Kerry Jackson
Driving Up Labor Costs Drives Down Jobs
Gov. Jerry Brown has advised lawmakers to expect a slowdown in tax revenue, a warning he issued weeks after he signed into law a bill raising the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022. Maybe he should consider that there’s a connection. When Brown signed the minimum wage ...
Kerry Jackson
July 26, 2016
Putting the Legislature on (72-Hour) Notice
In California, a bill can start in the Legislature with a title like “The Prosperity For All Act,” yet end up being a law regulating the manufacture, sale and use of dog leashes or floor tiles. Or a law that adds another tax. Or a law that does whatever lawmakers ...
Kerry Jackson
July 19, 2016
Smaller Government Needed in California
As much as the Brexit vote, coming just before Canada’s and America’s own independence celebrations, drove the West’s elitists to call those who don’t agree with them “rubes” and far worse, it also inspired other autonomy movements to increase their efforts to break away from those ruling them from a ...
Kerry Jackson
July 12, 2016
Business & Economics
Public employee pensions an enormous problem
In January 2013, Gov. Jerry Brown bragged about the state’s new commitment to fiscal responsibility. He talked about “living within our means and not spending what we don’t have.” A year later, in his State of the State address, Brown insisted that “fiscal discipline is not the enemy of our ...
Kerry Jackson
July 7, 2016
If California had an official state vehicle, it should be the moving van. Nothing could better illustrate the exodus from the Golden State by companies looking for a friendlier business environment, and individuals seeking job opportunities. Read the brief
Kerry Jackson
June 27, 2016
The Little Train That Couldn’t: CA’s High Speed Rail
California’s high-speed rail project has fallen into a ditch due to yet another delay. Now would be a good time to put a bullet in this bullet-train scheme before even more billions of taxpayers’ dollars are wasted. The California High-Speed Rail Authority denies there’s a holdup. Maybe it’s just a ...
Kerry Jackson
June 9, 2016
Gov. Brown exceeds his authority on greenhouse gas limits
When Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order last year mandating reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, he said he did it for California’s future. But his motives were irrelevant. He broke the law, says the state’s legislative counsel. “We think the determination ...
Kerry Jackson
June 2, 2016
2013: The Year of Obamacare Tax Hikes
Although Obamacare was signed into law in 2010, very few of its rules and regulations have gone into law. This was by design: the Obama Administration wanted to give executive departments time to set definitions, insurance companies time to adjust to the new reality, and didn’t want Americans shocked – ...
Kerry Jackson
December 28, 2012
Driving Up Labor Costs Drives Down Jobs
Gov. Jerry Brown has advised lawmakers to expect a slowdown in tax revenue, a warning he issued weeks after he signed into law a bill raising the state’s minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2022. Maybe he should consider that there’s a connection. When Brown signed the minimum wage ...
Putting the Legislature on (72-Hour) Notice
In California, a bill can start in the Legislature with a title like “The Prosperity For All Act,” yet end up being a law regulating the manufacture, sale and use of dog leashes or floor tiles. Or a law that adds another tax. Or a law that does whatever lawmakers ...
Smaller Government Needed in California
As much as the Brexit vote, coming just before Canada’s and America’s own independence celebrations, drove the West’s elitists to call those who don’t agree with them “rubes” and far worse, it also inspired other autonomy movements to increase their efforts to break away from those ruling them from a ...
Public employee pensions an enormous problem
In January 2013, Gov. Jerry Brown bragged about the state’s new commitment to fiscal responsibility. He talked about “living within our means and not spending what we don’t have.” A year later, in his State of the State address, Brown insisted that “fiscal discipline is not the enemy of our ...
If California had an official state vehicle, it should be the moving van. Nothing could better illustrate the exodus from the Golden State by companies looking for a friendlier business environment, and individuals seeking job opportunities. Read the brief
The Little Train That Couldn’t: CA’s High Speed Rail
California’s high-speed rail project has fallen into a ditch due to yet another delay. Now would be a good time to put a bullet in this bullet-train scheme before even more billions of taxpayers’ dollars are wasted. The California High-Speed Rail Authority denies there’s a holdup. Maybe it’s just a ...
Gov. Brown exceeds his authority on greenhouse gas limits
When Gov. Jerry Brown issued an executive order last year mandating reductions in greenhouse gas emissions to 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030, he said he did it for California’s future. But his motives were irrelevant. He broke the law, says the state’s legislative counsel. “We think the determination ...
2013: The Year of Obamacare Tax Hikes
Although Obamacare was signed into law in 2010, very few of its rules and regulations have gone into law. This was by design: the Obama Administration wanted to give executive departments time to set definitions, insurance companies time to adjust to the new reality, and didn’t want Americans shocked – ...