Kamala Harris’ worst plan yet: bringing the NHS to America

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Is private health care returning to Britain? Labour’s reform plan for the National Health Service attempted to suggest as much. Keir Starmer quixotically promised that Labour will deliver some two million more appointments, scans, and procedures annually with the help of the private sector.

Something, of course, must be done. Less than one in four people are satisfied with the NHS and its outdated centralised system of universal coverage, which routinely fails to provide adequate services. Some 7.6 million patients, including individuals suffering from cancer, are waiting to start treatment. About half have waited more than four months. Many have anguished for over a year.

Despite these problems, across the Atlantic US politicians have been dreaming of importing this deeply flawed system under the banner of “Medicare for All.” As the British people increasingly turn towards the private sector to address obvious government failure, the United States has begun moving in the opposite direction.

Read the full article in The Telegraph

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