Kerry Jackson
The State of the State’s Pensions Is Not So Strong
The governor covered quite a few topics in Thursday’s State of the State address, some of them in more detail than others. But one he skimmed over that should have received more attention is the state’s public-employee pension crisis. It was mentioned only twice, both times references to a reform ...
Kerry Jackson
January 26, 2018
Kerry Jackson Talks California Poverty on Lars Larson Show
Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss the findings of his new study on poverty in California, Good Intentions on “The Lars Larson Show”. The interview begins around the 54:00 mark. Click here to download a copy of Good Intentions.
Kerry Jackson
January 22, 2018
Water from the Sands
There’s no thirstier state than California. Its history of water wars, droughts—both natural and manmade—and, according to some, outright theft of water from the Owens Valley about four hours north of Los Angeles, has inspired legend, myth, and movies. But even after roughly a century of water flowing into an otherwise ...
Kerry Jackson
January 22, 2018
Latest Evidence Shows Rent Control Increases Costs, Reduces Housing Supply
As we have noted so many times before, rent control laws are one of the many flawed public policies that are driving California’s steep housing costs. Look here, here and here. Of course, we’re not alone in making this assertion. There is an extensive library of scholarly literature that has ...
Kerry Jackson
January 22, 2018
Sacramento’s Next Battle – How To Spend A $6.1 Billion Budget Surplus
Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed the biggest state budget in history. He wants to spend $131.7 billion from the general fund, about 5 percent more than is being spent from the $125 billion 2016-17 budget he signed last year. His 16th and final budget also includes a surplus, which some ...
Kerry Jackson
January 18, 2018
Listen to Kerry Jackson on “McIntyre in the Morning”
Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discusses poverty in California and his new study “Good Intentions” with Doug McIntyre on “McIntyre in the Morning” on KABC AM 790 in Los Angeles. The interview begins at the 23:40 mark.
Kerry Jackson
January 18, 2018
CAPITAL IDEAS:The Next Step on the Slippery Slope Toward Single-Payer in California
Download the PDF California has declared itself a sanctuary state, where illegal immigrants are sheltered from federal law. The urge to “resist” President Trump runs so red hot in California that Gov. Jerry Brown pardoned two immigrants from Cambodia on Dec. 23 who otherwise would have been deported because they ...
Kerry Jackson
January 17, 2018
Kerry Jackson Talks California Poverty on Sirius XM Radio
Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss his recent Los Angeles Times op-ed and his new issue brief on poverty in California, Good Intentions on “The Wilkow Majority” on the Sirius XM Patriot Channel. Click here to listen to the interview. Click here to read ...
Kerry Jackson
January 16, 2018
California, Poverty Capital
California—not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia—has the highest poverty rate in the United States. According to the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure—which accounts for the cost of housing, food, utilities, and clothing, and which includes noncash government assistance as a form of income—nearly one out of four Californians is ...
Kerry Jackson
January 16, 2018
Higher Prices During Crises – Is It Really Price Gouging?
On New Year’s Day, months after wildfires had started their deadly march through California, the Los Angeles Times published an article headlined “After the flames, allegations of rent-gouging fly in devastated wine country communities.” It did not include a single defense of higher prices, which indicates bias, or economic ignorance ...
Kerry Jackson
January 15, 2018
The State of the State’s Pensions Is Not So Strong
The governor covered quite a few topics in Thursday’s State of the State address, some of them in more detail than others. But one he skimmed over that should have received more attention is the state’s public-employee pension crisis. It was mentioned only twice, both times references to a reform ...
Kerry Jackson Talks California Poverty on Lars Larson Show
Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss the findings of his new study on poverty in California, Good Intentions on “The Lars Larson Show”. The interview begins around the 54:00 mark. Click here to download a copy of Good Intentions.
Water from the Sands
There’s no thirstier state than California. Its history of water wars, droughts—both natural and manmade—and, according to some, outright theft of water from the Owens Valley about four hours north of Los Angeles, has inspired legend, myth, and movies. But even after roughly a century of water flowing into an otherwise ...
Latest Evidence Shows Rent Control Increases Costs, Reduces Housing Supply
As we have noted so many times before, rent control laws are one of the many flawed public policies that are driving California’s steep housing costs. Look here, here and here. Of course, we’re not alone in making this assertion. There is an extensive library of scholarly literature that has ...
Sacramento’s Next Battle – How To Spend A $6.1 Billion Budget Surplus
Gov. Jerry Brown has proposed the biggest state budget in history. He wants to spend $131.7 billion from the general fund, about 5 percent more than is being spent from the $125 billion 2016-17 budget he signed last year. His 16th and final budget also includes a surplus, which some ...
Listen to Kerry Jackson on “McIntyre in the Morning”
Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discusses poverty in California and his new study “Good Intentions” with Doug McIntyre on “McIntyre in the Morning” on KABC AM 790 in Los Angeles. The interview begins at the 23:40 mark.
CAPITAL IDEAS:The Next Step on the Slippery Slope Toward Single-Payer in California
Download the PDF California has declared itself a sanctuary state, where illegal immigrants are sheltered from federal law. The urge to “resist” President Trump runs so red hot in California that Gov. Jerry Brown pardoned two immigrants from Cambodia on Dec. 23 who otherwise would have been deported because they ...
Kerry Jackson Talks California Poverty on Sirius XM Radio
Listen to Kerry Jackson, fellow with PRI’s Center for California Reform, discuss his recent Los Angeles Times op-ed and his new issue brief on poverty in California, Good Intentions on “The Wilkow Majority” on the Sirius XM Patriot Channel. Click here to listen to the interview. Click here to read ...
California, Poverty Capital
California—not Mississippi, New Mexico, or West Virginia—has the highest poverty rate in the United States. According to the Census Bureau’s Supplemental Poverty Measure—which accounts for the cost of housing, food, utilities, and clothing, and which includes noncash government assistance as a form of income—nearly one out of four Californians is ...
Higher Prices During Crises – Is It Really Price Gouging?
On New Year’s Day, months after wildfires had started their deadly march through California, the Los Angeles Times published an article headlined “After the flames, allegations of rent-gouging fly in devastated wine country communities.” It did not include a single defense of higher prices, which indicates bias, or economic ignorance ...