Pacific Research Institute
Business & Economics
PRI Introduces a 3% Flat Income Tax Rate Plan for Californians
PRI Introduces a 3% Flat Income Tax Rate Plan for Californians SACRAMENTO, MAY 6, 2008 – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, today released the results of a study to determine a revenue-neutral flat income tax rate for California. The report found that a ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 6, 2008
If a Religion of Global Warming follower asks you why the US won’t sign the Kyoto treaty…
If a Religion of Global Warming follower asks you why the US won’t sign the Kyoto treaty… show them this graph. It should shut them up immediately. Hat Tips to Red State and WILLisms Of course, it probably won’t shut them up. So make sure you have a copy of ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 2, 2008
Climate Change
Ridiculously Unrealistic =Not Serious
Southchild Blog, May 1, 2008 The usual chorus of environmentalists and editorial writers has chimed in to attack President Bush’s recent speech on climate change. In his address of April 23, he put forth a goal of stopping the growth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2025. “Way ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 1, 2008
Impact – April 2008
PRI Ideas in Action – April 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions.
Pacific Research Institute
April 30, 2008
Health Care
Sally C. Pipes at Western Women’s Summit
PRI’s Sally C. Pipes was a guest speaker at the Western Women’s Summit, sponsored by the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, at the Reagan Ranch Center. She spoke about health care and health care myths in America.
Pacific Research Institute
April 26, 2008
Business & Economics
Study ranks W.Va. court system last again
WASHINGTON – West Virginia again is last in a study ranking states’ court systems. For the third consecutive year, the Mountain State is ranked 50th in the 2008 State Liability Systems Ranking Study, which was released Wednesday by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. The study, conducted by Harris ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 23, 2008
Good news, as well
Earth Day was held this week, which is an appropriate time to make an assessment. Generally, the environment in Jacksonville is pleasant. It’s rare to have an air pollution alert. The St. Johns River looks marvelous. Yet, tributaries are unfit for swimming and nutrients threaten the river’s health. On a ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 22, 2008
Wrong perception: Report debunks environmental myths
Oaklahoman (Oklahoma City, OK), April 21, 2008 THE popular image of the United States as one of the globe’s leading polluters gets a debunking in a report produced by the Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute. In the “2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators,” author Steven F. Hayward ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 22, 2008
Earth Day 2008: Clearing the air …
It’s time to clear the air about how the United States affects the environment — and how extremist environmentalism could affect the U.S. A report of leading environmental indicators by the Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute focuses on significant and very heartening environmental facts about our nation ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 22, 2008
Business & Economics
A well-intentioned bad idea
There’s troubling legislation in Sacramento to open the state’s lucrative public employee retirement system to private employees. Unfortunately, there’s little opposition, which may make the scheme inevitable. As with so many well-intended government ideas, Assembly Bill 2940 ostensibly would solve a problem. But as is also so often the case, ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 21, 2008
PRI Introduces a 3% Flat Income Tax Rate Plan for Californians
PRI Introduces a 3% Flat Income Tax Rate Plan for Californians SACRAMENTO, MAY 6, 2008 – The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in California, today released the results of a study to determine a revenue-neutral flat income tax rate for California. The report found that a ...
If a Religion of Global Warming follower asks you why the US won’t sign the Kyoto treaty…
If a Religion of Global Warming follower asks you why the US won’t sign the Kyoto treaty… show them this graph. It should shut them up immediately. Hat Tips to Red State and WILLisms Of course, it probably won’t shut them up. So make sure you have a copy of ...
Ridiculously Unrealistic =Not Serious
Southchild Blog, May 1, 2008 The usual chorus of environmentalists and editorial writers has chimed in to attack President Bush’s recent speech on climate change. In his address of April 23, he put forth a goal of stopping the growth of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions by the year 2025. “Way ...
Impact – April 2008
PRI Ideas in Action – April 2008 Policy Update and Monthly Impact Report PRI continues to impact public policy in California, the nation, and abroad. Click below to view PRI’s recent contributions.
Sally C. Pipes at Western Women’s Summit
PRI’s Sally C. Pipes was a guest speaker at the Western Women’s Summit, sponsored by the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, at the Reagan Ranch Center. She spoke about health care and health care myths in America.
Study ranks W.Va. court system last again
WASHINGTON – West Virginia again is last in a study ranking states’ court systems. For the third consecutive year, the Mountain State is ranked 50th in the 2008 State Liability Systems Ranking Study, which was released Wednesday by the U.S. Chamber Institute for Legal Reform. The study, conducted by Harris ...
Good news, as well
Earth Day was held this week, which is an appropriate time to make an assessment. Generally, the environment in Jacksonville is pleasant. It’s rare to have an air pollution alert. The St. Johns River looks marvelous. Yet, tributaries are unfit for swimming and nutrients threaten the river’s health. On a ...
Wrong perception: Report debunks environmental myths
Oaklahoman (Oklahoma City, OK), April 21, 2008 THE popular image of the United States as one of the globe’s leading polluters gets a debunking in a report produced by the Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute. In the “2008 Index of Leading Environmental Indicators,” author Steven F. Hayward ...
Earth Day 2008: Clearing the air …
It’s time to clear the air about how the United States affects the environment — and how extremist environmentalism could affect the U.S. A report of leading environmental indicators by the Pacific Research Institute and the American Enterprise Institute focuses on significant and very heartening environmental facts about our nation ...
A well-intentioned bad idea
There’s troubling legislation in Sacramento to open the state’s lucrative public employee retirement system to private employees. Unfortunately, there’s little opposition, which may make the scheme inevitable. As with so many well-intended government ideas, Assembly Bill 2940 ostensibly would solve a problem. But as is also so often the case, ...