A British Lord’s Warning: Steer Clear of Single-Payer Healthcare

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It’s easy to see why. The NHS has not hit key targets — like four-hour emergency room waits and 62-day waits between initial referral and first cancer treatment — since 2015. As of July, over 7.6 million people were waiting for NHS services in England, including 290,000 who had been waiting more than a year.

Two hundred and fifty years ago, a group of Americans sounded the alarm about the oppressive government policies being propagated by British lords.

Today, the tables have turned.

This month, Lord Ara Darzi presented the United Kingdom’s Secretary of State for Health and Social Care with a devastating report on the state of the National Health Service. An independent peer and surgeon, Lord Darzi concluded that “the National Health Service is in serious trouble.”

Read the full article in Forbes.

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