John Laplante


High-Risk Pools v. Community Rating and the Individual Mandate

Here’s a little intra-mural squabble that I haven’t gotten into much on this site: Is support for an individual insurance mandate compatible with consumer-driven health care? I’ve periodically linked to Who Killed Health Care?, a book by Regina Herzlinger, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and professor at the Harvard ...
Business & Economics

The Entrepreneur’s Insurance

The Pacific Research Institute has a new report that sketches out what the U.S. would be were people free to buy what it calls “entrepreneurs’ coverage” for health insurance, otherwise disparagingly known as “bare bones coverage.” Such policies don’t have the requirements (payments for chiropractors, marriage counselors, pregnancy benefits for ...

High-Risk Pools v. Community Rating and the Individual Mandate

Here’s a little intra-mural squabble that I haven’t gotten into much on this site: Is support for an individual insurance mandate compatible with consumer-driven health care? I’ve periodically linked to Who Killed Health Care?, a book by Regina Herzlinger, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and professor at the Harvard ...
Business & Economics

The Entrepreneur’s Insurance

The Pacific Research Institute has a new report that sketches out what the U.S. would be were people free to buy what it calls “entrepreneurs’ coverage” for health insurance, otherwise disparagingly known as “bare bones coverage.” Such policies don’t have the requirements (payments for chiropractors, marriage counselors, pregnancy benefits for ...
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