AG Bonta’s Recycling Hypocrisy Will Harm Consumers


Vilifying businesses through dramatic lawsuits has unfortunately become a strategy used to raise politicians’ profiles in the hope that they can further climb the political ladder.

California’s Attorney General Rob Bonta is suing ExxonMobil over accusations of deception. Allegedly, the company deceived Californians for nearly 50 years “by promising that recycling could and would solve the ever-growing plastic waste crisis,” even though ExxonMobil knew that it could never handle “more than a tiny fraction of the plastic waste it produces.”

The AG may envision himself as an environmental savior, but his lawsuit is merely a hypocritical ploy to garner political attention at the expense of families throughout the country. California’s continued efforts to promote recycling as part of the solution to plastic pollution exemplifies the lawsuit’s hypocrisy.

Read the entire op-ed in Forbes.

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