Energy Transition Or Not, Permitting Reform Is Essential

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A reliable energy infrastructure that embraces innovation is essential. Without it, U.S. consumers may lose the capacity to cool our homes when needed, run our appliances on demand, and even earn a living. Ensuring continued energy reliability requires reforms that lessen the burdens associated with federal energy, environmental, and permitting regulations.

Counterproductively, many environmental groups want to confine any deregulatory benefits exclusively to politically favored technologies. Undoubtedly, broad-based regulatory reforms are essential for developing the alternative energy technologies that the Biden Administration claims are essential given the risks associated with global climate change.

But economic and technological reality dictate that the reforms must also apply to traditional energy sources. Confining the benefits to politically favored resources will jeopardize energy reliability and, ironically, will inhibit the development of politically favored alternative technologies.

Click to read the full article in Forbes. 

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