Carlos Muhletaler

Health Care

PRI’s John R. Graham visits the Paddock

Healthcare Horserace (American Liberty Alliance), June 15, 2009 As the debate on Capitol Hill continues to focus on just how much government is too much government in the healthcare industry, we thought you might like to hear an alternative point of view. So, we enlisted John R. Graham, Director of ...
Business & Economics

The Legal Problems Facing Florida Demand Attention From Our Legislators

Letter to the Editor: Florida’s legal system is in shamble as indicated by three national rankings. Several months ago the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) ranked South Florida as the No. 2 “judicial hellhole” in the nation. A few months later the Pacific Research Institute ranked Florida’s entire legal system ...
Business & Economics

Judicial races much too vital to bypass in the voting booth

From health care and community safety to schools and the economy, and just plain fairness in our courts, Florida’s judges make decisions every day that affect our lives. Yet for most Floridians, the judiciary is the least understood branch of government. In the primary election on Aug. 26, Florida voters ...
Business & Economics

Crist’s court appointments can end ‘lawsuit lottery’

As the media fixate on Sen. John McCain’s short list of potential running mates, the eye of America is focused on Gov. Charlie Crist. But as Crist’s attention is increasingly lured toward the presidential campaign, he must not fail to recognize his responsibility to the people of Florida. Florida is ...
Business & Economics

The ball’s in Crist’s court

Governor has opportunity to remake Florida’s judiciary Charlie Crist will pick four new justices to serve on Florida’s highest court. Two justices have announced their plans to resign, and two are scheduled to retire. This presents the governor with the opportunities to fill four vacancies on the Florida Supreme Court. ...
Business & Economics

Court picks are key

Letters to the Editor Crist’s court | May 30 Court picks are key In this opinion piece, Martin Dyckman is correct in stating that Gov. Charlie Crist will be making one of the most important decisions of his entire governorship in the coming months. Due to two resignations and two ...
Business & Economics

Florida Legislature needed to act to stop lawsuit abuse

I realize that our legislators have been working in an uncomfortable climate as they allocate a very limited budget and try to give Floridians a helping hand during this economic slump. Unfortunately, the one thing Floridians can count on is that the “lawsuit tax” — the $880 each Floridian pays ...
Business & Economics

Still more work to do

Editor, Daily News: Less than two weeks remain in the 2008 Florida legislative session and it appears that common-sense legal reform will not be addressed. Unfortunately, Florida’s budget crisis has commanded the attention of our legislators, and important legal reforms like “expert witnesses” and “emergency health-care providers” will probably not ...
Health Care

PRI’s John R. Graham visits the Paddock

Healthcare Horserace (American Liberty Alliance), June 15, 2009 As the debate on Capitol Hill continues to focus on just how much government is too much government in the healthcare industry, we thought you might like to hear an alternative point of view. So, we enlisted John R. Graham, Director of ...
Business & Economics

The Legal Problems Facing Florida Demand Attention From Our Legislators

Letter to the Editor: Florida’s legal system is in shamble as indicated by three national rankings. Several months ago the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) ranked South Florida as the No. 2 “judicial hellhole” in the nation. A few months later the Pacific Research Institute ranked Florida’s entire legal system ...
Business & Economics

Judicial races much too vital to bypass in the voting booth

From health care and community safety to schools and the economy, and just plain fairness in our courts, Florida’s judges make decisions every day that affect our lives. Yet for most Floridians, the judiciary is the least understood branch of government. In the primary election on Aug. 26, Florida voters ...
Business & Economics

Crist’s court appointments can end ‘lawsuit lottery’

As the media fixate on Sen. John McCain’s short list of potential running mates, the eye of America is focused on Gov. Charlie Crist. But as Crist’s attention is increasingly lured toward the presidential campaign, he must not fail to recognize his responsibility to the people of Florida. Florida is ...
Business & Economics

The ball’s in Crist’s court

Governor has opportunity to remake Florida’s judiciary Charlie Crist will pick four new justices to serve on Florida’s highest court. Two justices have announced their plans to resign, and two are scheduled to retire. This presents the governor with the opportunities to fill four vacancies on the Florida Supreme Court. ...
Business & Economics

Court picks are key

Letters to the Editor Crist’s court | May 30 Court picks are key In this opinion piece, Martin Dyckman is correct in stating that Gov. Charlie Crist will be making one of the most important decisions of his entire governorship in the coming months. Due to two resignations and two ...
Business & Economics

Florida Legislature needed to act to stop lawsuit abuse

I realize that our legislators have been working in an uncomfortable climate as they allocate a very limited budget and try to give Floridians a helping hand during this economic slump. Unfortunately, the one thing Floridians can count on is that the “lawsuit tax” — the $880 each Floridian pays ...
Business & Economics

Still more work to do

Editor, Daily News: Less than two weeks remain in the 2008 Florida legislative session and it appears that common-sense legal reform will not be addressed. Unfortunately, Florida’s budget crisis has commanded the attention of our legislators, and important legal reforms like “expert witnesses” and “emergency health-care providers” will probably not ...
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