Kerry Jackson


Las Vegas High Speed Rail Project Shows Private Sector Can Get Job Done on High Speed Rail

As California’s bullet train continues to get hung up by cost projections gone wild, construction delays, postponed opening dates, and legal troubles, a high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and Las Vegas could be carrying passengers just four years from now. The difference? One is a government project, the other ...

California Triggered by Weak, Minor Greenhouse Gas

Just days after signing legislation committing the state to 100 percent renewable sources for electricity, Gov. Jerry Brown hosted a grandiose climate summit in San Francisco. Noticeably absent from the conference was even the smallest dose of healthy skepticism. Of course, the self-important nags were there, emitting their usual industrial-grade ...

Would Prop. 10 Reduce California’s High Housing Costs? Basic Economics Says No.

Californians will be faced with a dozen voter propositions on Election Day. None is more important than Proposition 10, which would allow local governments to enact rent control laws. The outcome will have a profound effect on California’s housing crisis. Prop 10 would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act of ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: California Plays Fast and Loose with Food Stamp Work Requirements

Download the PDF California, not West Virginia, not Mississippi, has the highest poverty rate among the 50 states. Blame policymakers who, rather than solving the problem, have inflamed it. In fact, California officials have gone out of their way to keep hundreds of thousands dependent on government. The Census Bureau’s ...

California Supreme Court Ruling Takes Its First Scalp

It didn’t take long for a California Supreme Court decision to start claiming victims. Bottle & Barlow, a “get loose stay sharp” joint on trendy R Street in Sacramento, where a gentleman can sip whisky and also be stylishly shorn, has lost its entire staff of freelance barbers because seven ...

Your tax dollars used to oppose repeal of fuel tax

Most of us have driven past a road crew and from our vantage point it appeared little was being accomplished. We think of the old jokes asking “how many men does it take” to complete a variety of tasks, because at that moment we see one man working while our ...

Reforming California’s auto emission standards will bring relief to working poor

California, where there’s been some talk of secession, has long had the privilege of regulating emissions as if it were a nation rather than one of 50 states. A challenge has emerged, though. The Trump administration wants to revoke the federal waiver that allows the state to act autonomously. But ...

Would California Be Better Off With Part-Time Legislators Rather Than Professional Politicians?

California lawmakers have sent legislation to Gov. Jerry Brown that will allow them to live outside the districts they “represent.” To some, Senate Bill 1250 simply frees legislators to live and work in Sacramento while representing the folks back home. Others argue it lets lawmakers deceive their constituents. We see ...

Shutting Down California Energy Production Would Be Foolish

Of the 50 states, only Texas and North Dakota have more proved oil reserves than California. The state should be capitalizing on the riches, shouldn’t it? But, no. That’s not the plan. California politicians want to leave crude in the ground where it doesn’t do anyone any good. And it’s ...

San Diego Stands Alone as Cities Shake Down e-Scooter Startups

When Ronald Reagan told us that if something moves, politicians want to tax it, and if it keeps moving, they want to regulate it, he was issuing a warning, not providing a how-to manual for government. Yet lawmakers and bureaucrats behave as if that’s what it was. No current event ...

Las Vegas High Speed Rail Project Shows Private Sector Can Get Job Done on High Speed Rail

As California’s bullet train continues to get hung up by cost projections gone wild, construction delays, postponed opening dates, and legal troubles, a high-speed rail line between Los Angeles and Las Vegas could be carrying passengers just four years from now. The difference? One is a government project, the other ...

California Triggered by Weak, Minor Greenhouse Gas

Just days after signing legislation committing the state to 100 percent renewable sources for electricity, Gov. Jerry Brown hosted a grandiose climate summit in San Francisco. Noticeably absent from the conference was even the smallest dose of healthy skepticism. Of course, the self-important nags were there, emitting their usual industrial-grade ...

Would Prop. 10 Reduce California’s High Housing Costs? Basic Economics Says No.

Californians will be faced with a dozen voter propositions on Election Day. None is more important than Proposition 10, which would allow local governments to enact rent control laws. The outcome will have a profound effect on California’s housing crisis. Prop 10 would repeal the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act of ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: California Plays Fast and Loose with Food Stamp Work Requirements

Download the PDF California, not West Virginia, not Mississippi, has the highest poverty rate among the 50 states. Blame policymakers who, rather than solving the problem, have inflamed it. In fact, California officials have gone out of their way to keep hundreds of thousands dependent on government. The Census Bureau’s ...

California Supreme Court Ruling Takes Its First Scalp

It didn’t take long for a California Supreme Court decision to start claiming victims. Bottle & Barlow, a “get loose stay sharp” joint on trendy R Street in Sacramento, where a gentleman can sip whisky and also be stylishly shorn, has lost its entire staff of freelance barbers because seven ...

Your tax dollars used to oppose repeal of fuel tax

Most of us have driven past a road crew and from our vantage point it appeared little was being accomplished. We think of the old jokes asking “how many men does it take” to complete a variety of tasks, because at that moment we see one man working while our ...

Reforming California’s auto emission standards will bring relief to working poor

California, where there’s been some talk of secession, has long had the privilege of regulating emissions as if it were a nation rather than one of 50 states. A challenge has emerged, though. The Trump administration wants to revoke the federal waiver that allows the state to act autonomously. But ...

Would California Be Better Off With Part-Time Legislators Rather Than Professional Politicians?

California lawmakers have sent legislation to Gov. Jerry Brown that will allow them to live outside the districts they “represent.” To some, Senate Bill 1250 simply frees legislators to live and work in Sacramento while representing the folks back home. Others argue it lets lawmakers deceive their constituents. We see ...

Shutting Down California Energy Production Would Be Foolish

Of the 50 states, only Texas and North Dakota have more proved oil reserves than California. The state should be capitalizing on the riches, shouldn’t it? But, no. That’s not the plan. California politicians want to leave crude in the ground where it doesn’t do anyone any good. And it’s ...

San Diego Stands Alone as Cities Shake Down e-Scooter Startups

When Ronald Reagan told us that if something moves, politicians want to tax it, and if it keeps moving, they want to regulate it, he was issuing a warning, not providing a how-to manual for government. Yet lawmakers and bureaucrats behave as if that’s what it was. No current event ...
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