Lance Izumi


Can Taxpayers Afford New Union Giveaways?

The LAUSD Strike and the State Budget Deficit: Train Wreck Ahead

While coverage of the recent strike by Los Angeles teachers and school staff members has focused on the immediate wage demands of the unions and the impact on students and their families, the bigger and looming issue is how California’s growing state budget deficit could impact any collective bargaining agreement. ...

Public schools failed during COVID, so give families more choice

Perhaps in no other area did the COVID-19 pandemic have a greater impact than on education. While government spending burgeoned, student achievement plummeted, children’s mental health suffered and schools became more dangerous, which is an outcome that demands a better solution such as giving parents greater educational choice. During the ...

How parental choice can help save our urban areas

The following is an address delivered by Lance Izumi at the recent 2023 Pacific Research Institute Sacramento Conference at the Sutter Club. California’s urban areas are in decline, but empirical evidence shows that one possible solution holds out hope for the state’s distressed cities – expanding parental choice in education. ...

Ultimate Solution to CRT: Parental Choice

ULTIMATE SOLUTION TO CRT: PARENTAL CHOICE By Lance Izumi January 25, 2023 In the new Pacific Research Institute book The Great Parent Revolt: How Parents and Grassroots Leaders are Fighting Critical Race Theory in America’s Schools, which I co-authored with Wenyuan Wu and McKenzie Richards, we tell the stories of ...
Classroom Ideology

Parents revolted against critical race theory. Here’s how they won

The recent action by a California school board to ban the use of critical race theory in instruction highlights the uprising of parents over political indoctrination in the classroom. As in many school districts, a pro-parent slate of candidates recently won a majority on the school board in Temecula in ...
Classroom Ideology

The Critical Race Theory debate is turning parents into unlikely activists

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is among the most divisive doctrines to ever threaten America’s schoolchildren, and it has sparked an unprecedented grassroots uprising of parents whose stories of ideological resistance have been detailed in our new book The Great Parent Revolt. A multidisciplinary education philosophy that places race at the center ...

COVID-19 Gave a Boost to Urban Homeschooling

COVID-19 gave a boost to urban homeschooling BY LANCE IZUMI Students in urban traditional public schools have struggled for years, but recent state and national test-score results show that student performance fell even more in the wake of the COVID pandemic, which is why so many urban parents have decided ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Time for an Alternative to Common Core Testing

When the much-criticized Common Core standards and curricula were imposed on America’s schools after pressure from the Obama administration, tests aligned with Common Core came along with the package. However, now that so many parents and their children are choosing alternatives to the Common Core-infiltrated regular public schools, it is ...

A Personal Story for Veterans Day

Of all of our nation’s armed services, Americans probably know the least about the United States Coast Guard.  One hears the stories of soldiers, sailors, Marines, and air men and women, but rarely does one hear a Coast Guard story.  Well, let me tell you the story of my father, ...

How Congress Can Improve Education

Whatever the results of the midterm elections, the new Congress will face many old problems, especially in education.  Yet, despite the seemingly intractable nature of these problems, there are important actions that Congress can take to meet the needs and concerns of parents and their children.   Improving student achievement, ...

Can Taxpayers Afford New Union Giveaways?

The LAUSD Strike and the State Budget Deficit: Train Wreck Ahead

While coverage of the recent strike by Los Angeles teachers and school staff members has focused on the immediate wage demands of the unions and the impact on students and their families, the bigger and looming issue is how California’s growing state budget deficit could impact any collective bargaining agreement. ...

Public schools failed during COVID, so give families more choice

Perhaps in no other area did the COVID-19 pandemic have a greater impact than on education. While government spending burgeoned, student achievement plummeted, children’s mental health suffered and schools became more dangerous, which is an outcome that demands a better solution such as giving parents greater educational choice. During the ...

How parental choice can help save our urban areas

The following is an address delivered by Lance Izumi at the recent 2023 Pacific Research Institute Sacramento Conference at the Sutter Club. California’s urban areas are in decline, but empirical evidence shows that one possible solution holds out hope for the state’s distressed cities – expanding parental choice in education. ...

Ultimate Solution to CRT: Parental Choice

ULTIMATE SOLUTION TO CRT: PARENTAL CHOICE By Lance Izumi January 25, 2023 In the new Pacific Research Institute book The Great Parent Revolt: How Parents and Grassroots Leaders are Fighting Critical Race Theory in America’s Schools, which I co-authored with Wenyuan Wu and McKenzie Richards, we tell the stories of ...
Classroom Ideology

Parents revolted against critical race theory. Here’s how they won

The recent action by a California school board to ban the use of critical race theory in instruction highlights the uprising of parents over political indoctrination in the classroom. As in many school districts, a pro-parent slate of candidates recently won a majority on the school board in Temecula in ...
Classroom Ideology

The Critical Race Theory debate is turning parents into unlikely activists

Critical Race Theory (CRT) is among the most divisive doctrines to ever threaten America’s schoolchildren, and it has sparked an unprecedented grassroots uprising of parents whose stories of ideological resistance have been detailed in our new book The Great Parent Revolt. A multidisciplinary education philosophy that places race at the center ...

COVID-19 Gave a Boost to Urban Homeschooling

COVID-19 gave a boost to urban homeschooling BY LANCE IZUMI Students in urban traditional public schools have struggled for years, but recent state and national test-score results show that student performance fell even more in the wake of the COVID pandemic, which is why so many urban parents have decided ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Time for an Alternative to Common Core Testing

When the much-criticized Common Core standards and curricula were imposed on America’s schools after pressure from the Obama administration, tests aligned with Common Core came along with the package. However, now that so many parents and their children are choosing alternatives to the Common Core-infiltrated regular public schools, it is ...

A Personal Story for Veterans Day

Of all of our nation’s armed services, Americans probably know the least about the United States Coast Guard.  One hears the stories of soldiers, sailors, Marines, and air men and women, but rarely does one hear a Coast Guard story.  Well, let me tell you the story of my father, ...

How Congress Can Improve Education

Whatever the results of the midterm elections, the new Congress will face many old problems, especially in education.  Yet, despite the seemingly intractable nature of these problems, there are important actions that Congress can take to meet the needs and concerns of parents and their children.   Improving student achievement, ...
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