Katie Emanuel


Health Overhaul Partisanship Hit

As lawmakers on Capitol Hill remain unable to reach a bipartisan agreement on a health care reform plan, some policy analysts are questioning the congressional majority’s willingness to put partisan politics aside and work together to improve health care policy. “None of the Democratic proposals are ‘reform’; rather, they are ...

U.S. Gives FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco

Congress has approved a measure to regulate tobacco under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration for the first time in American history. The House of Representatives passed House Bill 1256, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, by a 298-112 vote in April. The Senate followed suit ...

Health Overhaul Partisanship Hit

As lawmakers on Capitol Hill remain unable to reach a bipartisan agreement on a health care reform plan, some policy analysts are questioning the congressional majority’s willingness to put partisan politics aside and work together to improve health care policy. “None of the Democratic proposals are ‘reform’; rather, they are ...

U.S. Gives FDA Power to Regulate Tobacco

Congress has approved a measure to regulate tobacco under the authority of the Food and Drug Administration for the first time in American history. The House of Representatives passed House Bill 1256, the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, by a 298-112 vote in April. The Senate followed suit ...
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