Jeffrey H. Anderson


Delay, Repeal, Replace

Watching Congress take the final steps to pass Obamacare in March 2010 was a bitterly disappointing moment for the law’s opponents. They didn’t have to be told that what was being rammed through the House and Senate was the largest power grab by the federal government in at least a ...
Business & Economics

Weekly Standard: The Obamacare Bowl

Have you ever watched a football game in which a team runs the ball seemingly at will and wins in a rout? And then, in a rematch, that same team for no good reason throws the ball repeatedly, with little success? Meet Team Republican. In 2010, it ran Obama­care down ...
Business & Economics

Our federal financial nightmares revealed … and how to fix them

During this week’s GOP presidential debate, Michele Bachmann twice said the federal government is spending about “40 percent more” than what it takes in. If only we were in such good shape. The federal government has actually been spending about 75 percent more than what it takes in. For every ...

The Other Way to Repeal Obamacare

It’s hard to see any downside to such a proposal. The federal government has clearly acquired far too much power, many members of this Congress and this administration are at a loss to name any limits to the scope of federal power, and the erosion of federalism has severely compromised ...

Obamacare Ruled Constitutional; Americans Favor Repeal Almost 2 to 1

A federal district judge in Virginia ruled on Monday that the keystone provision in the Obama health care law is unconstitutional, becoming the first court in the country to invalidate any part of the sprawling act…. The individual mandate – the requirement that Americans buy federally approved health insurance whether ...

Most Americans Happy with Health Care they Have Now

Of particular note, 87 percent of Americans who have private health insurance and make between $30,000 and $74,999 rate their health care as “excellent” or “good.” In that same income range, 58 percent of Americans without health insurance also rate their health care as “excellent” or “good.” These numbers beg ...

By 21 Points, Americans Want Repeal

By a margin of more than 5 to 1 (68 to 12 percent), independents think Obamacare would cause deficits to rise, not fall. Also by a margin of more than 5 to 1 (57 to 11 percent), independents think it would make the quality of health care worse, not better. ...

Obamacare ‘Rule,’ 347 Pages, 118,072 Words

This “rule” (that’s what they call it) was signed by HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius and by Medicare administrator Donald Berwick, who — as the Medical News reports — “will testify before a congressional committee [today] for the first time since President Barack Obama avoided the Senate confirmation process” in appointing ...

Serious Proposals to Reduce Debt

But the commission has missed, or perhaps willingly overlooked, a couple of far more inviting targets: $747 billion, currently slated for exchange subsidies, that would be saved by repealing Obamacare; and $540 billion, currently slated for a drastic expansion of Medicaid and CHIP, that likewise would be saved by repealing ...

Kill It, Don’t Treat It

Americans have sent members of the party supporting repeal to Congress in droves, while sending equal numbers of the party supporting Obamacare packing. House Republicans will surely pass a repeal bill shortly after taking control of Congress in January. The Democrats will kill it, if not in the Senate then ...

Delay, Repeal, Replace

Watching Congress take the final steps to pass Obamacare in March 2010 was a bitterly disappointing moment for the law’s opponents. They didn’t have to be told that what was being rammed through the House and Senate was the largest power grab by the federal government in at least a ...
Business & Economics

Weekly Standard: The Obamacare Bowl

Have you ever watched a football game in which a team runs the ball seemingly at will and wins in a rout? And then, in a rematch, that same team for no good reason throws the ball repeatedly, with little success? Meet Team Republican. In 2010, it ran Obama­care down ...
Business & Economics

Our federal financial nightmares revealed … and how to fix them

During this week’s GOP presidential debate, Michele Bachmann twice said the federal government is spending about “40 percent more” than what it takes in. If only we were in such good shape. The federal government has actually been spending about 75 percent more than what it takes in. For every ...

The Other Way to Repeal Obamacare

It’s hard to see any downside to such a proposal. The federal government has clearly acquired far too much power, many members of this Congress and this administration are at a loss to name any limits to the scope of federal power, and the erosion of federalism has severely compromised ...

Obamacare Ruled Constitutional; Americans Favor Repeal Almost 2 to 1

A federal district judge in Virginia ruled on Monday that the keystone provision in the Obama health care law is unconstitutional, becoming the first court in the country to invalidate any part of the sprawling act…. The individual mandate – the requirement that Americans buy federally approved health insurance whether ...

Most Americans Happy with Health Care they Have Now

Of particular note, 87 percent of Americans who have private health insurance and make between $30,000 and $74,999 rate their health care as “excellent” or “good.” In that same income range, 58 percent of Americans without health insurance also rate their health care as “excellent” or “good.” These numbers beg ...

By 21 Points, Americans Want Repeal

By a margin of more than 5 to 1 (68 to 12 percent), independents think Obamacare would cause deficits to rise, not fall. Also by a margin of more than 5 to 1 (57 to 11 percent), independents think it would make the quality of health care worse, not better. ...

Obamacare ‘Rule,’ 347 Pages, 118,072 Words

This “rule” (that’s what they call it) was signed by HHS secretary Kathleen Sebelius and by Medicare administrator Donald Berwick, who — as the Medical News reports — “will testify before a congressional committee [today] for the first time since President Barack Obama avoided the Senate confirmation process” in appointing ...

Serious Proposals to Reduce Debt

But the commission has missed, or perhaps willingly overlooked, a couple of far more inviting targets: $747 billion, currently slated for exchange subsidies, that would be saved by repealing Obamacare; and $540 billion, currently slated for a drastic expansion of Medicaid and CHIP, that likewise would be saved by repealing ...

Kill It, Don’t Treat It

Americans have sent members of the party supporting repeal to Congress in droves, while sending equal numbers of the party supporting Obamacare packing. House Republicans will surely pass a repeal bill shortly after taking control of Congress in January. The Democrats will kill it, if not in the Senate then ...
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