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  • Kerry Jackson


    It’s No Surprise Republicans Are Leaving Liberals To Fester In High-Cost California

    It was a New York governor, not one in California, who said conservatives weren’t welcome in the state. But apparently conservatives out here are getting the message. A recent poll found that 46 percent of those who consider themselves “very conservative” have considered leaving California. Overall, the “high cost of ...

    California Power Outages — A Look Into The Future

    California’s Great Blackout of 2019 has begun as the lights keep going out for millions across the state’s northern stretches. What should be the past now seems to be the future. Pacific Gas and Electric began shutting down power early the morning of Oct. 9, when electricity was cut to ...

    Trump Opens Floodgates In California — Will The State Fight Him Or Be Grateful For The Help?

    California’s 55 electoral votes won’t go to President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, but he can expect the state’s farmers support. The White House announced on Oct. 22 it will pump water where it’s vital for human needs rather than hold it back on behalf of the Chinook salmon, ...

    California Needs More Bans Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle

    [vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”32402″ img_size=”1000px” qode_css_animation=””][qode_content_slider auto_rotate=”0″ direction_nav=”yes” control_nav=”yes” control_nav_justify=”no”][qode_content_slider_item] Plastic Water Bottles – Earlier this year, San Francisco International Airport announced it was prohibiting the sale of plastic water bottles at its airport shops and restaurants. [/qode_content_slider_item][qode_content_slider_item] Cars that run on gas and diesel ...

    California’s AB 5 will kill the gig economy and force more companies to leave

    Proposition 13 was called the political equivalent of a sonic boom by economist Art Laffer. In limiting how much local governments could drain from Californians through property taxes, fed-up voters changed the political landscape with the 1978 ballot measure in a way that few state policies have, before or since. ...

    Stockton’s Basic Income Experiment: 40% Of The Money Is Unaccounted For

    The initial report on Stockton’s “basic income” experiment, in which 125 residents in low-income Zip Codes receive $500 a month, shows that most of the money that can be tracked has been spent on necessities. But that’s only part of the story. Forty percent was transferred to bank accounts or ...

    When They Don’t Have to Do the Time, They’ll Do the Crime

    When Proposition 47 was passed, no small number of critics said it would lead to increases in property crimes as it downgraded theft to a misdemeanor if the value of the stolen goods or bad checks is less than $950. The threshold had been $450. Five years later, some law ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Electric Car Future to Nowhere

    DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF California lawmakers won’t give up on their crusade to force everyone in the state into electric cars (before eventually removing us out of our cars altogether). That electric vehicles neither sell nor perform up to reasonable expectations is irrelevant to the anti-car movement in Sacramento. It’s almost ...

    California Needs To Go Nuclear – Again

    California policymakers have indicated that when the state converts to a renewables-only energy framework in 2045, wind and sun will be the only sources permitted. Categorical renewables such as hydroelectric power and nuclear will not be considered. Narrowing the potential sources for electricity generation this way makes the goal nearly ...

    Kerry Jackson Comments on Gig Economy Bill in Forbes

    The state of California recently passed a bill that mandates app-based companies such as Lyft and Uber should treat their workers like employees instead of entrepreneurs. This could set a precedent for other states to sign up their own similar legislation on these ride-sharing companies. . . . . .Kerry ...

    It’s No Surprise Republicans Are Leaving Liberals To Fester In High-Cost California

    It was a New York governor, not one in California, who said conservatives weren’t welcome in the state. But apparently conservatives out here are getting the message. A recent poll found that 46 percent of those who consider themselves “very conservative” have considered leaving California. Overall, the “high cost of ...

    California Power Outages — A Look Into The Future

    California’s Great Blackout of 2019 has begun as the lights keep going out for millions across the state’s northern stretches. What should be the past now seems to be the future. Pacific Gas and Electric began shutting down power early the morning of Oct. 9, when electricity was cut to ...

    Trump Opens Floodgates In California — Will The State Fight Him Or Be Grateful For The Help?

    California’s 55 electoral votes won’t go to President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, but he can expect the state’s farmers support. The White House announced on Oct. 22 it will pump water where it’s vital for human needs rather than hold it back on behalf of the Chinook salmon, ...

    California Needs More Bans Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle

    [vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”32402″ img_size=”1000px” qode_css_animation=””][qode_content_slider auto_rotate=”0″ direction_nav=”yes” control_nav=”yes” control_nav_justify=”no”][qode_content_slider_item] Plastic Water Bottles – Earlier this year, San Francisco International Airport announced it was prohibiting the sale of plastic water bottles at its airport shops and restaurants. [/qode_content_slider_item][qode_content_slider_item] Cars that run on gas and diesel ...

    California’s AB 5 will kill the gig economy and force more companies to leave

    Proposition 13 was called the political equivalent of a sonic boom by economist Art Laffer. In limiting how much local governments could drain from Californians through property taxes, fed-up voters changed the political landscape with the 1978 ballot measure in a way that few state policies have, before or since. ...

    Stockton’s Basic Income Experiment: 40% Of The Money Is Unaccounted For

    The initial report on Stockton’s “basic income” experiment, in which 125 residents in low-income Zip Codes receive $500 a month, shows that most of the money that can be tracked has been spent on necessities. But that’s only part of the story. Forty percent was transferred to bank accounts or ...

    When They Don’t Have to Do the Time, They’ll Do the Crime

    When Proposition 47 was passed, no small number of critics said it would lead to increases in property crimes as it downgraded theft to a misdemeanor if the value of the stolen goods or bad checks is less than $950. The threshold had been $450. Five years later, some law ...

    CAPITAL IDEAS: California’s Electric Car Future to Nowhere

    DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF California lawmakers won’t give up on their crusade to force everyone in the state into electric cars (before eventually removing us out of our cars altogether). That electric vehicles neither sell nor perform up to reasonable expectations is irrelevant to the anti-car movement in Sacramento. It’s almost ...

    California Needs To Go Nuclear – Again

    California policymakers have indicated that when the state converts to a renewables-only energy framework in 2045, wind and sun will be the only sources permitted. Categorical renewables such as hydroelectric power and nuclear will not be considered. Narrowing the potential sources for electricity generation this way makes the goal nearly ...

    Kerry Jackson Comments on Gig Economy Bill in Forbes

    The state of California recently passed a bill that mandates app-based companies such as Lyft and Uber should treat their workers like employees instead of entrepreneurs. This could set a precedent for other states to sign up their own similar legislation on these ride-sharing companies. . . . . .Kerry ...
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