Pacific Research Institute
Health Care
Fox News: And Health Care for All?
Pacific Research Institute President & CEO Sally Pipes on possible tax increases under the Obama administration’s health-care plan.
Pacific Research Institute
March 6, 2009
Business & Economics
New Mexico’s economic freedom needs boost
Clovis News Journal (Freedom Communications, NM), March 5, 2009 Are you someone who values freedom above all else, including health, safety and welfare? If so, New Mexico has a ways to go to reach the top tier of states. A new study released by the Mercatus Center at George Mason ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 5, 2009
White House Convenes Summit To Mull Options for Health Care Reform
On Thursday, President Obama plans to host a White House health care summit during which attendees will discuss proposals to reform the U.S. health care system, the AP/Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Obama has invited more than 120 physicians, patients, business owners and health insurer officials to attend the summit (Alonso-Zaldivar, AP/Philadelphia ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 5, 2009
Health Care
KQED Radio – Forum: Obama Care
President Obama held a health care summit at the White House to discuss his proposal for setting aside a $634 billion, 10-year reserve fund to help pay for universal coverage and to improve the system. PRI’s John Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, participated in KQED’s “Forum” with Michael Krasny, ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 5, 2009
President Obama’s Health Care Reform Efforts To Face Challenges
California Healthline, March 2, 2009 Kaiser Network, March 2, 2009 Efforts by President Obama to reform the U.S. health care system are “likely to be fraught with detours, potholes and perils” based on initial concerns about related provisions in his fiscal year 2010 budget proposal, as well as the current ...
Pacific Research Institute
March 2, 2009
Health Care
California State Senate Standing Health Committee Testimony
John R. Graham, the Director of Health Care Studies, was invited to testify before the California State Senate Standing Health Committee in Sacramento on the “Outlook for Health Reform.” Please wait for movie to load.
Pacific Research Institute
February 25, 2009
Health Care
John R. Graham Invited to Testify on Health Reform at the California State Senate Standing Health Committee
John R. Graham Invited to Testify on Health Reform at the California State Senate Standing Health Committee Sacramento — John R. Graham, the Director of Health Care Studies at the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank, was invited to testify before the California State Senate Standing Health Committee ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 22, 2009
Jeb Bush cites research done in PRI study “Demography is Not Destiny: Reform Lessons from Florida on Overcoming Achievement Gaps”
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush talks to Bill Bennett on ” Morning in America”about education issues in America. Jeb Bush mentions research done in Vicki E. Murray’s study Demography Is Not Destiny: Reform Lessons from Florida on Overcoming Achievement Gaps .
Pacific Research Institute
February 19, 2009
Our View: State’s cure is original cause of ills
Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA), February 17, 2009 California’s regulations on health care raise the costs for its citizens Often government tries to fix what’s wrong by imposing more of what caused the problem in the first place. Nowhere is this more apparent than health care. A new analysis by the advocacy ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 17, 2009
Medical Tourism: Comparable to How Toyota, and Overseas Competition Changed U.S. Auto Industry
More people are engaging in medical tourism because of rising health care prices in the United States, said Greg Scandlen, director of Consumers for Health Care Choices at The Heartland Institute. “As more and more people have out-of-pocket responsibility, they’re looking around for the best deal, and out-of-country services are ...
Pacific Research Institute
February 5, 2009
Fox News: And Health Care for All?
Pacific Research Institute President & CEO Sally Pipes on possible tax increases under the Obama administration’s health-care plan.
New Mexico’s economic freedom needs boost
Clovis News Journal (Freedom Communications, NM), March 5, 2009 Are you someone who values freedom above all else, including health, safety and welfare? If so, New Mexico has a ways to go to reach the top tier of states. A new study released by the Mercatus Center at George Mason ...
White House Convenes Summit To Mull Options for Health Care Reform
On Thursday, President Obama plans to host a White House health care summit during which attendees will discuss proposals to reform the U.S. health care system, the AP/Philadelphia Inquirer reports. Obama has invited more than 120 physicians, patients, business owners and health insurer officials to attend the summit (Alonso-Zaldivar, AP/Philadelphia ...
KQED Radio – Forum: Obama Care
President Obama held a health care summit at the White House to discuss his proposal for setting aside a $634 billion, 10-year reserve fund to help pay for universal coverage and to improve the system. PRI’s John Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, participated in KQED’s “Forum” with Michael Krasny, ...
President Obama’s Health Care Reform Efforts To Face Challenges
California Healthline, March 2, 2009 Kaiser Network, March 2, 2009 Efforts by President Obama to reform the U.S. health care system are “likely to be fraught with detours, potholes and perils” based on initial concerns about related provisions in his fiscal year 2010 budget proposal, as well as the current ...
California State Senate Standing Health Committee Testimony
John R. Graham, the Director of Health Care Studies, was invited to testify before the California State Senate Standing Health Committee in Sacramento on the “Outlook for Health Reform.” Please wait for movie to load.
John R. Graham Invited to Testify on Health Reform at the California State Senate Standing Health Committee
John R. Graham Invited to Testify on Health Reform at the California State Senate Standing Health Committee Sacramento — John R. Graham, the Director of Health Care Studies at the Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank, was invited to testify before the California State Senate Standing Health Committee ...
Jeb Bush cites research done in PRI study “Demography is Not Destiny: Reform Lessons from Florida on Overcoming Achievement Gaps”
Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush talks to Bill Bennett on ” Morning in America”about education issues in America. Jeb Bush mentions research done in Vicki E. Murray’s study Demography Is Not Destiny: Reform Lessons from Florida on Overcoming Achievement Gaps .
Our View: State’s cure is original cause of ills
Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, CA), February 17, 2009 California’s regulations on health care raise the costs for its citizens Often government tries to fix what’s wrong by imposing more of what caused the problem in the first place. Nowhere is this more apparent than health care. A new analysis by the advocacy ...
Medical Tourism: Comparable to How Toyota, and Overseas Competition Changed U.S. Auto Industry
More people are engaging in medical tourism because of rising health care prices in the United States, said Greg Scandlen, director of Consumers for Health Care Choices at The Heartland Institute. “As more and more people have out-of-pocket responsibility, they’re looking around for the best deal, and out-of-country services are ...