Kerry Jackson
The City That Taxed Too Much
San Francisco has added yet another tax, this one to fund a climate initiative. Though maybe it’s an overused phrase, “death by a thousand tax hikes” is still a descriptive expression, and it applies here. The 1% surcharge being added to some diners’ checks at some restaurants is not actually ...
Kerry Jackson
January 30, 2020
Newsom’s ‘Bold’ Plan on Prescription Drugs Won’t Really Help Patients, Lower Drug Costs
In a state where the private sector continues to be marginalized in favor of more government, Gov. Gavin Newsom has plans for California to set up a generic drug label of its own. It would be the first state in the country to go into the pharmaceutical business, and will ...
Kerry Jackson
January 27, 2020
California Not Exactly Roaring Into The ‘20s
A recent New York Times story posed an interesting question. “California is booming,” the Times says. “Why are so many Californians unhappy?” Despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent 2-hour-and-50-minute budget announcement – where he boasted of his administration’s “successes” – there are many troubling signs the state is slowing down. Chief ...
Kerry Jackson
January 24, 2020
Homelessness Task Force Isn’t Up To The Task
A state homelessness task force is recommending that local governments be hauled into court if they aren’t moving people off the streets. It’s unlikely to help. The most probable outcome is an increased burden on the courts and a higher dose of politics into an arena where politics have already ...
Kerry Jackson
January 22, 2020
Climate Change
California Green New Deal embraces far left policy wish list under guise of saving the planet
Sacramento Democrats have drawn up a Green New Deal for California, which, the public is being told, is necessary to prevent a global warming crisis. The usual empty talking points that are poor substitutes for climate facts have been strung together to create an atmosphere of doom. But it’s obvious ...
Kerry Jackson
January 15, 2020
Could National Water Pipeline Be the Solution to State’s Water Scarcity?
With nearly 40 million people and more than 70,000 farms taking up nearly 25 million acres, California is always thirsty. It is, as well, mostly dry. Deserts make up one-fourth of the state and semi-arid land occupies up at least that much, if not more. Consequently, water is an ever-unfolding ...
Kerry Jackson
January 15, 2020
California And Bernie Sanders a Snug Political Fit
A Washington newspaper has reported that U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont, has received 300 endorsements from California. That goes a long to explaining why things keep going wrong in the state. “The campaign released endorsements from 40 elected officials, more than 80 community leaders and more than ...
Kerry Jackson
January 9, 2020
Assembly Bill 5 is already destroying jobs and opportunities
With Assembly Bill 5, lawmakers not only came up with a solution for which there is no problem, they created hardships where there were none before. The bill was peddled as means to establish fairness for California freelance and independent contractors. No longer will they be “exploited” by businesses. The ...
Kerry Jackson
December 31, 2019
California Politics in 2019: Not Much To Be Happy About
December is about half gone, and, as the Counting Crows’ Adam Duritz once sang, “it’s getting cold in California.” In another song from the same 1996 album Duritz also sang that it’s been “a long December and there’s reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last.” ...
Kerry Jackson
December 19, 2019
Things Just Keep Going The Wrong Way In California
Two days before Thanksgiving, financial services firm Charles Schwab announced it was relocating its headquarters from San Francisco to Texas. The Wall Street Journal’s explanation: “The brokerage giant heads for a state that doesn’t punish finance.” Fresh from its $26 billion acquisition of TD Ameritrade, Schwab, located in San Francisco ...
Kerry Jackson
December 16, 2019
The City That Taxed Too Much
San Francisco has added yet another tax, this one to fund a climate initiative. Though maybe it’s an overused phrase, “death by a thousand tax hikes” is still a descriptive expression, and it applies here. The 1% surcharge being added to some diners’ checks at some restaurants is not actually ...
Newsom’s ‘Bold’ Plan on Prescription Drugs Won’t Really Help Patients, Lower Drug Costs
In a state where the private sector continues to be marginalized in favor of more government, Gov. Gavin Newsom has plans for California to set up a generic drug label of its own. It would be the first state in the country to go into the pharmaceutical business, and will ...
California Not Exactly Roaring Into The ‘20s
A recent New York Times story posed an interesting question. “California is booming,” the Times says. “Why are so many Californians unhappy?” Despite Gov. Gavin Newsom’s recent 2-hour-and-50-minute budget announcement – where he boasted of his administration’s “successes” – there are many troubling signs the state is slowing down. Chief ...
Homelessness Task Force Isn’t Up To The Task
A state homelessness task force is recommending that local governments be hauled into court if they aren’t moving people off the streets. It’s unlikely to help. The most probable outcome is an increased burden on the courts and a higher dose of politics into an arena where politics have already ...
California Green New Deal embraces far left policy wish list under guise of saving the planet
Sacramento Democrats have drawn up a Green New Deal for California, which, the public is being told, is necessary to prevent a global warming crisis. The usual empty talking points that are poor substitutes for climate facts have been strung together to create an atmosphere of doom. But it’s obvious ...
Could National Water Pipeline Be the Solution to State’s Water Scarcity?
With nearly 40 million people and more than 70,000 farms taking up nearly 25 million acres, California is always thirsty. It is, as well, mostly dry. Deserts make up one-fourth of the state and semi-arid land occupies up at least that much, if not more. Consequently, water is an ever-unfolding ...
California And Bernie Sanders a Snug Political Fit
A Washington newspaper has reported that U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the socialist from Vermont, has received 300 endorsements from California. That goes a long to explaining why things keep going wrong in the state. “The campaign released endorsements from 40 elected officials, more than 80 community leaders and more than ...
Assembly Bill 5 is already destroying jobs and opportunities
With Assembly Bill 5, lawmakers not only came up with a solution for which there is no problem, they created hardships where there were none before. The bill was peddled as means to establish fairness for California freelance and independent contractors. No longer will they be “exploited” by businesses. The ...
California Politics in 2019: Not Much To Be Happy About
December is about half gone, and, as the Counting Crows’ Adam Duritz once sang, “it’s getting cold in California.” In another song from the same 1996 album Duritz also sang that it’s been “a long December and there’s reason to believe maybe this year will be better than the last.” ...
Things Just Keep Going The Wrong Way In California
Two days before Thanksgiving, financial services firm Charles Schwab announced it was relocating its headquarters from San Francisco to Texas. The Wall Street Journal’s explanation: “The brokerage giant heads for a state that doesn’t punish finance.” Fresh from its $26 billion acquisition of TD Ameritrade, Schwab, located in San Francisco ...