Pacific Research Institute

Health Care

Discussing myths about American health care.

Sally C. Pipes is interviewed on her book The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care and the possible government takeover of American health care on North Carolina’s Morning News with Scott Fitzgerald.

Government is not your nanny—reject the federal soda tax.

In order to cover the exorbitant cost of President Obama’s universal health care program, the Senate Finance Committee has proposed, among other things, that the government levy additional taxes on alcohol, soda, and other sugar-sweetened beverage. The committee members and their supporters in the health community like the idea because ...
Business & Economics

The Politically Incorrect Guide™ to the Great Depression and the New Deal

Everything they say about the Great Depression and the New Deal is wrong. No economic myth these days is more pernicious than the myth that the free market caused the Great Depression and the New Deal got us out of it. That, as economist Robert P. Murphy points out is ...

10 Questions State Legislators Should Ask About Higher Education

ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) is a small group of legislators, which more than 30 years ago, joined together with the common goal of creating a nonpartisan association for conservative state lawmakers with similar governmental beliefs. The core of their belief system was that “government closest to the people was ...
Health Care

Will the Health Care System Ever Work

WTIC News Talk 1080 (Hartford, Connecticut), June 3, 2009 Sally Pipes discusses President Obama’s health care proposals with Jim Vicevich on “Sound Off Connecticut” at WTIC News Talk 1080.

Not As Good As You Think: The Myth of the Middle Class School

Lance Izumi was a guest on Radio America, with host G. Gordon Liddy. Lance discusses the recently released documentary called, Not As Good As You Think: The Myth of the Middle Class School, which exposes the many failing public schools in California and the misallocation of funds by school board ...

Popular Ranking Unfairly Misrepresents the U.S. Health Care System

The media and political community have made a big deal out of the fact that the U.S. ranks 37 out of 191 countries on the World Health Organization’s Health Care Ranking System. Is this tool a credible way to compare quality health care delivered in the U.S. vs the rest ...

When politics rules medicine

Government rationing of medical services reality in some states WASHINGTON – As the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress move to provide government-controlled health care on a national level, similar experiments in some states suggest medical care can take a backseat to politics and bureaucratic red tape – resulting in ...
Health Care

Statement by Pacific Research Institute Health Care Studies Director on the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act

Phoenix, May 26, 2009 — PRI’s director of Health Care Studies, John R. Graham, testified on the benefits of the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act (AHCFA) to the Arizona House of Representatives’ Health & Human Services Committee. Mr. Graham believes that the “AHCFA secures the rights of Arizonans to spend ...
Business & Economics

Things could be worse – we could be California

As bad as the deficit woes of Arizona are – and they are very, very bad – we still have the comfort of knowing that things could always be worse. We could be California. On Tuesday, California voters overwhelmingly rejected five ballot propositions intended to shore up the state’s $15.4 ...
Health Care

Discussing myths about American health care.

Sally C. Pipes is interviewed on her book The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care and the possible government takeover of American health care on North Carolina’s Morning News with Scott Fitzgerald.

Government is not your nanny—reject the federal soda tax.

In order to cover the exorbitant cost of President Obama’s universal health care program, the Senate Finance Committee has proposed, among other things, that the government levy additional taxes on alcohol, soda, and other sugar-sweetened beverage. The committee members and their supporters in the health community like the idea because ...
Business & Economics

The Politically Incorrect Guide™ to the Great Depression and the New Deal

Everything they say about the Great Depression and the New Deal is wrong. No economic myth these days is more pernicious than the myth that the free market caused the Great Depression and the New Deal got us out of it. That, as economist Robert P. Murphy points out is ...

10 Questions State Legislators Should Ask About Higher Education

ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) is a small group of legislators, which more than 30 years ago, joined together with the common goal of creating a nonpartisan association for conservative state lawmakers with similar governmental beliefs. The core of their belief system was that “government closest to the people was ...
Health Care

Will the Health Care System Ever Work

WTIC News Talk 1080 (Hartford, Connecticut), June 3, 2009 Sally Pipes discusses President Obama’s health care proposals with Jim Vicevich on “Sound Off Connecticut” at WTIC News Talk 1080.

Not As Good As You Think: The Myth of the Middle Class School

Lance Izumi was a guest on Radio America, with host G. Gordon Liddy. Lance discusses the recently released documentary called, Not As Good As You Think: The Myth of the Middle Class School, which exposes the many failing public schools in California and the misallocation of funds by school board ...

Popular Ranking Unfairly Misrepresents the U.S. Health Care System

The media and political community have made a big deal out of the fact that the U.S. ranks 37 out of 191 countries on the World Health Organization’s Health Care Ranking System. Is this tool a credible way to compare quality health care delivered in the U.S. vs the rest ...

When politics rules medicine

Government rationing of medical services reality in some states WASHINGTON – As the Obama administration and the Democratic Congress move to provide government-controlled health care on a national level, similar experiments in some states suggest medical care can take a backseat to politics and bureaucratic red tape – resulting in ...
Health Care

Statement by Pacific Research Institute Health Care Studies Director on the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act

Phoenix, May 26, 2009 — PRI’s director of Health Care Studies, John R. Graham, testified on the benefits of the Arizona Health Care Freedom Act (AHCFA) to the Arizona House of Representatives’ Health & Human Services Committee. Mr. Graham believes that the “AHCFA secures the rights of Arizonans to spend ...
Business & Economics

Things could be worse – we could be California

As bad as the deficit woes of Arizona are – and they are very, very bad – we still have the comfort of knowing that things could always be worse. We could be California. On Tuesday, California voters overwhelmingly rejected five ballot propositions intended to shore up the state’s $15.4 ...
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