Henry Miller, M.S., M.D.


Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ is poking at corporate activists

Many of America’s largest public corporations recently made a commitment in principle to their “stakeholders,” which included working with their communities and “protect[ing] the environment by embracing sustainable practices.” Leaders of 181 of the 193 member companies of the prominent Business Roundtable promised to “deliver value.” It gave us a sense of ...

President Trump wants you to get your flu shot

Influenza — the flu — is more than a bad cold. Seasonal outbreaks mean not only misery but increased hospital admissions and deaths. The last flu season, from October 2018 until May 2019, caused up to 42.9 million illnesses, up to 647,000 hospitalizations and up to 61,200 deaths, according to preliminary ...

It’s the Illegal Products, Stupid

There’s an old joke about the drunk who’s hunting for his lost keys under the streetlamp, not because he thinks they’re there, but because the light is good. Well, that’s what federal and state officials are doing to address two recent major public health threats: opioid overdoses and vaping-related illnesses. ...

Much Of The Buzz About Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Is Wrong

Genetic engineering has delivered monumental scientific, technological, and humanitarian achievements – from producing human insulin in bacteria and gene therapy to treat genetic diseases to increasing food security and reducing malnutrition in developing countries.  But it continues to face brickbats, sometimes from unexpected directions. The most recent were directed at ...
Climate Change

The Rush To Renewable Energy Defies Science, Economics, And Common Sense

Whether it’s the Green New Deal, in which climate change abatement is only one of several radical proposals, or the general brainwashing of the younger generations about the impending end of the world, the absence of rational analysis and the willful ignorance of facts is counterproductive. Rather than promoting a ...

Henry Miller Joins the Lars Larson Show

Henry Miller discussed the dangers of genetically modified mosquito and how regulations could be blocking more safe sunscreen from being sold in the United States on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. You can listen to Henry’s interview starting at the 46:00 minute mark.

Organic Industry Anti-Pesticide Propaganda Threatens to Cripple American Agriculture

In The Wealth of Nations, the 18th century economist and philosopher Adam Smith observed about the chicanery of some businessmen, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” ...

We Need A Regulatory Reformer to Head The FDA

The Trump administration is conducting a search for a replacement for Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who resigned as head of the Food and Drug Administration in March. The position is one of the most important in the federal government, because the FDA is ubiquitous in Americans’ lives. The agency regulates pharmaceutical ...

Cutting Medical Costs Can Be a Bargain

Much of the medical progress in the past half-century has involved expensive, high-tech diagnostic tests and therapies. But it would be a mistake to gainsay the value of inexpensive, low-tech innovations. Consider the problem of falls, which are both a cause and effect of declining health in the elderly. They ...

We Need to Defend the Miracle of Vaccination

Infectious diseases that used to claim the lives of 1-in-6 children before their fifth year are making an alarming comeback in the United States. The culprits are parents who should know better—and the politicians who accommodate them. Parents of small children today no longer know the fear—much less the reality—of ...

Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ is poking at corporate activists

Many of America’s largest public corporations recently made a commitment in principle to their “stakeholders,” which included working with their communities and “protect[ing] the environment by embracing sustainable practices.” Leaders of 181 of the 193 member companies of the prominent Business Roundtable promised to “deliver value.” It gave us a sense of ...

President Trump wants you to get your flu shot

Influenza — the flu — is more than a bad cold. Seasonal outbreaks mean not only misery but increased hospital admissions and deaths. The last flu season, from October 2018 until May 2019, caused up to 42.9 million illnesses, up to 647,000 hospitalizations and up to 61,200 deaths, according to preliminary ...

It’s the Illegal Products, Stupid

There’s an old joke about the drunk who’s hunting for his lost keys under the streetlamp, not because he thinks they’re there, but because the light is good. Well, that’s what federal and state officials are doing to address two recent major public health threats: opioid overdoses and vaping-related illnesses. ...

Much Of The Buzz About Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Is Wrong

Genetic engineering has delivered monumental scientific, technological, and humanitarian achievements – from producing human insulin in bacteria and gene therapy to treat genetic diseases to increasing food security and reducing malnutrition in developing countries.  But it continues to face brickbats, sometimes from unexpected directions. The most recent were directed at ...
Climate Change

The Rush To Renewable Energy Defies Science, Economics, And Common Sense

Whether it’s the Green New Deal, in which climate change abatement is only one of several radical proposals, or the general brainwashing of the younger generations about the impending end of the world, the absence of rational analysis and the willful ignorance of facts is counterproductive. Rather than promoting a ...

Henry Miller Joins the Lars Larson Show

Henry Miller discussed the dangers of genetically modified mosquito and how regulations could be blocking more safe sunscreen from being sold in the United States on the nationally-syndicated Lars Larson Show. You can listen to Henry’s interview starting at the 46:00 minute mark.

Organic Industry Anti-Pesticide Propaganda Threatens to Cripple American Agriculture

In The Wealth of Nations, the 18th century economist and philosopher Adam Smith observed about the chicanery of some businessmen, “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.” ...

We Need A Regulatory Reformer to Head The FDA

The Trump administration is conducting a search for a replacement for Dr. Scott Gottlieb, who resigned as head of the Food and Drug Administration in March. The position is one of the most important in the federal government, because the FDA is ubiquitous in Americans’ lives. The agency regulates pharmaceutical ...

Cutting Medical Costs Can Be a Bargain

Much of the medical progress in the past half-century has involved expensive, high-tech diagnostic tests and therapies. But it would be a mistake to gainsay the value of inexpensive, low-tech innovations. Consider the problem of falls, which are both a cause and effect of declining health in the elderly. They ...

We Need to Defend the Miracle of Vaccination

Infectious diseases that used to claim the lives of 1-in-6 children before their fifth year are making an alarming comeback in the United States. The culprits are parents who should know better—and the politicians who accommodate them. Parents of small children today no longer know the fear—much less the reality—of ...
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