Pacific Research Institute


California State News and Investigative Reporting Website

— to Report on Government Waste, Fraud and Abuse— Sacramento—The Pacific Research Institute’s Journalism Center has launched a new California state news and investigative reporting website CalWatchdog provides investigative coverage of state government and enterprising news reports that often are overlooked by other media—especially in a time of cutbacks ...

Health reform: Pluses, minuses

Opinionline: What people are saying about health debate The New York Times, in an editorial: “The health care reform bill that Senate Democratic leaders have cobbled together to win support from all 60 members, … has drawn scornful attacks from a united Republican opposition. … The bill … has some ...
Business & Economics

Pension tapeworm gnaws at budgets

A Register investigation reported Sunday that lucrative public employee pension benefits approved during the past decade have been “a toxin spreading through the budget books of cities and counties across California.” These escalating costs ultimately threaten many local governments’ solvency. Though many states experience similar fiscal threats, “California is the ...

Freeze global warming regulations

Coming from Hollywood may explain Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s disconnect with reality. In the real world, saying so doesn’t make it so. In Copenhagen this week, he made the astonishing claim that the Golden State is evidence we need not choose between a clean environment and economic growth because: “We’ve proved ...

New Study Finds that Medicare Advantage Relieves the “Hidden Tax” On Privately Insured Americans

San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, today released its new report, Medicare Advantage or Medicare Monopoly: Protecting Seniors’ Choices and Taxpayers’ Wallets in the Federal Government’s Largest Entitlement Program, by Health Care Studies Director John R. Graham. The report examines the ...

How Much Will Health Reform Cost?

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In “Can We Afford It?” (editorial, Dec. 13), you remark that Republican critics oppose the currently proposed health care reform on the grounds that the nation cannot afford to add this new trillion-dollar entitlement in tough economic times. Here we should recall that in 2003, barely ...
Business & Economics

CSPAN TV: Steven Greenhut talks about his book “Plunder!”

Steven Greenhut talked about his book Plunder!: How Public Employee Unions Are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Orange County, CA on December 10, 2009. Scroll frame to right to view video.
Health Care

KKZZ AM radio interview with Sally C. Pipes

President and CEO Sally C. Pipes talks about the Senate health care bill, recent legislative activity, and her book, The Top Ten Myths of American Healthcare: A Citizen’s Guide.

New Report Finds that Many Students at California’s “Middle Class” Public Schools Are Not Proficient in English or Mathematics

In 757 California public schools with predominantly non-disadvantaged, mostly middle-class students, 50 percent or more students in at least one grade level performed below proficient on the 2008 state tests. San Francisco–-The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released an update of its groundbreaking ...
Climate Change

The Gate Crash of 2009

The Gate Crash of 2009 The city of Washington has been collectively aghast at the spectacle of Michaela and Tareq Salahi, the fun couple from Virginia wine country who seem to have talked their way into the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Of course, the White House is ...

California State News and Investigative Reporting Website

— to Report on Government Waste, Fraud and Abuse— Sacramento—The Pacific Research Institute’s Journalism Center has launched a new California state news and investigative reporting website CalWatchdog provides investigative coverage of state government and enterprising news reports that often are overlooked by other media—especially in a time of cutbacks ...

Health reform: Pluses, minuses

Opinionline: What people are saying about health debate The New York Times, in an editorial: “The health care reform bill that Senate Democratic leaders have cobbled together to win support from all 60 members, … has drawn scornful attacks from a united Republican opposition. … The bill … has some ...
Business & Economics

Pension tapeworm gnaws at budgets

A Register investigation reported Sunday that lucrative public employee pension benefits approved during the past decade have been “a toxin spreading through the budget books of cities and counties across California.” These escalating costs ultimately threaten many local governments’ solvency. Though many states experience similar fiscal threats, “California is the ...

Freeze global warming regulations

Coming from Hollywood may explain Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s disconnect with reality. In the real world, saying so doesn’t make it so. In Copenhagen this week, he made the astonishing claim that the Golden State is evidence we need not choose between a clean environment and economic growth because: “We’ve proved ...

New Study Finds that Medicare Advantage Relieves the “Hidden Tax” On Privately Insured Americans

San Francisco – The Pacific Research Institute, a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, today released its new report, Medicare Advantage or Medicare Monopoly: Protecting Seniors’ Choices and Taxpayers’ Wallets in the Federal Government’s Largest Entitlement Program, by Health Care Studies Director John R. Graham. The report examines the ...

How Much Will Health Reform Cost?

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR In “Can We Afford It?” (editorial, Dec. 13), you remark that Republican critics oppose the currently proposed health care reform on the grounds that the nation cannot afford to add this new trillion-dollar entitlement in tough economic times. Here we should recall that in 2003, barely ...
Business & Economics

CSPAN TV: Steven Greenhut talks about his book “Plunder!”

Steven Greenhut talked about his book Plunder!: How Public Employee Unions Are Raiding Treasuries, Controlling Our Lives and Bankrupting the Nation at the Barnes and Noble Bookstore in Orange County, CA on December 10, 2009. Scroll frame to right to view video.
Health Care

KKZZ AM radio interview with Sally C. Pipes

President and CEO Sally C. Pipes talks about the Senate health care bill, recent legislative activity, and her book, The Top Ten Myths of American Healthcare: A Citizen’s Guide.

New Report Finds that Many Students at California’s “Middle Class” Public Schools Are Not Proficient in English or Mathematics

In 757 California public schools with predominantly non-disadvantaged, mostly middle-class students, 50 percent or more students in at least one grade level performed below proficient on the 2008 state tests. San Francisco–-The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, released an update of its groundbreaking ...
Climate Change

The Gate Crash of 2009

The Gate Crash of 2009 The city of Washington has been collectively aghast at the spectacle of Michaela and Tareq Salahi, the fun couple from Virginia wine country who seem to have talked their way into the first state dinner of the Obama administration. Of course, the White House is ...
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