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  • Kerry Jackson


    How will big government California recover from the COVID-19 shutdowns?

    Running a business in California, particularly a small one, is hard enough in ordinary times. Now the task has become impossible for many. If lawmakers don’t start making wholesale policy changes soon, the future will be more grim than the present. California is on its way to a $15 an ...

    Hardening California’s ‘Progressive’ Wall

    Earlier this month, Gov. Gavin Newsom acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic could be the crisis that his party has been looking for to permanently establish a progressive “nation-state.” “There is opportunity for reimagining a progressive era as it pertains to capitalism,” Newsom said earlier this month, when asked by a ...

    Criminal Justice Policy in SF Upside Down Under New SF District Attorney

    It’s been recently said that with Chesa Boudin as district attorney, San Francisco has two public defenders: Manohar Raju, the appointed public defender, and Boudin, the former public defender who critics might say acts more like a legal advocate for the accused than the prosecutor he’s supposed to be. Though ...

    Proposition 13, Back On The Ballot, In A Sense, In California

    Voters will likely have a chance in November to decide if Proposition 13 will remain as it has since its passage in 1978, or if it will turn it into a chimera that treats homes and businesses differently, bleeding the latter for tens of billions of dollars. Supporters of a ...

    Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

    Public banks, it seems, are the next wrongheaded progressive movement in state overrun with them. The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors voted last month “to reach out to nearby jurisdictions proposing a viability study, the first step in the creation of a public bank” the Monterey County Weekly has ...

    Coronavirus Shows State Push for Public Transit is Hazardous to our Health

    On March 11, 2020, the Legislative Analyst’s Office published a handout, which included a passage on the climate benefits of mass transit over private vehicles. Within days, a spreading virus made the case that our cars are a more hygienic means of travel than public transportation, where humanity is crammed ...

    Not Even The Threat Of Spreading COVID-19 Can Change California’s Plastic Bag Ban

    While several states are rethinking their single-use plastic bag bans for health reasons during the COVID-19 pandemic, California, which led the nation down the misguided path to prohibition, has yet to act. It should have been the first to suspend its ban. But here we wait while other states are ...

    Coronavirus State Of Emergency — Under Single-Payer, California Would Be In A Permanent State Of Emergency

    For most of us, the coronavirus pandemic is an ordeal we’re slogging our way through. However, some are seizing the opportunity to appeal for support for the health care schemes that have failed other nations. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, for one, has gone as far as to claim that Medicare ...

    Gov. Newsom would rather take gas-tax money for bike lanes than fix California’s roads

    When Senate Bill 1 was passed and signed into law in 2017, Californians were told the tax hikes it authorized were good for them. The revenues were to be dedicated to repairing the state’s lousy roads. Yet there have been numerous accountability and transparency questions about the law, enough that ...

    The Train That’s Still Going Nowhere

    The Legislative Analyst’s Office recently issued its Review of the Draft 2020 High-Speed Rail Business Plan. It’s not a ringing endorsement of the project. Three of the report’s five key oversight issues confirm what’s been known all along. California’s bullet train is a troubled enterprise. First, says the LAO, “we ...

    How will big government California recover from the COVID-19 shutdowns?

    Running a business in California, particularly a small one, is hard enough in ordinary times. Now the task has become impossible for many. If lawmakers don’t start making wholesale policy changes soon, the future will be more grim than the present. California is on its way to a $15 an ...

    Hardening California’s ‘Progressive’ Wall

    Earlier this month, Gov. Gavin Newsom acknowledged that the COVID-19 pandemic could be the crisis that his party has been looking for to permanently establish a progressive “nation-state.” “There is opportunity for reimagining a progressive era as it pertains to capitalism,” Newsom said earlier this month, when asked by a ...

    Criminal Justice Policy in SF Upside Down Under New SF District Attorney

    It’s been recently said that with Chesa Boudin as district attorney, San Francisco has two public defenders: Manohar Raju, the appointed public defender, and Boudin, the former public defender who critics might say acts more like a legal advocate for the accused than the prosecutor he’s supposed to be. Though ...

    Proposition 13, Back On The Ballot, In A Sense, In California

    Voters will likely have a chance in November to decide if Proposition 13 will remain as it has since its passage in 1978, or if it will turn it into a chimera that treats homes and businesses differently, bleeding the latter for tens of billions of dollars. Supporters of a ...

    Just Because You Can Doesn’t Mean You Should

    Public banks, it seems, are the next wrongheaded progressive movement in state overrun with them. The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors voted last month “to reach out to nearby jurisdictions proposing a viability study, the first step in the creation of a public bank” the Monterey County Weekly has ...

    Coronavirus Shows State Push for Public Transit is Hazardous to our Health

    On March 11, 2020, the Legislative Analyst’s Office published a handout, which included a passage on the climate benefits of mass transit over private vehicles. Within days, a spreading virus made the case that our cars are a more hygienic means of travel than public transportation, where humanity is crammed ...

    Not Even The Threat Of Spreading COVID-19 Can Change California’s Plastic Bag Ban

    While several states are rethinking their single-use plastic bag bans for health reasons during the COVID-19 pandemic, California, which led the nation down the misguided path to prohibition, has yet to act. It should have been the first to suspend its ban. But here we wait while other states are ...

    Coronavirus State Of Emergency — Under Single-Payer, California Would Be In A Permanent State Of Emergency

    For most of us, the coronavirus pandemic is an ordeal we’re slogging our way through. However, some are seizing the opportunity to appeal for support for the health care schemes that have failed other nations. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, for one, has gone as far as to claim that Medicare ...

    Gov. Newsom would rather take gas-tax money for bike lanes than fix California’s roads

    When Senate Bill 1 was passed and signed into law in 2017, Californians were told the tax hikes it authorized were good for them. The revenues were to be dedicated to repairing the state’s lousy roads. Yet there have been numerous accountability and transparency questions about the law, enough that ...

    The Train That’s Still Going Nowhere

    The Legislative Analyst’s Office recently issued its Review of the Draft 2020 High-Speed Rail Business Plan. It’s not a ringing endorsement of the project. Three of the report’s five key oversight issues confirm what’s been known all along. California’s bullet train is a troubled enterprise. First, says the LAO, “we ...
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