegarden – Electricity, Environment, and the Economy
Next Round’s guest is economist Wayne Winegarden, PRI senior fellow in Business and Economics. Dr. Winegarden discusses some of the key issues being debated in Washington and Sacramento, from the infrastructure bill to the $3.5 trillion budget resolution package to California and the nation’s climate change policies. As director of ...
Pat Nolan – On California Crime
Next Round’s guest this week is Pat Nolan director of the American Conservative Union Foundation’s Center for Criminal Justice Reform. Nolan, an author of a chapter in PRI’s new book Saving California, discusses the state’s rising crime problem, “woke” prosecutors, and reforming California’s prison system through faith-based programs.
Adrian Moore – Saving California’s Infrastructure
This week’s podcast guest is Adrian Moore, vice president of the Reason Foundation. His areas of research are privatization, government and regulatory reform, transportation, urban growth, and utilities. Dr. Moore discusses his chapter on California’s infrastructure problems in PRI’s new book, Saving California. He also gives his perspective on Pres. ...
Watch Lance Izumi Discuss Push to Nix High School Graduation Standards on Newsy
Watch Lance Izumi, senior director of PRI’s Center for Education, discusses the push by states like Oregon to suspend high school graduation standards in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic with host Chance Seales on Newsy TV.