Kerry Jackson
The EV Short Circuit: What Is California Going To Do?
Here are a few examples: Akio Toyoda Says Slowing EV Demand Proves He Was Right All Along Honda says making cheap electric vehicles is too hard, ends deal with GM Electric Vehicles No Longer the Focus at GM Ford Lost $62,016 For Every EV It Sold In 3Q: Electric vehicles ...
Kerry Jackson
November 14, 2023
Read latest about road diets
Car-free cities about social engineering, not public demand
Scientific American insists that car-free cities are the future, because the data from facial analysis caught by surveillance cameras proves that “people do not like looking at cars.” Or maybe the trend is just another planning movement led by elitists who believe their vision of a city is the only ...
Kerry Jackson
November 8, 2023
Read about latest housing roadblocks
New Report Latest Evidence of How Red Tape Blocks SF Homebuilding
A report released in October by the California Department of Housing and Community Development makes one wonder why anyone would even try to build housing in San Francisco, which “has the longest timelines in the state for advancing a housing project from submittal to construction.” “It takes an average of ...
Kerry Jackson
November 6, 2023
Read Kerry Jackson's latest at Fox News
California Gov. Newsom travels the globe while these problems plague his state
On Oct. 20, Newsom was in Israel, where he “met with survivors, impacted families and others” of that country’s war with Hamas. Three days later, he was in Hong Kong, then in Beijing the next day, where he was “flexing California’s credentials as a global leader in climate change policy,” ...
Kerry Jackson
November 2, 2023
Read about reversal of state green mandate
California Reverses Itself in its Latest ‘Turf War’
Nearly a decade (more than eight years) ago, the international media dedicated a lengthy ode to artificial turf. “The benefits of fake grass are hard to deny. Live grass guzzles some 2,200 liters per square meter annually, making the all-American lawn increasingly untenable in an era of skyrocketing water rates ...
Kerry Jackson
October 30, 2023
Read latest about California's green agenda
Everyday Is Halloween For The Scaremongering Climate Alarmists
“Climate anxiety and dissatisfaction with government responses,” says The Lancet, “are widespread in children and young people in countries across the world and impact their daily functioning.” And what does California do about this? It is now the third state to “mandate scaring our kids to death.” Along with Connecticut ...
Kerry Jackson
October 23, 2023
Read about latest CA green mandate
California Is Throwing Kids, Parents and Taxpayers Under The E-Bus
Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law Assembly Bill 579, which requires that, by Jan. 1, 2035, “all newly purchased or contracted school buses of a local educational agency (LEA) to be zero-emission.” Read the full article at GV Wire
Kerry Jackson
October 23, 2023
CAPITAL IDEAS: Autonomous Vehicles Continue to Drive in California Fast Lane Despite Union Opposition
“Devil wagons” and “untamable beasts” that reveal the “carelessness” of their owners. Visible intrusions, nuisances, agents of injury that cause “road battles” and should “be classed with ferocious animals.” Vehicles to be avoided, feared and if possible banned. “To those who occupy or drive them, they are undoubtedly a fascinating ...
Kerry Jackson
October 18, 2023
‘Nail houses’ Serve as Monuments of Resistance to Planners
‘Nail houses’ serve as monuments of resistance to planners KERRY JACKSON | OCTOBER 13, 2023 Swedish economist Assar Lindbeck famously has said that outside of bombing it, rent control is the best way to destroy a city. Though not nearly as efficient as either of those, both planners and the ...
Kerry Jackson
October 13, 2023
Read about California's water woes
California Sets Fire To The Rain
The Los Angeles Times recently noted that even after “a ‘miracle’ water year,” challenges are still ahead for California, and they might arrive as early as the coming winter. And what are those challenges? The San Francisco Chronicle puts it plainly: “California will soon require many cities to significantly cut ...
Kerry Jackson
October 11, 2023
The EV Short Circuit: What Is California Going To Do?
Here are a few examples: Akio Toyoda Says Slowing EV Demand Proves He Was Right All Along Honda says making cheap electric vehicles is too hard, ends deal with GM Electric Vehicles No Longer the Focus at GM Ford Lost $62,016 For Every EV It Sold In 3Q: Electric vehicles ...
Read latest about road diets
Car-free cities about social engineering, not public demand
Scientific American insists that car-free cities are the future, because the data from facial analysis caught by surveillance cameras proves that “people do not like looking at cars.” Or maybe the trend is just another planning movement led by elitists who believe their vision of a city is the only ...
Read about latest housing roadblocks
New Report Latest Evidence of How Red Tape Blocks SF Homebuilding
A report released in October by the California Department of Housing and Community Development makes one wonder why anyone would even try to build housing in San Francisco, which “has the longest timelines in the state for advancing a housing project from submittal to construction.” “It takes an average of ...
Read Kerry Jackson's latest at Fox News
California Gov. Newsom travels the globe while these problems plague his state
On Oct. 20, Newsom was in Israel, where he “met with survivors, impacted families and others” of that country’s war with Hamas. Three days later, he was in Hong Kong, then in Beijing the next day, where he was “flexing California’s credentials as a global leader in climate change policy,” ...
Read about reversal of state green mandate
California Reverses Itself in its Latest ‘Turf War’
Nearly a decade (more than eight years) ago, the international media dedicated a lengthy ode to artificial turf. “The benefits of fake grass are hard to deny. Live grass guzzles some 2,200 liters per square meter annually, making the all-American lawn increasingly untenable in an era of skyrocketing water rates ...
Read latest about California's green agenda
Everyday Is Halloween For The Scaremongering Climate Alarmists
“Climate anxiety and dissatisfaction with government responses,” says The Lancet, “are widespread in children and young people in countries across the world and impact their daily functioning.” And what does California do about this? It is now the third state to “mandate scaring our kids to death.” Along with Connecticut ...
Read about latest CA green mandate
California Is Throwing Kids, Parents and Taxpayers Under The E-Bus
Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed into law Assembly Bill 579, which requires that, by Jan. 1, 2035, “all newly purchased or contracted school buses of a local educational agency (LEA) to be zero-emission.” Read the full article at GV Wire
CAPITAL IDEAS: Autonomous Vehicles Continue to Drive in California Fast Lane Despite Union Opposition
“Devil wagons” and “untamable beasts” that reveal the “carelessness” of their owners. Visible intrusions, nuisances, agents of injury that cause “road battles” and should “be classed with ferocious animals.” Vehicles to be avoided, feared and if possible banned. “To those who occupy or drive them, they are undoubtedly a fascinating ...
‘Nail houses’ Serve as Monuments of Resistance to Planners
‘Nail houses’ serve as monuments of resistance to planners KERRY JACKSON | OCTOBER 13, 2023 Swedish economist Assar Lindbeck famously has said that outside of bombing it, rent control is the best way to destroy a city. Though not nearly as efficient as either of those, both planners and the ...
Read about California's water woes
California Sets Fire To The Rain
The Los Angeles Times recently noted that even after “a ‘miracle’ water year,” challenges are still ahead for California, and they might arrive as early as the coming winter. And what are those challenges? The San Francisco Chronicle puts it plainly: “California will soon require many cities to significantly cut ...