Kerry Jackson


Read about Kamala Harris' California crime record

Kamala Harris played a key role in California’s crime catastrophe — voters should be very worried

If what Kamala Harris helped do to California is an indication of what she’d do the nation, voters should be very, very worried. As state attorney general from 2011 to 2017, Harris refused to take a position on two ballot initiatives that have come to define modern California — but her office ...
Business & Economics

Biden’s rent-control plan will only make America’s housing crisis worse

President Joe Biden is suggesting that a federal limit on annual rent increases in residential units will ease housing costs. This is what happens when economist Milton Friedman isn’t “running the show”: Policymakers follow ideas that make the problem they say they’re solving infinitely worse. “While the prior administration gave special ...

Learn about the high costs of California's green mandates

Los Angeles’ Costly Path to an All “Clean Power” Future

California’s energy transition is moving along about as smoothly as Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. Both are incoherent, have encountered hurdles they can’t scale and have made promises that can’t be kept. California’s race to produce greenhouse-gas emission-free power by 2045, for instance, has hit a snag in Los Angeles, where ...

Read the latest on CA outmigration

Is Atlas shrugging in California?

The working title for the Ayn Rand classic “Atlas Shrugged” was “The Strike.” Rand wanted to show what the world would be like if the competent, the rational, the men and women of excellence walked away from their work. It was a “rebellion of the unrecognized and often persecuted creative ...

Green Vs. Green

Some might recall the “Redwood Summer” of 1990, when “thousands of environmentalists” gathered on California’s North Coast to protest a timber harvest. “They blocked roads, sat in trees and chained themselves to logging equipment to halt old-growth cutting,” recalls High Country News. There were also “​​shoving matches, screaming confrontations and ...

Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court:

Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court: Grants Pass ruling gives cities tools to clean up homeless camps By Kerry Jackson | July 12, 2024 The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 28 Grants Pass v. Johnson ruling set off a round of celebrations and grumbling that typically occur when any court opinion ...

Read the latest on Gov. Newsom's national ambitions

President Newsom, For The Power And The Glory

Biden’s troubling performance in the June 27 CNN debate fueled the ongoing discussions of who could and should replace him as the Democratic candidate. Of course every list included Newsom, who was a Biden surrogate at the debate and obviously has his eye on the White House even as he ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: A Bad Idea for California’s Housing Woes: Commandeering Your Spare Bedroom

A rather alarming idea for solving the United Kingdom’s housing crisis has been put forward in a recent study. Californians better hope the idea stays on that side of the Atlantic. If Sacramento or a city hall picks up on it, they might find themselves with unwanted “guests” in their ...

Read about Sacramento's latest push to ban plastic bags

Latest Effort to Ban Plastic Bags Also Doomed to Fail

California’s long statewide nightmare might soon be over. The current generation of plastic bags are in line to be banned just as their predecessors were. Ten years after Sacramento outlawed single-use plastic bags (with the help of a majority of voters two years later in a referendum), legislators have approved ...

Read latest about push for electric vehicles

California’s No-Car Salesman

Recently, Politico saucily reported that “​​Gavin Newsom is coming for your car, and he wants you to know it.” And below the headline: “The talked-about presidential contender is carving out an underutilized lane: climate crusader.” It’s hardly an empty lane. In fact, politicians are constantly crashing into each other just ...

Read about Kamala Harris' California crime record

Kamala Harris played a key role in California’s crime catastrophe — voters should be very worried

If what Kamala Harris helped do to California is an indication of what she’d do the nation, voters should be very, very worried. As state attorney general from 2011 to 2017, Harris refused to take a position on two ballot initiatives that have come to define modern California — but her office ...
Business & Economics

Biden’s rent-control plan will only make America’s housing crisis worse

President Joe Biden is suggesting that a federal limit on annual rent increases in residential units will ease housing costs. This is what happens when economist Milton Friedman isn’t “running the show”: Policymakers follow ideas that make the problem they say they’re solving infinitely worse. “While the prior administration gave special ...

Learn about the high costs of California's green mandates

Los Angeles’ Costly Path to an All “Clean Power” Future

California’s energy transition is moving along about as smoothly as Joe Biden’s reelection campaign. Both are incoherent, have encountered hurdles they can’t scale and have made promises that can’t be kept. California’s race to produce greenhouse-gas emission-free power by 2045, for instance, has hit a snag in Los Angeles, where ...

Read the latest on CA outmigration

Is Atlas shrugging in California?

The working title for the Ayn Rand classic “Atlas Shrugged” was “The Strike.” Rand wanted to show what the world would be like if the competent, the rational, the men and women of excellence walked away from their work. It was a “rebellion of the unrecognized and often persecuted creative ...

Green Vs. Green

Some might recall the “Redwood Summer” of 1990, when “thousands of environmentalists” gathered on California’s North Coast to protest a timber harvest. “They blocked roads, sat in trees and chained themselves to logging equipment to halt old-growth cutting,” recalls High Country News. There were also “​​shoving matches, screaming confrontations and ...

Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court:

Big victory in U.S. Supreme Court: Grants Pass ruling gives cities tools to clean up homeless camps By Kerry Jackson | July 12, 2024 The U.S. Supreme Court’s June 28 Grants Pass v. Johnson ruling set off a round of celebrations and grumbling that typically occur when any court opinion ...

Read the latest on Gov. Newsom's national ambitions

President Newsom, For The Power And The Glory

Biden’s troubling performance in the June 27 CNN debate fueled the ongoing discussions of who could and should replace him as the Democratic candidate. Of course every list included Newsom, who was a Biden surrogate at the debate and obviously has his eye on the White House even as he ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: A Bad Idea for California’s Housing Woes: Commandeering Your Spare Bedroom

A rather alarming idea for solving the United Kingdom’s housing crisis has been put forward in a recent study. Californians better hope the idea stays on that side of the Atlantic. If Sacramento or a city hall picks up on it, they might find themselves with unwanted “guests” in their ...

Read about Sacramento's latest push to ban plastic bags

Latest Effort to Ban Plastic Bags Also Doomed to Fail

California’s long statewide nightmare might soon be over. The current generation of plastic bags are in line to be banned just as their predecessors were. Ten years after Sacramento outlawed single-use plastic bags (with the help of a majority of voters two years later in a referendum), legislators have approved ...

Read latest about push for electric vehicles

California’s No-Car Salesman

Recently, Politico saucily reported that “​​Gavin Newsom is coming for your car, and he wants you to know it.” And below the headline: “The talked-about presidential contender is carving out an underutilized lane: climate crusader.” It’s hardly an empty lane. In fact, politicians are constantly crashing into each other just ...
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