Pacific Research Institute

Health Care

John R. Graham on “Straight Ahead with Bob Grant”

“Straight Ahead” with Bob Grant John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, is interviewed by Bob Grant on the proposed health care reform bill. John Graham talks about what is in the 1,990 page bill and the huge federal bureaucracy that will be created if this health care legislation ...

Air Quality Board’s Plan for Car Windows Unrealistic

The California Air Resources Board has proposed a new mandate to require car companies to install metallic reflective windows, which CARB Chairwoman Mary Nichols describes as “a common-sense and cost-effective measure that will help cool the cars we drive and fight global warning.” CARB claims that reflective windows will reduce ...

Debunking Myths To Lower Prices, Trim Emissions And Sustain Access To Energy

A new extensive report has just been released by one of our Blog Contributors: Tom Tanton. This report titled Top Ten Energy Myths offers insight into and facts on the myths that are permeated upon the public by the mainstream media. As an energy supporter, this report will give you ...

New Report Debunks Common Myths about Energy

SAN FRANCISCO — The Pacific Research Institute, a free market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report debunking the common myths about energy in America. Top Ten Energy Myths, by Thomas Tanton, senior fellow in Energy Studies, confronts ten popular myths about America’s energy sources, uses, and ...
Health Care

Conservative Women Reject Government Takeover of Health Care

MEMO FOR THE MOVEMENT: Women Reject Government Takeover of Healthcare and the “Public Option” RE: Women have largely been excluded from the healthcare discussion in a meaningful way. A new poll just released by the Independent Women’s Forum indicates that women voters largely enjoy their own healthcare coverage, do not ...
Climate Change

Oregon Governor Vetoes Bipartisan Subsidy Cut

The Oregon state legislature passed a bill reducing runaway renewable energy subsidies in an effort to help balance the state budget, but Gov. Ted Kulongoski (D) killed the bill with a veto. Now Oregon, which already faced a budget shortfall, may have to find an additional $50 million in its ...

North Carolina Group Sues for Equal Funding for Charters

School choice advocates have brought a lawsuit in North Carolina seeking funding equity in public education. The North Carolina Institute for Constitutional Law filed a complaint on September 21 on behalf of seven charter schools challenging the state’s funding formula, seeking the ability to request money from the state in ...

California Assembly Expunges Santa Barbara Drilling Vote

The California State Assembly is refusing to provide the names of assemblymen who voted to ban oil recovery off the coast of Santa Barbara. Twenty-eight members supported the ban, but their votes cannot be found in the official state database. Assembly leaders expunged the votes in order to spare lawmakers ...
Business & Economics

Is the recession really ending?

The recession is finally ending, government economics experts and the media say, hailing the rescue efforts of government agencies. Those tempted to celebrate should first examine the actual data, beginning with the $787 billion stimulus package. Earlier this year, President Barack Obama’s new economic team drew up a forecast to ...

The U.S. Army honors PRI’s Lance T. Izumi

The U.S. Army honors PRI’s Lance T. Izumi with awards for his parachute jump with the Army’s Golden Knights high-performance jump team. The event was held at the Army’s Southern California Advisory Board meeting on October 23rd in Fullerton. The two officers standing next to Lance are Lieutenant Colonel Miguel ...
Health Care

John R. Graham on “Straight Ahead with Bob Grant”

“Straight Ahead” with Bob Grant John R. Graham, Director of Health Care Studies, is interviewed by Bob Grant on the proposed health care reform bill. John Graham talks about what is in the 1,990 page bill and the huge federal bureaucracy that will be created if this health care legislation ...

Air Quality Board’s Plan for Car Windows Unrealistic

The California Air Resources Board has proposed a new mandate to require car companies to install metallic reflective windows, which CARB Chairwoman Mary Nichols describes as “a common-sense and cost-effective measure that will help cool the cars we drive and fight global warning.” CARB claims that reflective windows will reduce ...

Debunking Myths To Lower Prices, Trim Emissions And Sustain Access To Energy

A new extensive report has just been released by one of our Blog Contributors: Tom Tanton. This report titled Top Ten Energy Myths offers insight into and facts on the myths that are permeated upon the public by the mainstream media. As an energy supporter, this report will give you ...

New Report Debunks Common Myths about Energy

SAN FRANCISCO — The Pacific Research Institute, a free market think tank based in San Francisco, released a new report debunking the common myths about energy in America. Top Ten Energy Myths, by Thomas Tanton, senior fellow in Energy Studies, confronts ten popular myths about America’s energy sources, uses, and ...
Health Care

Conservative Women Reject Government Takeover of Health Care

MEMO FOR THE MOVEMENT: Women Reject Government Takeover of Healthcare and the “Public Option” RE: Women have largely been excluded from the healthcare discussion in a meaningful way. A new poll just released by the Independent Women’s Forum indicates that women voters largely enjoy their own healthcare coverage, do not ...
Climate Change

Oregon Governor Vetoes Bipartisan Subsidy Cut

The Oregon state legislature passed a bill reducing runaway renewable energy subsidies in an effort to help balance the state budget, but Gov. Ted Kulongoski (D) killed the bill with a veto. Now Oregon, which already faced a budget shortfall, may have to find an additional $50 million in its ...

North Carolina Group Sues for Equal Funding for Charters

School choice advocates have brought a lawsuit in North Carolina seeking funding equity in public education. The North Carolina Institute for Constitutional Law filed a complaint on September 21 on behalf of seven charter schools challenging the state’s funding formula, seeking the ability to request money from the state in ...

California Assembly Expunges Santa Barbara Drilling Vote

The California State Assembly is refusing to provide the names of assemblymen who voted to ban oil recovery off the coast of Santa Barbara. Twenty-eight members supported the ban, but their votes cannot be found in the official state database. Assembly leaders expunged the votes in order to spare lawmakers ...
Business & Economics

Is the recession really ending?

The recession is finally ending, government economics experts and the media say, hailing the rescue efforts of government agencies. Those tempted to celebrate should first examine the actual data, beginning with the $787 billion stimulus package. Earlier this year, President Barack Obama’s new economic team drew up a forecast to ...

The U.S. Army honors PRI’s Lance T. Izumi

The U.S. Army honors PRI’s Lance T. Izumi with awards for his parachute jump with the Army’s Golden Knights high-performance jump team. The event was held at the Army’s Southern California Advisory Board meeting on October 23rd in Fullerton. The two officers standing next to Lance are Lieutenant Colonel Miguel ...
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