Kerry Jackson


Rooftop Solar Panels Stacking Up in Landfills

Rooftop solar panels, those co-saviors of the planet along with windmills, are stacking up in toxic heaps in California landfills. But maybe things aren’t so bad. The real, rather than subsidized, cost of these green darlings is about to hit the market, making them too expensive for many to afford. ...

California’s Green Agenda, Not Price Gouging, Is Driving Up Gas Prices

On June 23, California had the country’s highest gasoline prices, $6.36 a gallon, according to AAA. So legislators are opening an investigation to find the villains responsible. Here’s a hint that will help them in their search: There’s no need to look far for the scoundrels because they are inside the ...

Jumpin’ Jack Flash Can’t Get No Gas

Los Angeles will possibly be among the few cities in the world to outlaw the construction of new gas stations if a proposed policy change is approved by the City Council. Since Los Angeles is arguably the virtue-signaling capital of the world, it’s hard to imagine that it won’t happen. ...

High Speed Rail Update: Cost Projections Go Up Yet Again

Trains played a central role in the development of California. The transcontinental railroad, completed in 1869, was key in transforming ​​California, then a state for 19 years, “from a once-isolated place to a major economic and political force, and helped lead to the state’s rapid growth.” In the early 21st ...

Plastics fight would inconvenience Californians, not do much to help the planet

Living in California isn’t easy. Energy prices, housing costs and taxes are outrageously expensive. The roads are a shambles and traffic is miserable. A perpetual man-made drought, likely power blackouts this summer, and rising homelessness and crime are diminishing our quality of life. If all that isn’t enough, there is ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: When June Gloom Lasts All Year

DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF The overcast days of June Gloom, a month of cloud and fog cover along the usually sunny Southern California coastal regions, can be a bit depressing. It’s a natural phenomenon that can’t be controlled. The same can’t be said about the man-made darkness ahead that will affect ...

Energy Shortfalls In California? Who Would Have Ever Thought That?

Policymakers continue running along the diving board over an empty pool, determined to turn California green by outlawing any electricity-generating source that isn’t wind and solar. It’s not that they don’t know better. They do. Yet they refuse to deviate from their agenda. Last year, the California Public Utilities Commission ...

Even In Blue California, Leftism Has Its Limits

It took a few years, but it seems even the bluest city in the bluest state in the country has decided leftism has its limits. The first crack in the wall on the left has appeared in voters’ exasperation with crime. In San Francisco, they threw out District Attorney Chesa ...

Elon Musk is Right – California is Now the Land of Taxes, Overregulation and Litigation

A trio of troubles, says Elon Musk, is ruining California. He didn’t reveal anything new. He didn’t have to. Much of the world understands. Only those blinded by their blue-tinted glasses don’t know what’s wrong in this state. Speaking virtually earlier this month for a conference in Miami, Musk, an ...

California, Sunny With A Near-100% Chance Of Blackouts

In Gov. Gavin Newsom’s revised budget released last week, he asked for $5 billion to shore up the state’s electrical grid, calling energy reliability “an endless struggle” in California. And endless will it ever be as long as policymakers continue to pursue, with zero flexibility, an all-green energy portfolio by ...

Rooftop Solar Panels Stacking Up in Landfills

Rooftop solar panels, those co-saviors of the planet along with windmills, are stacking up in toxic heaps in California landfills. But maybe things aren’t so bad. The real, rather than subsidized, cost of these green darlings is about to hit the market, making them too expensive for many to afford. ...

California’s Green Agenda, Not Price Gouging, Is Driving Up Gas Prices

On June 23, California had the country’s highest gasoline prices, $6.36 a gallon, according to AAA. So legislators are opening an investigation to find the villains responsible. Here’s a hint that will help them in their search: There’s no need to look far for the scoundrels because they are inside the ...

Jumpin’ Jack Flash Can’t Get No Gas

Los Angeles will possibly be among the few cities in the world to outlaw the construction of new gas stations if a proposed policy change is approved by the City Council. Since Los Angeles is arguably the virtue-signaling capital of the world, it’s hard to imagine that it won’t happen. ...

High Speed Rail Update: Cost Projections Go Up Yet Again

Trains played a central role in the development of California. The transcontinental railroad, completed in 1869, was key in transforming ​​California, then a state for 19 years, “from a once-isolated place to a major economic and political force, and helped lead to the state’s rapid growth.” In the early 21st ...

Plastics fight would inconvenience Californians, not do much to help the planet

Living in California isn’t easy. Energy prices, housing costs and taxes are outrageously expensive. The roads are a shambles and traffic is miserable. A perpetual man-made drought, likely power blackouts this summer, and rising homelessness and crime are diminishing our quality of life. If all that isn’t enough, there is ...

CAPITAL IDEAS: When June Gloom Lasts All Year

DOWNLOAD THE BRIEF The overcast days of June Gloom, a month of cloud and fog cover along the usually sunny Southern California coastal regions, can be a bit depressing. It’s a natural phenomenon that can’t be controlled. The same can’t be said about the man-made darkness ahead that will affect ...

Energy Shortfalls In California? Who Would Have Ever Thought That?

Policymakers continue running along the diving board over an empty pool, determined to turn California green by outlawing any electricity-generating source that isn’t wind and solar. It’s not that they don’t know better. They do. Yet they refuse to deviate from their agenda. Last year, the California Public Utilities Commission ...

Even In Blue California, Leftism Has Its Limits

It took a few years, but it seems even the bluest city in the bluest state in the country has decided leftism has its limits. The first crack in the wall on the left has appeared in voters’ exasperation with crime. In San Francisco, they threw out District Attorney Chesa ...

Elon Musk is Right – California is Now the Land of Taxes, Overregulation and Litigation

A trio of troubles, says Elon Musk, is ruining California. He didn’t reveal anything new. He didn’t have to. Much of the world understands. Only those blinded by their blue-tinted glasses don’t know what’s wrong in this state. Speaking virtually earlier this month for a conference in Miami, Musk, an ...

California, Sunny With A Near-100% Chance Of Blackouts

In Gov. Gavin Newsom’s revised budget released last week, he asked for $5 billion to shore up the state’s electrical grid, calling energy reliability “an endless struggle” in California. And endless will it ever be as long as policymakers continue to pursue, with zero flexibility, an all-green energy portfolio by ...
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