Kerry Jackson


How About A Train Check?

It’s a myth that Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time. It’s no exaggeration, though, to say California can’t even make its bullet train run at all. The California high-speed rail has been delayed again. The first section, 119 miles through the Central Valley between Bakersfield ...

A California Energy Lesson From Europe

Days before Joe Biden and former Sen. Kamala Harris took the oath of office, the Los Angeles Times said California was “emerging as the de facto policy think tank” of a Democrat-controlled Washington. This doesn’t inspire confidence in those who see up close that the best California can offer is an example ...

Businesses To Bear The Burden Of Another Government Mandate, Part II

Last month we covered the story of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors deciding it was within the scope of their duties to reward pandemic “front-line” workers with other people’s money. As we noted then, Long Beach was considering a similar mandate, which it eventually approved. Yes, some workers ...

Would Massive Tax Hike “Actually Permanently End Homelessness”?

Sacramento might decide this year if it will hike corporate tax rates to raise up to $2.4 billion annually to fund homelessness programs. Would such an effort work? Not everyone is sold on it. First, some brief background. Assembly Bill 71, the Bring California Home Act, would increase tax rates, ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Is California’s Economy on the Brink Due to Climate Change?

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”36222″ img_size=”full” qode_css_animation=””][vc_column_text]The economic outlook for California inspires as much optimism as a weather report of dark clouds and heavy thunderstorms. Rather than entertain the possibility that the hard times are the result of poor public policy, blame has been assigned to ...

Covid-19 Lockdowns Brings Rise in Black Market

Media reports that some California businesses have gone underground during the pandemic lockdown should surprise no one. When politicians ban activities, both those accepted by society and those considered less honorable, they drive them into black markets. The desires and needs of our nature aren’t easy to legislate. Humans are ...

Businesses To Bear The Burden Of Another Government Mandate

On the second business day after the state’s higher minimum wage took effect, employers in Los Angeles County had another weight dropped on them. The County Board of Supervisors approved a $5 an hour increase in “front-line” workers’ wages. It applies to “stores located in the unincorporated areas of the ...

The Next California Gubernatorial Recall Election Will Be Held In …

When voters replaced Democrat Gray Davis with Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor in 2003, it was the first time in the state’s 153-year history (at that point) it had recalled a governor. A growing exasperation with the current occupant of the office suggests Californians might not wait that long before ...

PRI’s Kerry Jackson weighs in on Newsom budget plan in OC Register: California’s spend-a-thon begins

Gov. Gavin Newsom submitted his budget Friday, outlining how he wants the state to spend a record $227.2 billion in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. And spend California will, as usual on items in no way connected to government’s limited role in our lives. In addition to the usual largess customarily ...

Could Los Angeles Or San Francisco Be The Next Detroit?

Few would have imagined in 1950, when Detroit was the country’s fifth-largest city, the undisputed car capital of the world and one of the most important cities of its era, that it would become synonymous with urban decay. Yet it happened there. Which means it can happen anywhere, even California. ...

How About A Train Check?

It’s a myth that Italian fascist dictator Benito Mussolini made the trains run on time. It’s no exaggeration, though, to say California can’t even make its bullet train run at all. The California high-speed rail has been delayed again. The first section, 119 miles through the Central Valley between Bakersfield ...

A California Energy Lesson From Europe

Days before Joe Biden and former Sen. Kamala Harris took the oath of office, the Los Angeles Times said California was “emerging as the de facto policy think tank” of a Democrat-controlled Washington. This doesn’t inspire confidence in those who see up close that the best California can offer is an example ...

Businesses To Bear The Burden Of Another Government Mandate, Part II

Last month we covered the story of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors deciding it was within the scope of their duties to reward pandemic “front-line” workers with other people’s money. As we noted then, Long Beach was considering a similar mandate, which it eventually approved. Yes, some workers ...

Would Massive Tax Hike “Actually Permanently End Homelessness”?

Sacramento might decide this year if it will hike corporate tax rates to raise up to $2.4 billion annually to fund homelessness programs. Would such an effort work? Not everyone is sold on it. First, some brief background. Assembly Bill 71, the Bring California Home Act, would increase tax rates, ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: Is California’s Economy on the Brink Due to Climate Change?

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”36222″ img_size=”full” qode_css_animation=””][vc_column_text]The economic outlook for California inspires as much optimism as a weather report of dark clouds and heavy thunderstorms. Rather than entertain the possibility that the hard times are the result of poor public policy, blame has been assigned to ...

Covid-19 Lockdowns Brings Rise in Black Market

Media reports that some California businesses have gone underground during the pandemic lockdown should surprise no one. When politicians ban activities, both those accepted by society and those considered less honorable, they drive them into black markets. The desires and needs of our nature aren’t easy to legislate. Humans are ...

Businesses To Bear The Burden Of Another Government Mandate

On the second business day after the state’s higher minimum wage took effect, employers in Los Angeles County had another weight dropped on them. The County Board of Supervisors approved a $5 an hour increase in “front-line” workers’ wages. It applies to “stores located in the unincorporated areas of the ...

The Next California Gubernatorial Recall Election Will Be Held In …

When voters replaced Democrat Gray Davis with Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor in 2003, it was the first time in the state’s 153-year history (at that point) it had recalled a governor. A growing exasperation with the current occupant of the office suggests Californians might not wait that long before ...

PRI’s Kerry Jackson weighs in on Newsom budget plan in OC Register: California’s spend-a-thon begins

Gov. Gavin Newsom submitted his budget Friday, outlining how he wants the state to spend a record $227.2 billion in the 2021-2022 fiscal year. And spend California will, as usual on items in no way connected to government’s limited role in our lives. In addition to the usual largess customarily ...

Could Los Angeles Or San Francisco Be The Next Detroit?

Few would have imagined in 1950, when Detroit was the country’s fifth-largest city, the undisputed car capital of the world and one of the most important cities of its era, that it would become synonymous with urban decay. Yet it happened there. Which means it can happen anywhere, even California. ...
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