Clark Judge


Flash: Obamacare Dangerous To Health of Poor

Well, Halleluiah.  The Obamacare website is up and running. Of course, at only half a million applications processed so far… and accounting for the ones that the system garbled or couldn’t verify or seems to have lost… and anticipating the tens of millions of Americans predicted to lose coverage once ...
Business & Economics

Arthur Laffer in San Francisco

On Thursday night last week, supply-side luminary Arthur Laffer spoke to the Pacific Research Institute’s annual dinner in San Francisco. Laffer is among the most consequential economists of the last half century. Though lampooned and denounced on the left, his Laffer Curve has had a greater impact on American and ...
Business & Economics

Where Does White House Health Overhaul Policy Go Now?

By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group and former Special Assistant and Speechwriter to President Reagan On Sunday the Rasmussen organization reported that 42 percent of likely voters had told them they strong disapprove of the president’s job performance. At this rate it is not out of ...

Flash: Obamacare Dangerous To Health of Poor

Well, Halleluiah.  The Obamacare website is up and running. Of course, at only half a million applications processed so far… and accounting for the ones that the system garbled or couldn’t verify or seems to have lost… and anticipating the tens of millions of Americans predicted to lose coverage once ...
Business & Economics

Arthur Laffer in San Francisco

On Thursday night last week, supply-side luminary Arthur Laffer spoke to the Pacific Research Institute’s annual dinner in San Francisco. Laffer is among the most consequential economists of the last half century. Though lampooned and denounced on the left, his Laffer Curve has had a greater impact on American and ...
Business & Economics

Where Does White House Health Overhaul Policy Go Now?

By Clark S. Judge, managing director, White House Writers Group and former Special Assistant and Speechwriter to President Reagan On Sunday the Rasmussen organization reported that 42 percent of likely voters had told them they strong disapprove of the president’s job performance. At this rate it is not out of ...