Lawrence J. McQuillan


Jump-Starting The Economy

If the presidential candidates are serious about bolstering the economy, they should address one of the major drags on it–widespread abuse of the tort system. The role of the tort system in compensating victims for their injuries is certainly valuable. But meritless plaintiffs and their opportunistic personal-injury attorneys clog the ...
Business & Economics

U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report

The U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report measures the best and worst tort systems in America. The Pacific Research Institute developed the Index as a tool for governors and state legislators to assess their tort systems and to enact laws that will improve the business climates of their states. The ...
Business & Economics

Re: Bill Stall, “Even Reagan Raised Taxes,” Opinion, Feb. 26

Letter to the Editor Re: Bill Stall, “Even Reagan Raised Taxes,” Opinion, Feb. 26 Stall needs a history lesson. In 1991, facing an inherited $14.3-billion budget deficit, Wilson and state legislators agreed to raise taxes by $7.2 billion. Politicians assumed that hikes would increase long-run tax revenues, thereby closing the ...
Business & Economics

Why California’s “Budget Wolf” Has Returned

SACRAMENTO – On February 16, Governor Schwarzenegger approved the California legislature’s plan to deal with the “fiscal emergency” that the governor declared on January 10, two days after he said that the “budget wolf” that California had managed to avoid for two years was now back at the door. The ...
Business & Economics

Terminating Fiscal Conservatism

“For several years, we kept the budget wolf from the door,” said Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his State of the State Address. “But the wolf is back.” Two days after this speech — January 10 — the governor declared a “fiscal emergency,” forcing the legislature to develop a plan within ...

Jump-Starting The Economy

If the presidential candidates are serious about bolstering the economy, they should address one of the major drags on it–widespread abuse of the tort system. The role of the tort system in compensating victims for their injuries is certainly valuable. But meritless plaintiffs and their opportunistic personal-injury attorneys clog the ...
Business & Economics

U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report

The U.S. Tort Liability Index: 2008 Report measures the best and worst tort systems in America. The Pacific Research Institute developed the Index as a tool for governors and state legislators to assess their tort systems and to enact laws that will improve the business climates of their states. The ...
Business & Economics

Re: Bill Stall, “Even Reagan Raised Taxes,” Opinion, Feb. 26

Letter to the Editor Re: Bill Stall, “Even Reagan Raised Taxes,” Opinion, Feb. 26 Stall needs a history lesson. In 1991, facing an inherited $14.3-billion budget deficit, Wilson and state legislators agreed to raise taxes by $7.2 billion. Politicians assumed that hikes would increase long-run tax revenues, thereby closing the ...
Business & Economics

Why California’s “Budget Wolf” Has Returned

SACRAMENTO – On February 16, Governor Schwarzenegger approved the California legislature’s plan to deal with the “fiscal emergency” that the governor declared on January 10, two days after he said that the “budget wolf” that California had managed to avoid for two years was now back at the door. The ...
Business & Economics

Terminating Fiscal Conservatism

“For several years, we kept the budget wolf from the door,” said Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in his State of the State Address. “But the wolf is back.” Two days after this speech — January 10 — the governor declared a “fiscal emergency,” forcing the legislature to develop a plan within ...
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