John R. Graham

Health Care

Beyond ObamaCare: The Ninth and Tenth Amendments and the “Right to Health Care”

Key Points: Libertarians and conservatives need not fear a “right to health care,” because defining such a right prevents ObamaCare and similar federal interference, according to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. A number of legislators and attorneys general have decided to challenge ObamaCare on constitutional grounds, citing the Tenth Amendment, ...

San Francisco Bans Happy Meals for Kids

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]In a column written back in August, I explained that this is the result of an unchecked and bloated public-health bureaucracy.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Election Gives States Momentum to Defeat Obamacare

Yesterday’s election resulted in a resounding setback for Obamacare. The federal government takeover of Americans’ access to medical services will suffer significant setbacks in the new Congress. While Congress works towards repeal, states have to choose whether to enable or obstruct Obamacare, which will further pummel states’ fiscal situations. If ...
Health Care

Galen Institute Health Care Panel


Federal Pre-Emption Has a Place, but Maybe Not This One

Jay Lefkowitz and Michael Shumsky (“Obama Embraces the ‘Pre-Emption’ Doctrine,” op-ed, Sept. 14) make some valid arguments applicable to legal trade-offs between states’ product-liability laws and the Food and Drug Administration’s labeling regulations. However, they are off-base in describing the FDA as “cash-strapped.” The FDA’s spending on the regulation of ...
Health Care

GOP Pledge on Health Care: “Repeal” is Great; “Replace” Needs Work

Read my entire response at National Review Online .
Health Care

Orszag Versus Medicaid

Read the entire column at National Review Online.

Governor Schwarzenegger: Don’t Build This Wall!

One of President Reagan’s most famous quotes was his appeal to Soviet Communist Party Chairman Gorbachev to “tear down this wall!” Governor Schwarzenegger has a similar opportunity to prevent a wall that limits people’s freedom from being built in the first place. ObamaCare relies on states to implement most of ...

Prices in Health Care

I’ve never met anyone who advocated that: They know that our homes would be leaky and mold-infested, our cars belching smoke and unsafe, our diet consisting almost solely of spoiled potatoes, and our clothing rough and ill-fitting. Read more about the role of prices in health care in a dialogue ...

State health exchange will slash, not boost, choice

Anticipating repeal, states are using a variety of tactics to oppose Obamacare, but in California the Legislature is trying to rush it into existence. That should concern every Californian, especially Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unless repealed, Obamacare will require every American not dependent on government health plans like Medicaid or Medicare, ...
Health Care

Beyond ObamaCare: The Ninth and Tenth Amendments and the “Right to Health Care”

Key Points: Libertarians and conservatives need not fear a “right to health care,” because defining such a right prevents ObamaCare and similar federal interference, according to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments. A number of legislators and attorneys general have decided to challenge ObamaCare on constitutional grounds, citing the Tenth Amendment, ...

San Francisco Bans Happy Meals for Kids

[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_column_text]In a column written back in August, I explained that this is the result of an unchecked and bloated public-health bureaucracy.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Election Gives States Momentum to Defeat Obamacare

Yesterday’s election resulted in a resounding setback for Obamacare. The federal government takeover of Americans’ access to medical services will suffer significant setbacks in the new Congress. While Congress works towards repeal, states have to choose whether to enable or obstruct Obamacare, which will further pummel states’ fiscal situations. If ...
Health Care

Galen Institute Health Care Panel


Federal Pre-Emption Has a Place, but Maybe Not This One

Jay Lefkowitz and Michael Shumsky (“Obama Embraces the ‘Pre-Emption’ Doctrine,” op-ed, Sept. 14) make some valid arguments applicable to legal trade-offs between states’ product-liability laws and the Food and Drug Administration’s labeling regulations. However, they are off-base in describing the FDA as “cash-strapped.” The FDA’s spending on the regulation of ...
Health Care

GOP Pledge on Health Care: “Repeal” is Great; “Replace” Needs Work

Read my entire response at National Review Online .
Health Care

Orszag Versus Medicaid

Read the entire column at National Review Online.

Governor Schwarzenegger: Don’t Build This Wall!

One of President Reagan’s most famous quotes was his appeal to Soviet Communist Party Chairman Gorbachev to “tear down this wall!” Governor Schwarzenegger has a similar opportunity to prevent a wall that limits people’s freedom from being built in the first place. ObamaCare relies on states to implement most of ...

Prices in Health Care

I’ve never met anyone who advocated that: They know that our homes would be leaky and mold-infested, our cars belching smoke and unsafe, our diet consisting almost solely of spoiled potatoes, and our clothing rough and ill-fitting. Read more about the role of prices in health care in a dialogue ...

State health exchange will slash, not boost, choice

Anticipating repeal, states are using a variety of tactics to oppose Obamacare, but in California the Legislature is trying to rush it into existence. That should concern every Californian, especially Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger. Unless repealed, Obamacare will require every American not dependent on government health plans like Medicaid or Medicare, ...
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