John R. Graham


Jindal: No Obamacare Exchange for Louisiana

As I discussed a few days ago, Georgia governor Deal also took some time to make a final decision on a Health Benefits Exchange. But he eventually made the right decision: No exchange. Read more here.

Nathan Deal Makes the Right Deal for Georgia

Governor Deal has undoubtedly realized that any collaboration with the Obamacrats merely allows Obamacare’s roots to grow deeper into the soil. Now instead of wasting time on a Health Benefits Exchange, Georgia’s legislators can spend their time considering more effective health reforms, a task which they appear to be taking ...
Health Care

Replacing Employer-Monopoly Health Benefits: Tax Deduction or Tax Credit?

Key Points The government forces most Americans to take health “benefits” chosen by HR managers who work for their employers. This leads to fragmentation, frustration and bureaucracy. Giving individuals ownership of their health dollars relies on reforming the federal tax code to give the tax benefits of health insurance to ...

Mitch Daniels’ Medicaid Reforms: The Perfect Vs. The Good

Because Governor Daniels has been shaky on this front (as I’ve already described), Cannon’s arguments against the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and against Governor Daniels’s accepting federal Obamacare grants have blurred together into an almost ad hominem criticism of Daniels. Turner, on the other hand, not only supports HIP but ...

One Way Massachusetts’ Commonwealth Connector Beats Utah’s Health Exchange

Soon after I started writing critically about the Utah Health Exchange, I received e-mails and phone calls from a businessperson with a financial interest in the success of that enterprise, scolding me for using information was out of date. The new Utah Health Exchange, re-launched in 2011, is going gangbusters, ...
Health Care

Has the Fight Against Obamacare Morphed into a Fight Against Government-Run Health Care?

The previous congressional majority managed to jam Obamacare down the throats of an increasingly resistant nation. Now the fight against Obamacare may have delivered a shock to the system that goes beyond the battle cry of “repeal and replace.” Serious health care reformers, however, still face some unpleasant realities. Public-opinion ...

Should Government Control Big Pharma’s Social-Media Marketing?

Note that the Naderites focus only on drugmakers: They express no concern whatsoever about anti-pharmaceutical zealots who go online to critize modern therapies, or adventurous trial lawyers who troll the Internet to recruit patients to join class action lawsuits against drugmakers. Read the entire article here.

Pro & Con: Should states block formation of health insurance exchanges?

In January, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled in favor of Georgia and 25 other states that the federal health reform law was unconstitutional. Last December, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson made a similar decision in a lawsuit brought by Virginia. The elected branches also are doing their part to ...

The Fight for Health Freedom Loses a Champion: Jack Calfee, RIP

When I got into health policy in 2000, my first projects focused on government intervention in prescription drugs: Patent law, the regulatory bureaucracy, restrictions on free speech (Direct-to-Consumer advertising, detailing physicians, et cetera). Jack Calfee was the giant in this field: His thorough, accurate, and diligent research demolished any legitimate ...

Obamacare Will Destroy Utah’s Health Exchange

None of this is surprising. What is surprising is that many people continue to believe that the Utah Health Exchange, launched in 2009 to increase small businesses’ health-insurance choices, can morph into some kind of foundation upon which a consumer-driven Obamacare can be built. Like many conservative health-policy analysts, I ...

Jindal: No Obamacare Exchange for Louisiana

As I discussed a few days ago, Georgia governor Deal also took some time to make a final decision on a Health Benefits Exchange. But he eventually made the right decision: No exchange. Read more here.

Nathan Deal Makes the Right Deal for Georgia

Governor Deal has undoubtedly realized that any collaboration with the Obamacrats merely allows Obamacare’s roots to grow deeper into the soil. Now instead of wasting time on a Health Benefits Exchange, Georgia’s legislators can spend their time considering more effective health reforms, a task which they appear to be taking ...
Health Care

Replacing Employer-Monopoly Health Benefits: Tax Deduction or Tax Credit?

Key Points The government forces most Americans to take health “benefits” chosen by HR managers who work for their employers. This leads to fragmentation, frustration and bureaucracy. Giving individuals ownership of their health dollars relies on reforming the federal tax code to give the tax benefits of health insurance to ...

Mitch Daniels’ Medicaid Reforms: The Perfect Vs. The Good

Because Governor Daniels has been shaky on this front (as I’ve already described), Cannon’s arguments against the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and against Governor Daniels’s accepting federal Obamacare grants have blurred together into an almost ad hominem criticism of Daniels. Turner, on the other hand, not only supports HIP but ...

One Way Massachusetts’ Commonwealth Connector Beats Utah’s Health Exchange

Soon after I started writing critically about the Utah Health Exchange, I received e-mails and phone calls from a businessperson with a financial interest in the success of that enterprise, scolding me for using information was out of date. The new Utah Health Exchange, re-launched in 2011, is going gangbusters, ...
Health Care

Has the Fight Against Obamacare Morphed into a Fight Against Government-Run Health Care?

The previous congressional majority managed to jam Obamacare down the throats of an increasingly resistant nation. Now the fight against Obamacare may have delivered a shock to the system that goes beyond the battle cry of “repeal and replace.” Serious health care reformers, however, still face some unpleasant realities. Public-opinion ...

Should Government Control Big Pharma’s Social-Media Marketing?

Note that the Naderites focus only on drugmakers: They express no concern whatsoever about anti-pharmaceutical zealots who go online to critize modern therapies, or adventurous trial lawyers who troll the Internet to recruit patients to join class action lawsuits against drugmakers. Read the entire article here.

Pro & Con: Should states block formation of health insurance exchanges?

In January, U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson ruled in favor of Georgia and 25 other states that the federal health reform law was unconstitutional. Last December, U.S. District Judge Henry Hudson made a similar decision in a lawsuit brought by Virginia. The elected branches also are doing their part to ...

The Fight for Health Freedom Loses a Champion: Jack Calfee, RIP

When I got into health policy in 2000, my first projects focused on government intervention in prescription drugs: Patent law, the regulatory bureaucracy, restrictions on free speech (Direct-to-Consumer advertising, detailing physicians, et cetera). Jack Calfee was the giant in this field: His thorough, accurate, and diligent research demolished any legitimate ...

Obamacare Will Destroy Utah’s Health Exchange

None of this is surprising. What is surprising is that many people continue to believe that the Utah Health Exchange, launched in 2009 to increase small businesses’ health-insurance choices, can morph into some kind of foundation upon which a consumer-driven Obamacare can be built. Like many conservative health-policy analysts, I ...
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