Pacific Research Institute
Business & Economics
Largest, smallest tax burdens
California is tied for last place on yet another study of how and what states tax. The report, “Taxifornia,” is part of the California Prosperity Project by the Pacific Research Institute, a free-market advocacy group. Here are the five least burdensome states, based on a 10-point scale (10 is best): ...
Pacific Research Institute
May 12, 2010
25 ways the new healthcare law changes life for business owners
NFIB unveils how the new healthcare law will impact the nation’s small businesses through a variety of new taxes, mandates and regulations over the next ten years
Pacific Research Institute
April 28, 2010
Business & Economics
California’s State IT Overhaul Plan Lacks Critical Safeguards for Taxpayers and Transparency, Concludes New PRI Study
First 16 projects cost $471 million but deliver only $382 million in short-term financial benefits San Francisco – The California state government has taken important steps to improving the management of public information technology assets, but a new study from the San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute concludes that tougher policy ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 27, 2010
California Disconnect
The California state government has taken important steps to improving the management of public information technology assets, but this study concludes that tougher policy reforms are needed to protect taxpayer dollars and personal privacy. California Disconnect, written by Vince Vasquez, senior policy analyst at the National University System Institute, and ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 27, 2010
Climate Change
Dump Doomsday Dogma
Earth Day turns 40 today, April 22, a good time for scientists, politicians, journalists and the public to dump climate-change orthodoxy. Too many facts are interfering with the familiar story line. The earth is getting warmer and the cause is modern industry. Unless we curtail industry, and much other human ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 22, 2010
Will Business-Toxic Environment Poison Silicon Valley Innovation?
The world is full of pseudo-Silicon Valleys — private and public attempts to re-create California’s high-tech mecca. But they have achieved only pale copies of an original that remains the undisputed cradle of innovation. Historic leaders like Hewlett-Packard and Intel have stayed there, and more recent giants like Google, Facebook ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 21, 2010
Business & Economics
New study cites California’s high taxes and spending
California has one of the nation’s highest levels of government spending and taxes, and it adversely affects the state’s economic competitiveness, according to a new report by the conservative, San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute. Titled “Taxifornia,” the study by Robert P. Murphy and Jason Clemens found that state and local ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 20, 2010
Business & Economics
California Ranks Last in Combination Measure of Tax Burden and Tax Structure
Read the PDF study San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, found that California ranked dead last in a combined measure of the state’s tax burden and tax structure according to the newly released study, Taxifornia. It is the second study in the ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 15, 2010
Business & Economics
Lobbyists’ disclosure data not easily examined, accessed in Arizona
As Arizona struggles with deficits and a failing economy, it is critical to understand the behind-the-scenes lobbying that fuels the state’s political decision-making. On this issue, Arizona’s record is decidedly mixed. According to the Pacific Research Institute’s “State-Level Lobbying and Taxpayers,” a study that examines lobbying disclosure laws and accessibility ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 4, 2010
New Study: High-Standards States Far Exceed National Standards
Boston/San Francisco — A new study by two nationally known curricular experts evaluates and critiques the proposed draft national standards in math and English. The new study, Fair to Middling: A National Standards Progress Report , is the second in-depth analysis of the standards, and is jointly published by the ...
Pacific Research Institute
April 2, 2010
Largest, smallest tax burdens
California is tied for last place on yet another study of how and what states tax. The report, “Taxifornia,” is part of the California Prosperity Project by the Pacific Research Institute, a free-market advocacy group. Here are the five least burdensome states, based on a 10-point scale (10 is best): ...
25 ways the new healthcare law changes life for business owners
NFIB unveils how the new healthcare law will impact the nation’s small businesses through a variety of new taxes, mandates and regulations over the next ten years
California’s State IT Overhaul Plan Lacks Critical Safeguards for Taxpayers and Transparency, Concludes New PRI Study
First 16 projects cost $471 million but deliver only $382 million in short-term financial benefits San Francisco – The California state government has taken important steps to improving the management of public information technology assets, but a new study from the San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute concludes that tougher policy ...
California Disconnect
The California state government has taken important steps to improving the management of public information technology assets, but this study concludes that tougher policy reforms are needed to protect taxpayer dollars and personal privacy. California Disconnect, written by Vince Vasquez, senior policy analyst at the National University System Institute, and ...
Dump Doomsday Dogma
Earth Day turns 40 today, April 22, a good time for scientists, politicians, journalists and the public to dump climate-change orthodoxy. Too many facts are interfering with the familiar story line. The earth is getting warmer and the cause is modern industry. Unless we curtail industry, and much other human ...
Will Business-Toxic Environment Poison Silicon Valley Innovation?
The world is full of pseudo-Silicon Valleys — private and public attempts to re-create California’s high-tech mecca. But they have achieved only pale copies of an original that remains the undisputed cradle of innovation. Historic leaders like Hewlett-Packard and Intel have stayed there, and more recent giants like Google, Facebook ...
New study cites California’s high taxes and spending
California has one of the nation’s highest levels of government spending and taxes, and it adversely affects the state’s economic competitiveness, according to a new report by the conservative, San Francisco-based Pacific Research Institute. Titled “Taxifornia,” the study by Robert P. Murphy and Jason Clemens found that state and local ...
California Ranks Last in Combination Measure of Tax Burden and Tax Structure
Read the PDF study San Francisco—The Pacific Research Institute (PRI), a free-market think tank based in San Francisco, found that California ranked dead last in a combined measure of the state’s tax burden and tax structure according to the newly released study, Taxifornia. It is the second study in the ...
Lobbyists’ disclosure data not easily examined, accessed in Arizona
As Arizona struggles with deficits and a failing economy, it is critical to understand the behind-the-scenes lobbying that fuels the state’s political decision-making. On this issue, Arizona’s record is decidedly mixed. According to the Pacific Research Institute’s “State-Level Lobbying and Taxpayers,” a study that examines lobbying disclosure laws and accessibility ...
New Study: High-Standards States Far Exceed National Standards
Boston/San Francisco — A new study by two nationally known curricular experts evaluates and critiques the proposed draft national standards in math and English. The new study, Fair to Middling: A National Standards Progress Report , is the second in-depth analysis of the standards, and is jointly published by the ...