Kerry Jackson


A Fundamental Misunderstanding Of … Almost Everything

An end-of-the-year tradition among reporters, commentators, and more recently laptop pundits is the compilation of legislation that becomes law with the turn of the calendar. California being California, there is never a shortage of new rules to live by. And, with a few exceptions, they are further evidence that policymakers ...

Separating Out Food Waste Another California Green Waste of Time

Is it possible that there is a state more fixated on climate than California? An ever-lengthening series of state- and local-government prohibitions in an effort to cool Earth are both famous and infamous. But enough is never enough. Starting in the new year, food waste will be banned from black ...

Reform Misguided Laws, Don’t Raise Minimum Wage, to Address California’s High Cost of Living

California isn’t yet finished hiking the minimum wage from the last bill that increased it to $15 an hour starting in 2023 for all businesses, and now comes another proposal to move it to $18. Imagine the response from companies struggling to keep up with current payrolls when they hear ...

Cadiz Water Project a Victim of Can’t Do/Won’t Do California

An innovative project to squeeze water from the desert to help quench perpetually thirsty Southern California showed some promise – until the Biden administration decided to halt the plans. The courts might rule against the White House, but for now it looks just like another day in Can’t Do/Won’t Do ...

Newsom: Fact-Checked Again – And Wrong Again

A few months back, Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed Texas ​​middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California,” and he dared anyone to check him on it. We did, and he was wrong. Now he’s claiming that crime in Texas is worse than in California. He’s wrong again. Appearing ...

One Indicator Shows California’s Recovery Is Incomplete

Despite assurances that California’s economy is a treasure to behold – “We are world-beating in terms of our economic growth,” says Gov. Gavin Newsom – the post-pandemic recovery has a gaping hole in it. State unemployment is the highest in the country. Federal data for October show that the jobless ...

Baby You Can Drive My Car, But In California It’s Really Expensive

No drum roll needed. The answer to the question “which state is the worst for drivers?” is obvious. It’s California. An analysis of “diverse datasets covering cost, safety, driving quality and weather” by Bankrate yielded the most unsurprising results. For the fourth time since Bankrate began looking at “the driving ...

The nuclear option can keep the lights on in California

A funny thing has happened on the way to California closing all of its nuclear power plants. Biden administration official Jennifer Granholm says the state should rethink its commitment to scrapping atomic energy. In an interview that will be released at an energy conference this week, the U.S. energy secretary ...

‘Workers’ Who Don’t Complain When They Don’t Make The Minimum Wage

With California losing a seat in the U.S. House because due to its flat population growth, maybe Sacramento should try to convince Washington to count robots as residents in the next census. Because they’re on their way. In the first nine months of 2021, North American companies “added a record ...

Proposed School Choice Measure Would Change California Education Status Quo

Under a headline that will alarm many, the Sacramento Bee covered the story of 2022 ballot proposals that would change the California Constitution and require the state to help parents with private school tuition. “Gut unions and boost private schools? 2022 ballot proposals aim at California labor,” reads the Nov. ...

A Fundamental Misunderstanding Of … Almost Everything

An end-of-the-year tradition among reporters, commentators, and more recently laptop pundits is the compilation of legislation that becomes law with the turn of the calendar. California being California, there is never a shortage of new rules to live by. And, with a few exceptions, they are further evidence that policymakers ...

Separating Out Food Waste Another California Green Waste of Time

Is it possible that there is a state more fixated on climate than California? An ever-lengthening series of state- and local-government prohibitions in an effort to cool Earth are both famous and infamous. But enough is never enough. Starting in the new year, food waste will be banned from black ...

Reform Misguided Laws, Don’t Raise Minimum Wage, to Address California’s High Cost of Living

California isn’t yet finished hiking the minimum wage from the last bill that increased it to $15 an hour starting in 2023 for all businesses, and now comes another proposal to move it to $18. Imagine the response from companies struggling to keep up with current payrolls when they hear ...

Cadiz Water Project a Victim of Can’t Do/Won’t Do California

An innovative project to squeeze water from the desert to help quench perpetually thirsty Southern California showed some promise – until the Biden administration decided to halt the plans. The courts might rule against the White House, but for now it looks just like another day in Can’t Do/Won’t Do ...

Newsom: Fact-Checked Again – And Wrong Again

A few months back, Gov. Gavin Newsom claimed Texas ​​middle-class families “pay more taxes than middle-class families in California,” and he dared anyone to check him on it. We did, and he was wrong. Now he’s claiming that crime in Texas is worse than in California. He’s wrong again. Appearing ...

One Indicator Shows California’s Recovery Is Incomplete

Despite assurances that California’s economy is a treasure to behold – “We are world-beating in terms of our economic growth,” says Gov. Gavin Newsom – the post-pandemic recovery has a gaping hole in it. State unemployment is the highest in the country. Federal data for October show that the jobless ...

Baby You Can Drive My Car, But In California It’s Really Expensive

No drum roll needed. The answer to the question “which state is the worst for drivers?” is obvious. It’s California. An analysis of “diverse datasets covering cost, safety, driving quality and weather” by Bankrate yielded the most unsurprising results. For the fourth time since Bankrate began looking at “the driving ...

The nuclear option can keep the lights on in California

A funny thing has happened on the way to California closing all of its nuclear power plants. Biden administration official Jennifer Granholm says the state should rethink its commitment to scrapping atomic energy. In an interview that will be released at an energy conference this week, the U.S. energy secretary ...

‘Workers’ Who Don’t Complain When They Don’t Make The Minimum Wage

With California losing a seat in the U.S. House because due to its flat population growth, maybe Sacramento should try to convince Washington to count robots as residents in the next census. Because they’re on their way. In the first nine months of 2021, North American companies “added a record ...

Proposed School Choice Measure Would Change California Education Status Quo

Under a headline that will alarm many, the Sacramento Bee covered the story of 2022 ballot proposals that would change the California Constitution and require the state to help parents with private school tuition. “Gut unions and boost private schools? 2022 ballot proposals aim at California labor,” reads the Nov. ...
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