Kerry Jackson


Did California just admit its drive to decarbonize has a problem?

California was rushing toward what it thought was a fossil-fuel-free future when reality came rolling in like a solar eclipse, forcing officials to alter their plans a bit. On Sept. 1, the State Water Resources Control Board voted 4-0 to keep four natural gas power plants open beyond their planned ...

The Facts About Prop 21, The Rent Control Initiative

Unlike many California ballot measures, the title of Proposition 21 is clear and upfront. There’s no intent to deceive with misleading language. It’s not “an argument designed to influence the voter,” and isn’t likely to prejudice the electorate. The “Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property” ...

California On Fire: Newsom Releases A Hobgoblin

While visiting yet another charred part of California last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom said he was “a little bit exhausted that we have to continue to debate this issue. This a climate damn emergency.” It’s a statement he can make confident that few of California’s 39.8 million residents have recently, ...

Put a quarantine on California’s bad policy ideas

Los Angeles Times readers might think the first night of the Republican National Convention was nothing more than a non-stop attack on California. In its coverage of the first evening’s events, the paper posted the headline “RNC speakers paint California as a dangerous dystopia.” Missing from the report were rebuttals to ...

California Entering Pharmaceutical Business Won’t Lower Drug Prices for Patients

The state of California, which can’t keep the lights on thanks to political interference in energy generation, nor build enough homes because government has poisoned the housing market, is going into the pharmaceutical manufacturing business. But there’s nothing to worry about. If it struggles, taxpayers will be there to bail ...

California is back in black due to going green

California was hit last month with rolling blackouts, for the first in nearly two decades. Gov. Gavin Newsom says he knows why. His answer is not politically popular. But it is correct. According to Politico, “the exact root” of the trouble “is still unclear as more power outages loom.” Unclear, that is, ...

However You Look at it, Rideshare Drivers Are Independent Contractors

The law that virtually bans independent contract work in California nearly claimed the jobs of the hundreds of thousands it was supposedly intended to help. They were granted a reprieve, but it might not last long. By now, both rideshare drivers and customers are suffering from whiplash caused by the ...

Why Hasn’t “Unworkable” AB 5 Been Repealed Yet?

Add the hardships it has caused during the pandemic lockdowns to the discouraging sight of rideshare companies desperately trying to save their businesses in California, it’s not unreasonable to wonder why Assembly Bill 5 hasn’t been suspended by executive order and lawmakers from both parties haven’t been running into each ...

Studies Show Wealth Tax Would Hurt California’s Economy

There are no state taxes on wealth in the U.S., but California is a good bet to be the first. The idea carries some political popularity, and its promises sound sweet, but what would be the reality if the legislation, Assembly Bill 2088, becomes law? A couple of Rice University ...

Latest Statue Uproar: Getting Rid of Monuments to Freedom Lovers at Chapman U

Fewer than 800 of the roughly 10,000 students enrolled at Chapman University in Orange have signed an online petition demanding the removal of busts from the campus “in order to create a safer and more inclusive environment for Chapman’s marginalized students and community” because the busts “do not reflect the ...

Did California just admit its drive to decarbonize has a problem?

California was rushing toward what it thought was a fossil-fuel-free future when reality came rolling in like a solar eclipse, forcing officials to alter their plans a bit. On Sept. 1, the State Water Resources Control Board voted 4-0 to keep four natural gas power plants open beyond their planned ...

The Facts About Prop 21, The Rent Control Initiative

Unlike many California ballot measures, the title of Proposition 21 is clear and upfront. There’s no intent to deceive with misleading language. It’s not “an argument designed to influence the voter,” and isn’t likely to prejudice the electorate. The “Expands Local Governments’ Authority to Enact Rent Control on Residential Property” ...

California On Fire: Newsom Releases A Hobgoblin

While visiting yet another charred part of California last week, Gov. Gavin Newsom said he was “a little bit exhausted that we have to continue to debate this issue. This a climate damn emergency.” It’s a statement he can make confident that few of California’s 39.8 million residents have recently, ...

Put a quarantine on California’s bad policy ideas

Los Angeles Times readers might think the first night of the Republican National Convention was nothing more than a non-stop attack on California. In its coverage of the first evening’s events, the paper posted the headline “RNC speakers paint California as a dangerous dystopia.” Missing from the report were rebuttals to ...

California Entering Pharmaceutical Business Won’t Lower Drug Prices for Patients

The state of California, which can’t keep the lights on thanks to political interference in energy generation, nor build enough homes because government has poisoned the housing market, is going into the pharmaceutical manufacturing business. But there’s nothing to worry about. If it struggles, taxpayers will be there to bail ...

California is back in black due to going green

California was hit last month with rolling blackouts, for the first in nearly two decades. Gov. Gavin Newsom says he knows why. His answer is not politically popular. But it is correct. According to Politico, “the exact root” of the trouble “is still unclear as more power outages loom.” Unclear, that is, ...

However You Look at it, Rideshare Drivers Are Independent Contractors

The law that virtually bans independent contract work in California nearly claimed the jobs of the hundreds of thousands it was supposedly intended to help. They were granted a reprieve, but it might not last long. By now, both rideshare drivers and customers are suffering from whiplash caused by the ...

Why Hasn’t “Unworkable” AB 5 Been Repealed Yet?

Add the hardships it has caused during the pandemic lockdowns to the discouraging sight of rideshare companies desperately trying to save their businesses in California, it’s not unreasonable to wonder why Assembly Bill 5 hasn’t been suspended by executive order and lawmakers from both parties haven’t been running into each ...

Studies Show Wealth Tax Would Hurt California’s Economy

There are no state taxes on wealth in the U.S., but California is a good bet to be the first. The idea carries some political popularity, and its promises sound sweet, but what would be the reality if the legislation, Assembly Bill 2088, becomes law? A couple of Rice University ...

Latest Statue Uproar: Getting Rid of Monuments to Freedom Lovers at Chapman U

Fewer than 800 of the roughly 10,000 students enrolled at Chapman University in Orange have signed an online petition demanding the removal of busts from the campus “in order to create a safer and more inclusive environment for Chapman’s marginalized students and community” because the busts “do not reflect the ...
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