Kerry Jackson


CAPITAL IDEAS: Is Blue State California’s Agenda America’s Future?

Download PDF Originally published in PRI’s Impact magazine, Summer 2018 An article that posits California as the model for the country’s future recently picked up some traffic, thanks to an affirming tweet from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who called it a “great read.” We’d say it’s more of a “must ...

End of Session Bills Could Mean Less Freedom for California

For many generations California was the land of promise, where people could earn fortunes, freely express themselves, and live easily with minimal interference from authorities. It was a well-deserved image. But the dream is now a mirage. California has become the central office of restrictions, obstructions, and coercion. According to ...

California Can Either Make Use of Its Sea of Oil, Or Drown In It

Earlier this month, The New York Times gave space to a climate activist who argued that policymakers must “Free California of Fossil Fuels.” Six days later, the Times’ California Today feature covered the state’s “Move to Mandate 100% Carbon-Free Electricity” through Senate Bill 100. A significant portion of Californians would agree ...

Shouldn’t Californians Have More Choices in Health Care Insurance? Lawmakers Don’t Think So

The Trump administration recently announced a regulatory change that “proposes to expand the availability of short-term, limited-duration health insurance by allowing consumers to buy plans providing coverage for any period of less than 12 months, rather than the current (Obamacare) maximum period of less than three months.” Naturally, California lawmakers ...

Sacramento’s Urge To ‘Police’ The Internet Is A Foolish Gesture

Just after the New Year began, California lawmakers, sore that the Federal Communications Commission restored a stolen freedom and repealed the Obama-era net neutrality rule, introduced their own net neutrality bill. The California Internet Consumer Protection and Net Neutrality Act was gutted in June, but it has returned, as ugly ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: More Competition Will Help Consumers Needing Quick Cash

Open the PDF California lawmakers have had several chances to handcuff payday lenders, and in each instance, they were either unable to, or chose not to. Naturally, some see this as a series of missed opportunities. We understand the reaction. But this is an industry that should be liberated so ...

Will Newsom’s Second Chance at Reducing Homelessness Succeed?

Homelessness, says Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, will be one of his top priorities should he be elected California governor this fall. He even has a plan, says the Sacramento Bee, in which he will “get deeply involved at a granular level where most governors haven’t in the past.” Let’s hope ...

California’s move away from retrogressive politics?

Public employee unions took a deserved beating when the U.S. Supreme Court issued its Janus vs. AFSCME ruling, and their pain will eventually trickle down to the Democratic Party. The worst, though, is not over for them. What’s ahead has the potential to alter California’s political landscape. The 5-4 Court ...

CAPITAL IDEAS – Choice Robbers: California Nannies Won’t Give Up

Download the PDF When the Legislature declared a moratorium on cities enacting soda taxes, it felt like a win for freedom and a pushback of interventionism. But the busybodies never give up and they plow a fertile field in California, which has no rival as a nanny state. Lawmakers passed, ...

California Greens — Not As Woke As They Think They Are

Californians regard themselves as members of the environmentally aware aristocracy. Polls consistently show that large numbers of Golden Staters agonize over Gaia’s plight. An SFGate headline last year that declared “Californians put high priority on environment” was news to no one. But have they been misled by a political left ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Is Blue State California’s Agenda America’s Future?

Download PDF Originally published in PRI’s Impact magazine, Summer 2018 An article that posits California as the model for the country’s future recently picked up some traffic, thanks to an affirming tweet from Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who called it a “great read.” We’d say it’s more of a “must ...

End of Session Bills Could Mean Less Freedom for California

For many generations California was the land of promise, where people could earn fortunes, freely express themselves, and live easily with minimal interference from authorities. It was a well-deserved image. But the dream is now a mirage. California has become the central office of restrictions, obstructions, and coercion. According to ...

California Can Either Make Use of Its Sea of Oil, Or Drown In It

Earlier this month, The New York Times gave space to a climate activist who argued that policymakers must “Free California of Fossil Fuels.” Six days later, the Times’ California Today feature covered the state’s “Move to Mandate 100% Carbon-Free Electricity” through Senate Bill 100. A significant portion of Californians would agree ...

Shouldn’t Californians Have More Choices in Health Care Insurance? Lawmakers Don’t Think So

The Trump administration recently announced a regulatory change that “proposes to expand the availability of short-term, limited-duration health insurance by allowing consumers to buy plans providing coverage for any period of less than 12 months, rather than the current (Obamacare) maximum period of less than three months.” Naturally, California lawmakers ...

Sacramento’s Urge To ‘Police’ The Internet Is A Foolish Gesture

Just after the New Year began, California lawmakers, sore that the Federal Communications Commission restored a stolen freedom and repealed the Obama-era net neutrality rule, introduced their own net neutrality bill. The California Internet Consumer Protection and Net Neutrality Act was gutted in June, but it has returned, as ugly ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: More Competition Will Help Consumers Needing Quick Cash

Open the PDF California lawmakers have had several chances to handcuff payday lenders, and in each instance, they were either unable to, or chose not to. Naturally, some see this as a series of missed opportunities. We understand the reaction. But this is an industry that should be liberated so ...

Will Newsom’s Second Chance at Reducing Homelessness Succeed?

Homelessness, says Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom, will be one of his top priorities should he be elected California governor this fall. He even has a plan, says the Sacramento Bee, in which he will “get deeply involved at a granular level where most governors haven’t in the past.” Let’s hope ...

California’s move away from retrogressive politics?

Public employee unions took a deserved beating when the U.S. Supreme Court issued its Janus vs. AFSCME ruling, and their pain will eventually trickle down to the Democratic Party. The worst, though, is not over for them. What’s ahead has the potential to alter California’s political landscape. The 5-4 Court ...

CAPITAL IDEAS – Choice Robbers: California Nannies Won’t Give Up

Download the PDF When the Legislature declared a moratorium on cities enacting soda taxes, it felt like a win for freedom and a pushback of interventionism. But the busybodies never give up and they plow a fertile field in California, which has no rival as a nanny state. Lawmakers passed, ...

California Greens — Not As Woke As They Think They Are

Californians regard themselves as members of the environmentally aware aristocracy. Polls consistently show that large numbers of Golden Staters agonize over Gaia’s plight. An SFGate headline last year that declared “Californians put high priority on environment” was news to no one. But have they been misled by a political left ...
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