Pacific Research Institute
Earthquake Fears Halt California Geothermal Project
The federal government has halted a geothermal power project in California in response to concerns the project is causing an increase in regional earthquake activity. The project was launched last fall with more than $6 million in taxpayer funding. The project, in a Northern California region knows as The Geysers, ...
Pacific Research Institute
October 1, 2009
Health Care
Myths Of American Healthcare Topic Of A.U. Lecture
Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, was the guest speaker Thursday at Ashland University. Pipes, address “The Top Myths of American Healthcare”, was part of the Fall 2009 Major Issues Lecture Series presented by the John M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University. In ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 25, 2009
Business & Economics
Tort Reform in the States: Protecting Consumers and Enhancing Economic Growth
Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.), September 18, 2009 Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Speaker(s): Panel Discussion (11:00 a.m.) The Honorable Bill Batchelder Minority Leader, Ohio House of Representatives Dr. Lawrence J. McQuillan Director, Business & Economic Studies, Pacific Research Institute Keynote Address (12:00 p.m.) The Honorable Haley Barbour Governor, State ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 18, 2009
Sally Pipes on Health Care spoke recently with the president and ceo of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, as part of a series of interviews we have planned in the coming days and weeks with experts on health-care policy experts. Ms. Pipes is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care. ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 18, 2009
Universal School Choice Prevails – For Sweden
In socialist Sweden, universal school choice allows every parent to choose the best school for their child. The voucher program, which has been in effect since 1992 and was created to tackle the kind of problems plaguing the U.S. educational system, provides families with the opportunity to send their child ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 14, 2009
What Is Socialism in 2009?
It seems that whatever President Obama talks about — whether it’s overhauling health care, or regulating Wall Street, or telling schoolchildren to study hard — his opponents have called him a socialist. “Socialism” was an epithet on many placards at protests in Washington over the weekend. What does the word ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 14, 2009
Republicans Offer Solutions on Health Care
Tort Reform a Point of Bipartisan Agreement Raleigh, N.C. – The debate about health care reform continues as President Obama addresses a joint session of Congress last night to once again attempt to explain the details of his health care plan. At one point in his speech, the President raised ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 11, 2009
Health Care
Fixing an ailing health system
The World Today (Australia), September 10, 2009 ELEANOR HALL: So will this speech by Barack Obama swing policy makers behind the President’s healthcare plans? The issue was always expected to be divisive but former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s talk of “death panels” ramped up fears about a government ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 10, 2009
Business & Economics
Tackling Geithner’s Town Hall
CNBC News Report with Larry Kudlow, September 10, 2009 YouTube, September 10, 2009 Analysis on what the Treasury Secretary had to say about the financial crisis, with Robert Murphy, Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy; Richard Clarida, Pimco; Andrew Ross Sorkin, NY Times and Keith Boykin, The Daily Voice.
Pacific Research Institute
September 10, 2009
President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress
President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress On September 9, 2009 President Obama gave a Congressional address to make his case for healthcare reform. In the address he stated: “There are those on the left who believe that the only way to fix the system is through a single-payer system like ...
Pacific Research Institute
September 10, 2009
Earthquake Fears Halt California Geothermal Project
The federal government has halted a geothermal power project in California in response to concerns the project is causing an increase in regional earthquake activity. The project was launched last fall with more than $6 million in taxpayer funding. The project, in a Northern California region knows as The Geysers, ...
Myths Of American Healthcare Topic Of A.U. Lecture
Sally Pipes, President and CEO of the Pacific Research Institute, was the guest speaker Thursday at Ashland University. Pipes, address “The Top Myths of American Healthcare”, was part of the Fall 2009 Major Issues Lecture Series presented by the John M. Ashbrook Center for Public Affairs at Ashland University. In ...
Tort Reform in the States: Protecting Consumers and Enhancing Economic Growth
Heritage Foundation (Washington, D.C.), September 18, 2009 Time: 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Speaker(s): Panel Discussion (11:00 a.m.) The Honorable Bill Batchelder Minority Leader, Ohio House of Representatives Dr. Lawrence J. McQuillan Director, Business & Economic Studies, Pacific Research Institute Keynote Address (12:00 p.m.) The Honorable Haley Barbour Governor, State ...
Sally Pipes on Health Care spoke recently with the president and ceo of the Pacific Research Institute, Sally Pipes, as part of a series of interviews we have planned in the coming days and weeks with experts on health-care policy experts. Ms. Pipes is author of The Top Ten Myths of American Health Care. ...
Universal School Choice Prevails – For Sweden
In socialist Sweden, universal school choice allows every parent to choose the best school for their child. The voucher program, which has been in effect since 1992 and was created to tackle the kind of problems plaguing the U.S. educational system, provides families with the opportunity to send their child ...
What Is Socialism in 2009?
It seems that whatever President Obama talks about — whether it’s overhauling health care, or regulating Wall Street, or telling schoolchildren to study hard — his opponents have called him a socialist. “Socialism” was an epithet on many placards at protests in Washington over the weekend. What does the word ...
Republicans Offer Solutions on Health Care
Tort Reform a Point of Bipartisan Agreement Raleigh, N.C. – The debate about health care reform continues as President Obama addresses a joint session of Congress last night to once again attempt to explain the details of his health care plan. At one point in his speech, the President raised ...
Fixing an ailing health system
The World Today (Australia), September 10, 2009 ELEANOR HALL: So will this speech by Barack Obama swing policy makers behind the President’s healthcare plans? The issue was always expected to be divisive but former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin’s talk of “death panels” ramped up fears about a government ...
Tackling Geithner’s Town Hall
CNBC News Report with Larry Kudlow, September 10, 2009 YouTube, September 10, 2009 Analysis on what the Treasury Secretary had to say about the financial crisis, with Robert Murphy, Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy; Richard Clarida, Pimco; Andrew Ross Sorkin, NY Times and Keith Boykin, The Daily Voice.
President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress
President Obama’s Healthcare Address to Congress On September 9, 2009 President Obama gave a Congressional address to make his case for healthcare reform. In the address he stated: “There are those on the left who believe that the only way to fix the system is through a single-payer system like ...