PRI Webinar: Will Small Business Thrive in the Biden Administration?

February 9, 2021

Join us on
Feb 9, 2021
11:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)


Join PRI for a special discussion with Andy Puzder, former head of CKE Restaurants, about the future of American small business under the Biden administration. Puzder will discuss pending policies by President Biden including raising the minimum wage, tax increases, regulations, and economic responses at the federal and state level due to the coronavirus pandemic. Andy Puzder is the former chief executive office of CKE Restaurants, where he helped turn Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. into global fast food chains. Puzder became CEO in 2000 and led CKE out of serious financial difficulties. Under his leadership, CKE expanded to over 3,800 restaurants. Puzder previously served as a high-profile trial lawyer and has written two several books on job creation and the free market economy.

About Andy Puzder

Andrew Puzder is the former chief executive of CKE Restaurants, where he helped turn Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. into globally known fast food powerhouses. Starting as founder Carl Karcher’s personal attorney in 1986, Puzder became CEO in 2000 and led the company out of serious financial difficulties. Under his leadership, CKE expanded to over 3,800 restaurants.


Puzder is a frequent lecturer on economics and politics for various groups and associations as well as at colleges and universities. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Pepperdine School of Public Policy, a member of the Washington University Law School’s Board of Advisors, a Director at The Job Creators Network, on the Advisory Board at Prager University.


In 2010, Puzder co-authored the book titled Job Creation: How It Really Works and Why Government Doesn’t Understand It and in 2018, he authored The Capitalist Comeback: The Trump Boom and the Left’s Plot to Stop It. His latest two pieces, Broadsides by Encounter Books, Getting America Back to Work and It’s Time to Let America Work Again, were released in 2020.

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