Kerry Jackson


No Thanksgiving For You, California

Thanksgiving has not been canceled. Yet. But given what we’ve learned in recent days, would anyone be surprised if officials insisted we mark the holiday this year by cowering in our basements? On Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the governors of Oregon and Washington issued a travel advisory “urging visitors ...
Business & Economics

San Francisco’s ‘CEO tax’ is bad economics, but threatens to spread

San Francisco voters have told CEOs and their businesses to take a long walk off a short pier into the bay. Not in those exact words but in their own way, by overwhelmingly approving Proposition L. Under the Overpaid Executive Tax, passed by a 65-35 ratio, the city will impose ...

Proposition Roundup

As is often the case, California voters had to sort through a number of ballot propositions on Election Day. Here’s a quick breakdown of the statewide measures. Proposition 14. Issues $5.5 billion in bonds for stem cell research, winning 51-49. Instant analysis: In 2004, voters approved Proposition 71, authorizing the ...

More McMansions: What California Needs To Make Housing More Affordable

A Bloomberg News story last week laments, not overtly but in an unmistakable tone, the “surge” in demand for luxury homes because it “highlights the growing U.S. wealth gap.” The “surge” should instead be a welcome development. Greater demand for opulent homes means more housing for everyone. “Luxury” housing is ...

Sacramento: America’s No-Think Zone

Gov. Gavin Newsom and his staff have dreamed up a “health equity metric” to determine who can emerge from the pandemic lockdowns and who can’t based on racial and ethnic quotas. Identity politics, the shallowest, crudest, and most divisive of all politics, are raging in California. The health equity metrics, ...

California Wildfires Being Used by Greens to Promote Global Warming Agenda

What does it say when members of Congress from elsewhere are more serious about saving the state from future wildfire disasters than many of California’s own politically connected activists? More than 4 million acres have burned so far in this year’s fire season, surpassing the 2018 total that had previously ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: The War on Plastics: The Narrative Must Be Fed

DOWNLOAD THE PDF   California is now the first state to require plastic beverage containers to contain a minimum content of recycled material. A step forward? Hardly. The bill, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 24, the day after he issued an executive order outlawing the sale of internal-combustion ...

The Latest Buzz On Newsom’s Electric Car Mandate

To adequately cover all the angles, implications, and consequences of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive order to rid the state of gasoline and diesel cars and trucks and replace them with electric vehicles would require a short book, or a long policy paper. We’ve already covered a few points, primarily the ...

Newsom: If You Like Your Internal-Combustion Engine Car, You Can Keep It

When Barack Obama told the country that under Obamacare “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” he was dinged for telling the PolitiFact Lie of the Year. California Gov. Gavin Newsom made a similar promise when he signed last week an executive order that will outlaw ...

Gavin Newsom’s battery-powered virtue-signaling

A previous effort to ban automobiles that burn fossil fuel by 2040 was never able to gather enough support to be approved by the California legislature. Yet through the power of a pen, a phone, and a stylish California bear jacket, Gov. Gavin Newsom has decreed that they must be ...

No Thanksgiving For You, California

Thanksgiving has not been canceled. Yet. But given what we’ve learned in recent days, would anyone be surprised if officials insisted we mark the holiday this year by cowering in our basements? On Friday, Gov. Gavin Newsom and the governors of Oregon and Washington issued a travel advisory “urging visitors ...
Business & Economics

San Francisco’s ‘CEO tax’ is bad economics, but threatens to spread

San Francisco voters have told CEOs and their businesses to take a long walk off a short pier into the bay. Not in those exact words but in their own way, by overwhelmingly approving Proposition L. Under the Overpaid Executive Tax, passed by a 65-35 ratio, the city will impose ...

Proposition Roundup

As is often the case, California voters had to sort through a number of ballot propositions on Election Day. Here’s a quick breakdown of the statewide measures. Proposition 14. Issues $5.5 billion in bonds for stem cell research, winning 51-49. Instant analysis: In 2004, voters approved Proposition 71, authorizing the ...

More McMansions: What California Needs To Make Housing More Affordable

A Bloomberg News story last week laments, not overtly but in an unmistakable tone, the “surge” in demand for luxury homes because it “highlights the growing U.S. wealth gap.” The “surge” should instead be a welcome development. Greater demand for opulent homes means more housing for everyone. “Luxury” housing is ...

Sacramento: America’s No-Think Zone

Gov. Gavin Newsom and his staff have dreamed up a “health equity metric” to determine who can emerge from the pandemic lockdowns and who can’t based on racial and ethnic quotas. Identity politics, the shallowest, crudest, and most divisive of all politics, are raging in California. The health equity metrics, ...

California Wildfires Being Used by Greens to Promote Global Warming Agenda

What does it say when members of Congress from elsewhere are more serious about saving the state from future wildfire disasters than many of California’s own politically connected activists? More than 4 million acres have burned so far in this year’s fire season, surpassing the 2018 total that had previously ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: The War on Plastics: The Narrative Must Be Fed

DOWNLOAD THE PDF   California is now the first state to require plastic beverage containers to contain a minimum content of recycled material. A step forward? Hardly. The bill, signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 24, the day after he issued an executive order outlawing the sale of internal-combustion ...

The Latest Buzz On Newsom’s Electric Car Mandate

To adequately cover all the angles, implications, and consequences of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s executive order to rid the state of gasoline and diesel cars and trucks and replace them with electric vehicles would require a short book, or a long policy paper. We’ve already covered a few points, primarily the ...

Newsom: If You Like Your Internal-Combustion Engine Car, You Can Keep It

When Barack Obama told the country that under Obamacare “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” he was dinged for telling the PolitiFact Lie of the Year. California Gov. Gavin Newsom made a similar promise when he signed last week an executive order that will outlaw ...

Gavin Newsom’s battery-powered virtue-signaling

A previous effort to ban automobiles that burn fossil fuel by 2040 was never able to gather enough support to be approved by the California legislature. Yet through the power of a pen, a phone, and a stylish California bear jacket, Gov. Gavin Newsom has decreed that they must be ...
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